
Chapter 1 “You’re my little girl! How will you survive there without borshcht?”

1 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata (Krasnodar: Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 1969), p. 48.
2 Ibid., p. 41.
3 Ibid., p. 50.
4 Author’s interview with Ekaterina Fedorovna Terekhova, Krasnodar, September 2010.
5 Ibid.
6 Interview with Petr Kravchenko (from a broadcast on Kuban State TV and Radio, 9 October 2013, reporter Iuliia Volkova).
7 Aleksandr Orlov, “Bez vesti propavshie”, Severnyi krai, 16 May 2012.
8 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
9 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 97. 12 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
10 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
11 Lidiia Iosifovna Burmistrova, interview published on the website
12 L.G. Stepanova,“Kollaboratsionizm na Kubani vo vremia nemetskoi okkupatsii: sotsial’nye istoki i proiavleniia”,
13 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
14 Vera Cherepnina, “Okkupatsiia”, Moskovskii Komsomolets – Krasnodar, 22 May 2013.
15 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 20.
16 Ibid., p. 24.
17 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 30

Chapter 2 “Who would think of powdering their nose in a war?”

21 Vladimir Pchelintsev, “Osobaia missiia”, Internet version.
22 Liudmila Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper. V boiakh za Sevastopol’ i Odessu (Moscow: Veche, 2015), p. 7.
23 Vladimir Pchelintsev graduated from the N.K.V.D. Troops’ Sniper School in 1939. Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 1991).
24 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 11.
25 For example, “Guerrilla queen at Washington”, Press and Journal, 29 August 1942.
26 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 53.
27 “Lyudmila Pavlichenko speech in New York City”, YouTube.
28 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 30.
29 “Woman sniper loses tooth”, Gloucestershire Echo, 17 September 1942.
30 Time, 28 September 1942.
31 Ibid.
32 Soviet Russia Today, vol. 11, No. 6 (October 1942).
33 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 104.
34 “No Chocolates for Miss Pavlichenko”, Evening Telegraph and Post, 29 August 1942.
35 The above examples are taken from Soviet Russia Today, vol. 11, No. 6 (October 1942).
36 Petr Vail’, Genii mesta (Moscow: AST, 1999), pp. 23–4.
37 New York Times, 23 November 1942.
38 This information is taken mainly from speeches and interviews Pavlichenko gave during her tour of America, Canada and the United States in 1942, and from publications about her at the time. As mentioned, after the war Liudmila Pavlichenko did not write about herself or her time at the front, and rarely gave talks.
39 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 103.
40 A.I. Begunova in her book Angely smerti. Zhenshchiny-snaipery. 1941–1945 (Moscow: Veche, 2014), p. 30 actually mentions the number of Pavlichenko’s personal file in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence (TsAMO): it is 593897.
42 Liudmila Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper, pp. 256–7.
43 Gilbert King, “Eleanor Roosevelt and the Soviet Sniper”, 21 February 2013. Online at
44 Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper, pp. 70, 73, 74.
45 Oleg Kaminskii, “Zagadka snaipera Liudmily Pavlichenko”, published online at
46 Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper, p. 131.
47 Kaminsky, “Zagadka snaipera Liudmily Pavlichenko”.
48 Ibid.
49 Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper, p. 255.
50 U chernomorskikh tverdyn’ (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1967), Internet version.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Ibid.
54 A.I. Begunova, Preface to Pavlichenko, Ia - snaiper, p. 5.
55 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, p. 130.
56 Ibid., p. 129.
57 Pavlichenko, Ia – snaiper, p. 17.
58 Ibid., pp. 145, 169, 203, etc.
59 Ibid., p. 78.
60 Ibid., pp. 89, 110, 131, etc.
61 Ibid., p. 292.
62 Ibid., p. 298, etc.
63 Ibid., pp. 324–7.
64 Ibid., pp. 360–61.
65 Author’s interview with Vsevolod Vital’evich Mal’tsev, Moscow, 2013.
66 Ibid.

Chapter 3 “Look at the family she’s from. And we’re just ordinary!”

67 Pchelintsev, Osobaia missiia, pp. 80–81.
68 Iozef Ollenberg [Josef “Sepp” Allerberger], Nemetskii snaiper na Vostochnom fronte (Moscow: Yauza-press, 2010), p. 153.
69 Vasilii Mizin, Snaiper Petrova (Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1988), p. 44 ff.
70 Author’s interview with Afanasiia Naumovna Larionova, Babaevo, July 2013.
71 Ibid.
72 Ibid.
73 Nikolai Nikulin, Vospominaniia o voine (Moscow: AST, 2015), pp. 89, 90.
74 Begunova, Angely smerti, p. 227.
75 Author’s interview with Anna Fedorovna Siniakova, Moscow, 2013.
76 Author’s interview with Kaleriia Aleksandrovna Morokhovets, Moscow, June 2011.
77 Leninskii Komsomol v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (Moscow, 1975), quoted from V.S. Murmantseva, Sovetskie zhenshchiny v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (Moscow 1987), p. 7.
78 Ivan Red’ko, ed., “Tyl i front ediny” (Akbulak: Stepnye zori, 2002), pp. 33–4.

