Winter Solstice Ball


When Lestat kills Rhoshamandes, the Court of the Prince at Château de Lioncourt celebrates by throwing a Winter Solstice Ball in the Château’s massive ballroom, a unique event without precedence in the long history of immortal blood drinkers. The occasion also celebrates the establishment of the first harmonious vampire court in the six-thousand-year history of the race.

More than two thousand vampires attend the ball, ancient and young alike. Because the ballroom’s capacity is limited to one thousand immortals, many must dance on the terrace, in corridors, and in adjacent rooms, although it is possible that the older vampires in attendance use the Cloud Gift to dance in the air, on the ceiling, and on the walls.

The Winter Solstice Ball appears in Blood Communion (2018). For more perspectives on the ball, read the Alphabettery entries Château de Lioncourt, Lestat de Lioncourt, and Rhoshamandes.