Academic study
of decision making
of strategy
Accountability, lack of, negative effects
Adjustments to judgment
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
examples of
in execution phase
people judgment calls
strategy judgment calls
See also Redo loop
Akers, John, IBM crisis
Allen, Barry
Allen, Bob
Allison, Graham
Ameritech. See Notebaert, Dick; Weiss, Bill
Anderson, Brad
Best Buy growth under
customer-centric strategy
framing/naming call
frontline leaders
key lessons from
operating mechanism of
organizational knowledge, use of
strategy judgment calls
WOLF (Women’s Leadership Forum)
Antoine, Dick
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, Lance
Armstrong, Michael, AT&T failure under
Avian flu scare
Baker, James
Barnard, Jesse
Behavioral economics
Beller, Ron
Bennett, Steve
board of directors, participation of
community outreach
frontline leaders
key lessons from
stakeholder knowledge, use of
Best Buy. See Anderson, Brad Bhopal explosion
Bloomberg, Michael
judgment calls of
New York City schools transformation
See also Klein, Joel; Knowling, Bob
Board of directors, and knowledge creation
Boeing. See McNerney, Jim
Boiled frog phenomenon
Bossidy, Larry
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Brent Spar incident
Brimm, Michael
Brown, Dick
Buffett, Warren
Burke, Jim, Tylenol crisis
Burlingame, John
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Call phase
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
elements of
people judgment calls
team members
Capability building and making judgments
Carlyle, Thomas
Carnap, Rudolf
Caterpillar. See Owens, Jim
CEO succession
good choices, examples of
Immelt, selection as CEO
importance of
internal versus external candidates
judgment calls, phases of
and leadership pipeline
poor choices, examples of
preparation phase
transformation plus succession actions
Welch, selection as CEO
Chambers, John, Cisco crisis
Chaos, reality of
and courage
elements of
leadership judgment, examples of
and trust of others
and TPOVs
Charan, Ram
Chen, Steve
Churchill, Winston
Circuit City. See Schoonover, Phil Cisco crisis
Clark, Richard
Clinton, Bill
Coaching, and CEO succession
Coffin, Charles
Cognitive maps
Commitment, positive impact of
engaging, benefits of
quality of life factors
Conaty, Bill
Condit, Phil
and judgment calls
knowledge of
Contextual knowledge
and judgment calls
questions to ask
See also Stakeholder knowledge; Teamwork and judgment
and character
examples of
and obstacles
and taking action
Creative solutions
Credibility, data-based, negative impact of
leader anticipation of
leadership crisis
poor people judgments as cause
Crisis judgment calls
adjustments to judgment
call phase
components of
execution phase
framing/naming call
good choices, examples of
leadership actions
leadership capacity, enhancing
military. See Downing, Wayne mobilizing/aligning people
poor choices, examples of
sensing/identifying need for
storyline for
triage nurse
and TPOVs
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Cuban missile crisis
Cunningham, Father William, Focus: HOPE
Customer-centric strategy
Damasio, Antonio
academic study of
compared to judgment
Dell, Michael
poor strategy judgment of
Dimon, Jamie
Discrimination, racial
Domains, judgment-making. See Judgment calls
Downing, Wayne
on call phase
on crisis judgment calls
crisis judgment calls of
key lessons from
Noriega, capture of
on people judgment calls
redo loop, use of
on sure instinct
on timing and judgment
Dream sessions
Drook, Gary
Drucker, Peter
Dulles, John Foster
Dunlap, Al
Ebbers, Bernie
Welch on
Edison, Thomas
80/20 Rule
Eisenhower, Dwight
Emotional factors
energy, positive, generating
and judgment calls
people judgment calls
Enrico, Roger, leadership development program
Etzioni, Amitai
Execution phase
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
elements of
people judgment calls
strategy judgment calls
team members
Experience, judgment from
examples of
judgment journeyline
Exxon Mobil
CEO succession
Exxon Valdez
leadership pipeline
Fastow, Andy
Festinger, Leon
Fingerspitzengefühl (sure instinct)
Fiorina, Carly
firing of
hiring, poor judgment call
HP failure under
Firestone tire crisis
Firing people
importance of
and making judgments
Focus: HOPE. See Cunningham, Father William; Josaitis, Eleanor
Ford, Bill
Ford, Gerald
Ford Motors. See Nasser, Jac Forrester, Jay W.