Chapter 4 “Mummy, why are there all uncles and only one auntie?”

79 Iuliia Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi (Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006), p. 67.
80 V.A. Chuvilkin, Devushki v shineliakh (Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1982).
81 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 68.
82 Author’s interview with Klavdiia Etremovna Kalugina, Moscow, June 2011.
83 Author’s interview with Klavdiia Grigor’evna Krokhina, Minsk, August 2012.
84 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, August 2012.
85 Chuvilkin, Devushki v shineliakh, p. 6.
86 Author’s interview with Anna Fedorovna Siniakova, Moscow, 2013.
87 Ibid.
88 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, February 2011.
89 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, July 2012.
90 Ibid.
91 A.A. Agafonov, ed., I v snaiperskom pritsele est’ dobro (Podolsk, 2005), p. 29.
92 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 79.
93 Ibid.
94 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
95 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 71.
96 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, summer 2013.
97 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 72.
98 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, 2010.
99 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, August 2013.
100 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, June 2013.
101 Author’s interview with Taisia Dmitrievna Il’nitskaia, St Petersburg, June 2011.
102 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, pp. 88, 89.
103 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, August 2013.
104 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, August 2013.
105 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, 2013.
106 Author’s interview with Mariia Antipovna Maksimova, Kaluga, September 2010.
107 Ibid.
108 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, Internet version.
109 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, July 2012.
110 Author’s interview with Vera Nikolaevna Liubilkina, Moscow, March 2009.
111 The reference seems to be to the Badaev warehouses.
112 Author’s interview with Vera Nikolaevna Liubilkina.
113 Author’s interviews with A.F. Siniakova and K.G. Krokhina.
114 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, July 2012.
115 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 88.

Chapter 5 “Why wash? It’s dark, isn’t it!”

116 Letters and photographs of Zhenia Makeeva provided to the author by her family.
117 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
118 Ibid.
119 Ibid.
120 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 104.
121 Ibid.
122 G.A. Litvin, Osvobozhdenie Kryma noiabr’ 1943–mai 1944 (Moscow: Krechet, 1994), p. 28.
123 Ibid.
124 Rakobol’skaia and Kravtsova, Nas nazyvali nochnymi ved’mami, pp. 265–7. See also author’s interview with Ol’ga Timofeevna Golubeva-Teres, Saratov, September 2010.
125 Author’s interview with O.T. Golubeva-Teres.
126 Litvin, Osvobozhdenie Kryma, p. 34.
127 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
128 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 106.
129 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
130 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 107.
131 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
132 Operativnaia svodka za 14 noiabria,
133 Boris Nikolsky, «Kerchensky kapkan. Borba za Krym» (The Kerch Trap. Struggle for the Crimea). Electronic version.
134 Rozhdennaia voinoi (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 1985).
135 Information from the website
136 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
137 G.A. Litvin, Osvobozhdenie Kryma noiabr’ 1943–mai 1944 (Moscow: Krechet, 1994), p. 36.
138 Author’s interview with O.T. Golubeva-Teres.
139 Ibid.
140 Ibid.
141 Andrei Kuznetsov, Bol’shoi desant. Kerchensko-El’tigenskaia operatsiia (Moscow: Veche, 2011). Internet version.
142 Described by Protsenko. Quoted from Vsevolod Abramov, Kerchenskaia katastrofa 1942 (Moscow: Yauza Eksmo, 2006), pp. 97, 98.
143 Il’ia L’vovich (ps. Ellii-Karl) Sel’vinskii (1899–1968), poet, playwright, literary critic. In the 1930s and during the Second World War, a correspondent for Pravda.
144 Abramov, Kerchenskaia katastrofa, pp. 97, 98.
145 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 108.
146 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
147 Ibid.
148 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 112.
149 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
150 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 119.
151 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
152 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 121.
153 On 14–17 July 1943 a summary trial was held in Krasnodar of Germans and their accomplices accused of committing atrocities in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar region. On 18 July 1943, eight collaborators were sentenced to death and the sentence was carried out in the city square.
154 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 122.
155 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
156 Ibid.
157 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 128.
158 Ibid.
159 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
160 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 129.
161 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
162 Ibid.
163 An edition of the newspaper Zaria Eniseia dedicated to the 65th anniversary of victory.
164 Krest’ianka, No. 20, 1941.
165 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 131.
166 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
167 Ibid.
168 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 134.
169 The offensive conducted by the Independent Maritime Army in January 1944 did, however, inflict such heavy losses on enemy forces that it would have been impossible for them to undo the damage by marching in reinforcements. To have any chance of retaining Crimea, the enemy had, in the second half of February, to hastily redeploy its 73 Infantry Division from Odessa. The division, flown in on transport aircraft, landed at the airport at Dzhankoi and, tasked with reinforcing the troops at Kerch, took up defensive positions at the end of February on the main line of defence at Kerch.
170 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, pp. 134, 135.
171 Boets-snaiper Natasha Kovshova (Moscow: Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie, 2010), p. 133.
172 Vera Murmantseva, Zhenshchiny v soldatskikh shineliakh (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1971), Internet version.
173 Boets-snaiper Natasha Kovshova, p. 165.
174 Ibid., p. 321.
175 Ibid., p. 179.
176 Ibid., p. 198.
177 From the memoirs of the artist, Taira Salakhova about Ziba Ganieva,

