Appendix 1: The residents at Longwood between 1815 and 1821

Antommarchi, Francesco, surgeon

Archambault, Achille, coachman

Archambault, Joseph, Achille’s brother, groom


Bertrand, Arthur, son of Count and Countess Bertrand, born on St Helena

Bertrand, Count Henri, Grand Marshal

Bertrand, Henri, son of Count and Countess Bertrand

Bertrand, Countess Hortense, wife to Count Bertrand

Bertrand, Hortense, daughter of Count and Countess Bertrand

Bertrand, Napoleon, son of Count and Countess Bertrand

Bouges, Etienne, servant to the Bertrands

Broule, Josephine, maid to Madame Montholon, married to Noverraz

Buonavita, Antonio, priest


Chandelier, Jacques, cook

Cipriani, maître d’hôtel

Coursot, Jacques, butler


Dickson, Mrs, maternity nurse


Gentilini, Angelo, footman

Gentilini, Juliette, wife to Angelo

Goodson, Mrs, maternity nurse

Gourgaud, General Baron Gaspard de

Graafe, Adele and Guillaume, husband and wife, valet and femme de chambre to the Bertrands


Hall, Mary, governess to the Bertrand children, married to St Denis

Heyman, Bernard, servant to the Bertrands

Heyman, wife and daughter


Jeanette, cook


Kay, Mrs, maternity nurse


Laroche, cook

Las Cases, Marquis Emanuel de

Las Cases, Emanuel de, son of the Marquis

Le Page, Michel, cook

Lowden, Mrs, maternity nurse


Marchand, Louis, first valet

Montholon, Count Charles de

Montholon, Countess Albine de, wife to Count Montholon

Montholon, Napoleone, de, son of Count and Countess Montholon

Montholon, Tristan de, son of Count and Countess Montholon



Noverraz, Jean, third valet


O’Meara, Barry, surgeon


Pierron, butler

Piontkowski, Captain Charles


Quilton, Mrs, maternity nurse


Raven, Patrick, servant to the Montholons

Ridsdale, William, silver-cleaner

Rousseau, Theodore, lampiste


Santini, Jean, usher

St Denis (called Aly) Louis, second valet


Vesey, Esther, servant to the Montholons

Vignali, Ange, priest


Source: Arnold Chaplin A St Helena’s Who’s Who (London 1919)