Framing/naming call
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
judgment calls
people judgment calls
Frontline leaders
Anderson/Best Buy
Frontline leaders
development of
skills of
as teachers
Gallo, Kathy
crisis judgment calls of
on judgment from experience
sensing/identifying, need for judgment call
Galvin, Christopher
Gardner, John
Geek Squad
General Electric (GE). See Immelt, Jeff; Welch, Jack
George, Alexander
George, Bill
on authentic leadership
on pressure to succeed
on team work
Gerstner, Lou
framing/naming call
hiring of
IBM success under
Gilbert, Daniel
Gilbert, Julie
Gilmartin, Ray
hiring of
Merck failure under
Vioxx crisis
Gladwell, Malcolm
Global Business Partnership (GBP) crisis
Globalization, GE
Goizueta, Roberto
Greed, and judgment calls
Greenstein, Fred
Groopman, Jerome
Group think
Grove, Andy
courage of
Intel success under
on strategic inflection points
Hackett, Jim
on character/values
key lessons from
wall panel recall decision
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hardek, Moria
Henretta, Deb, as leader, selection of
Henry IV (Shakespeare)
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Herkstroter, Cor
Hewlett-Packard (HP). See Fiorina, Carly; Hurd, Mark
Human resources
judgment capability, creating
system, assessment of
Hurd, Mark
framing/naming call
HP success under
key lessons from
people judgment calls of
IBM crisis
Immelt, Jeff
Amersham purchase
on courage
cross-business applications
Crotonville leadership institute
on decision-making
dream sessions
GE growth under
GE values under
Growth Process at GE
growth tools, use of
key lessons from
leadership tasks, scope of
nanotechnology strategy
R&D strategy
selection as CEO
stakeholder knowledge, use of
storyline of
strategic judgment calls of
GE R&D strategy
requirements for
Instinct, importance of
Integrity. See Character
Intuit. See Bennett, Steve
Jager, Durk, P&G failure under
Janis, Irving
Jett, Joe
Jobs, Steven
John E. Welsh Leadership Center
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Jones, Reg
Josaitis, Eleanor
courage of
Focus: HOPE, building
key lessons from
academic study of
compared to decision-making
emotional factors
and thinking process
Judgment and leadership
contextual aspects
decision-making framework
domains. See Judgment calls
and edge
framing process of
good judgment, hallmarks of
importance of
and instinct
judgment process (chart)
and knowledge creation
phases in judgment process. See Judgment calls
stakeholders, participation of
and Teachable Points of View (TPOVs)
and touch
and U.S. presidents
Judgment calls
adjustments to
call phase
crisis judgment calls
execution phase
and experience
as flow of events
framing/naming call
judgment calls matrix
knowledge required for. See Knowledge creation
mobilizing/aligning people in
negative behaviors affecting
people judgment calls
preparation phase of
sensing/identifying need for
strategy judgment calls
and thinking process
and timing
Judgment matrix
judgment calls
people judgment calls
Kadushin, Charles
Kahneman, Daniel
Keats, John
Kennedy, Carolyn
Kennedy, John F.
Ketchum, Mark
Kidder Peabody, GE purchase
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Klein, Gary
Klein, Joel
and Bob Knowling
challenges to job
key lessons from
New York City schools transformation
people judgment calls
Knowledge creation
by board of directors
challenges to job
components of
contextual knowledge
and good leadership
and judgment, scope of
organizational knowledge
social network knowledge
stakeholder knowledge
team members, knowledge of
See also specific types of knowledge
Knowledge workers. See Frontline leaders
Knowling, Bob
character/courage of
crisis judgment, teaching of
judgment calls of
key lessons from
leadership development program
New York City Leadership Academy
people blind spot of
and racial discrimination
Welch/Crotonville leadership institute
Kozlowski, Dennis
Lafley, A. G.
crisis judgment calls
Henretta, selection of
P&G crisis
P&G growth under
people judgment calls
and redo loop
selection as CEO
storyline of
team engagement
Lay, Ken
crises of
selecting. See CEO succession teacher role of leader
winning leaders, traits of
See also Judgment and leadership
Leadership pipeline, and CEO succession
LeVino, Ted
Lewin, Kurt
Licklider, J. C. R.
Liemandt, Joe
key lessons from
on people judgment calls
on self-doubt
Trilogy University
Ligocki, Kathy, community partnerships
Little, Grady
Little, Mark
Loewenstein, George
Lukacs, John
McCain, John
McNerney, Jim
crisis judgment calls
versus Immelt as GE CEO
key lessons from
outside hiring of
on people judgment calls
and planful opportunism
storyline of
strategy judgment calls
Markham, Richard
Marriott, Bill
Martinez, Pedro
strategic decision-making
See also Judgment matrix
May, Ernest
Medtronic. See George, Bill Miles, Rufus
Milgram, Stanley
Military decisions. See Downing Wayne
Milton, Jim
Mixed scanning model
elements of
physician’s use of
Mobilizing/aligning people
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
strategy judgment calls
team members
Moore, Gordon
Mulally, Alan
Nanotechology, Immelt/GE
Nardelli, Robert
Nasser, Jac
business leadership initiative
and Firestone tire crisis
storyline of
assessment of
positive impact of
Neustadt, Richard
New City
New York City Leadership Academy
New York City schools. See Bloomberg, Michael; Klein, Joel; Knowling, Bob
Nixon, Richard
Nooyi, Indra Krisnamurthy
Noriega, Manuel
North Shore-LIJ Hospital. See Gallo, Kathy
Notebaert, Dick
Ameritech growth under
hiring of
Weiss as coach
Novak, David
adjustments to judgment
avian flu scare
crisis judgment calls of
key lessons from
operating mechanism of
poor strategy judgment of
red food dye crisis
stakeholder knowledge, use of
Taco Bell E. coli outbreak
and courage
direct threats
disagreement from others
pressure to succeed
self-doubt as
Olsen, Ken
Digital failure under
Operating systems
GE Operating System
and organizational knowledge
Organizational knowledge
and frontline associates
frontline leaders
and judgment building process
and judgment calls
and network
operating mechanism for gaining
and operating systems
questions to ask
sources of information
Osler, Sir William
Othello (Shakespeare)
Owens, Jim
on judgment from experience
key lessons from
operating mechanism of
on self-knowledge
stakeholder knowledge, use of
strategy judgment calls
Pareto, Vilfredo
Parsons, Dick
People judgment calls
adjustments to
call phase
choosing CEO. See CEO succession components of
emotional factors
execution phase
framing/naming call
good choices, examples of
importance of
judgment matrix
judgment process in
Lafley/P&G example
mobilizing/aligning people
people blind spot
poor choices, examples of
preparation phase
sensing/identifying need for
team, selection of
and team participation
Pepper, John
Peters, Tom
Phases in judgment process. See Judgment calls
Physicians, mixed scanning model, use of
PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy)
Planful opportunism
McNerney/Boeing example
and storyline
Welch and Honeywell acquisition
Polaris. See Tiller, Tom
Preparation phase
CEO succession
elements of
strategy judgment calls
Presidents, U. S., judgment calls, examples of
Purposeful abandonment
Quine, W. V.
Rawls, Lawrence
CEO succession
poor judgment calls
Raymond, Lee
Reagan, Ronald
Red food dye crisis
Redo loop
Downing/military example
Lafley/P&G example
and stakeholders
strategy judgment calls
Reinemund, Steve
Risk-aversion, negative impact of
and courage
and self-confidence
Rollins, Kevin
poor strategy judgment of
Rorsted, Kasper
Rumsfeld, Donald
Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Scandals, corporate
Schein, Edgar
Schoeffler, Sidney
Schoonover, Phil
Acceleration Initiative Transformation Teams
Circuit City downturn
Circuit City growth under
crisis judgment calls of
key lessons from
leadership development activities
sensing/identifying, need for judgment call
Schumpeter, Joseph
Scientific management
Scowcroft, Brent
Selden, Larry
of character/courage
example of
of judgment experience
of past judgments
and self-knowledge
Self-confidence, and risk-taking
Self-doubt, as obstacle
Immelt/GE example
and judgment calls
Lafley/P&G example
questions to ask
and self-assessment
Welch/GE example
CEO succession
crisis judgment calls
judgment calls
people judgment calls
strategy judgment calls
September 11 terrorist attacks
Shell Oil, poor crisis judgment at
Shin, Young
Shinseki, General Eric
Short-term, avoiding
Simon, Herbert
Skilling, Jeff
Smale, John
Smith, Ron
Social network knowledge
building of
and judgment calls
questions to ask
See also Teamwork and judgment
Sorenson, Ted
Special Operations Forces. See Downing, Wayne
Springer, Bill
Stacey, Patti
impact on storyline
types of
Stakeholder knowledge
community as stakeholder
Immelt/GE example
and judgment process
Owens/Catepillar example
See also Contextual knowledge
Steelcase. See Hackett, Jim Stein, Sandra
Stemple, Bob
Sternberg, Robert
Stonecipher, Harry
and crisis judgment calls
development of
elements of
Immelt/GE example
Lafley/P&G example
McNerney/Boeing example
Nasser/Ford example
and planful opportunism
questions addressed in
Schoonover/Circuit City
stakeholder, impact on
and TPOVs
Strategic inflection points
Strategy judgment calls
academic study of
adjustments to
components of
execution phase
good choices, examples of
mobilizing/aligning people
negative behaviors affecting
poor choices, examples of
preparation phase
redo loop
sensing/identifying need for
and good judgment
leader traits related to
pressure to succeed
Swope, Gerard
Taco Bell E. coli outbreak
Teachable Points of View (TPOVs)
Anderson/Best Buy
Bloomberg/NY City schools
and crisis judgment calls
implementing, factors in
Knowling/NY City Leadership
McNerney/Boeing example
and mixed scanning model
Nasser/Ford example
Schoonover/Circuit City
and storyline
by frontline leaders
judgment building process, steps in
role of leader
virtuous teaching cycles
See also Teachable Points of View (TPOVs)
Teamwork and judgment
assessment of
call phase
as context for decision-making
errors/corrective action
execution phase
frontline leaders
knowledge sources of team
members, skills/assets of
mobilizing/aligning people
and organizational knowledge
and people judgment calls
stakeholder knowledge, use of
team, selection of
team first/strategy second concept
Teamwork and judgment
team judgment knowledge capacity building (chart)
transformation team
trust of team
Thinking process, and making judgments
Tichy, Noel
Tiller, Tom, key lessons from
Tillerson, Rex
Timing, and judgment calls
TPOVs. See Teachable Points of View (TPOVs)
Trani, John
Transformational leadership
and TPOVs
Weiss/Ameritech example
Transparency, and making judgments
Triage nurse. See Gallo, Kathy
Trilogy. See Liemandt, Joe
Truman, Harry
courage of
unpopular decisions
in leader with character
untrustworthy leader, example of
Tuchman, Barbara
Tversky, Amos
Tylenol crisis
Union Carbide crisis
Urgency, lack of, negative impact of
Vagelos, Roy
Gilmartin, hiring of
Values. See Character
Vasella, Daniel, on character of leader
Vioxx crisis
Virtuous teaching cycles
Walters, John
Warner, John
Waterman, Robert
Way, Al
Weick, Karl
Weiner, Norbert
Weiss, Bill
CEO succession/transformational tasks of
as coach
Notebaert, hiring of
Welch, Jackon chaos
as coach
crisis judgment calls
Crotonville leadership institute
on the “edge,”
execution of plan
on focus
framing/naming call
GE growth under
GE Operating System
GE values under
Honeywell acquisition decision
Immelt, selection as CEO
leadership pipeline, design of
and New York schools transformation
operating mechanism of
on people judgment calls
and Peter Drucker
poor judgment calls
selection as CEO
strategic judgment calls of
strategic planners, firing of
on team work
time card scandal
Wendt, Gary
Whybrow, Peter
Winkler, Mike
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
WOLF (Women’s Leadership Forum)
Wood, Dr. Susan
Wriston, Walter
Young, Owen
Yum!. See Novak, David
Zander, Ed