Chapter 6 “Klava, I beg you, don’t take up smoking there!”

178 I. Tikhonov, ed., “My znaem, chto znachit voina.” Vospominaniia, pis’ma, dnevniki universantov raznykh let (St Petersburg University, 2010), p. 59.
179 Unpublished memoirs of A.F. Siniakova (given to the author).
180 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, 2011.
181 Traditionally read three times. The prayer “A Living Refuge” (Psalm 90) is considered in folk medicine to have power as a talisman. It is recited over a sick person in an attempt to drive out illness.
182 Krest’ianka, March 1944.
183 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, 2012.
184 Author’s interview with Mariia Antipovna Maksimova, Kaluga, September 2010.

Chapter 7 “That was somebody’s father, and I have killed him!”

185 Author’s interviews with A.F. Siniakova, 2010, 2012.
186 Regimental Doctor S.S. Aboev (mentioned in Slavnov).
187 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, August 2013.
188 Zhenshchiny Slavy (Moscow: Izd. Tsentr MOF “Pobeda - 1945 god”, 1994), p. 71.
189 Interview with K.E. Kalugina, on the website
190 Ibid.
191 Ibid.
192 Memoirs of Serafima Anashkina (Vasina), published in Agafonov, ed., I v snaiperskom pritsele est’ dobro, p. 117.
193 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, 2012.
194 Interview with Klavdiia Lukashova (Romashova), published on the website
195 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
196 Unpublished memoirs of A.F. Siniakova, author’s personal archive.
197 Alternate rows of logs covering a dugout are stacked horizontally across each other.
198 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
199 Unpublished memoirs of A.F. Siniakova.
200 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
201 Author’s interview with Antonina Vasil’evna Borodkina (Makhliagina), Gomel, August 2012.
202 Antonina Vasil’evna remembered this German clearly, although in 2012 when we met she was suffering from memory loss and could not remember how old she was or where she lived.
203 Author’s interview with Lidiia Efimovna Bakieva, Alma-Aty, 2010.
204 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
205 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, 2010.
206 Interview with V.G. Selin, published online at
207 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, February 2010.
208 Interview with K.A. Morokhovets, Moscow, July 2012.

Chapter 8 “Your daughter died for the Motherland. It has not been possible to bury her”

209 Rakobol’skaia and Kravtsova, Nas nazyvali nochnymi ved’mami, Internet version.
210 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, pp. 139–140.
211 Published online at
212 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 141.
213 Ibid, p. 140.
214 Interview with I.Ia. Shpak online at
215 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 146.
216 Kirovets (a newspaper), 22 April 2010.
217 Interview with M.F. Ivashchenko, published online at
218 Eduard Asadov, “Moia zvezda”, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii v odnom tome (Moscow: Eksmo, 2015), p. 691.
219 Kirovets, 22 April 2010.
220 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
221 Ibid.
222 Kostenkov, Ukhodili na voinu devchata, p. 175.
223 Of the forty-seven girls who in 1943 left Medvedovskaia for Kuban to drive out the Germans, thirteen were killed and twenty-five wounded. Many, like Katia Peredera, were permanently disabled.

Chapter 9 “The girls behave with exceptional modesty and discipline”

224 TsAMO RF, fond 1138 SP.
225 V. Mamonov and N. Poroshina, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy (Ust’ianskii kraevedcheskii muzei, 2001, p. 27.
226 Ibid.
227 Ibid.
228 Mamonov and Poroshina, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 19.
229 Lidiia Bazhenova (Vdovina) in Zhenshchiny Slavy. Quoted from
230 Ibid.
231 In fact, Zinaida Karmysheva.
232 Rozhdennaia voinoi, p. 134.
233 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, February 2010.
234 This is how Vladimir Il’iashenko recalls the power of the Katyusha, more correctly, the BM-13 Guards rocket mortar launcher. Published online at
235 Klavdiia Efremovna Kalugina, interviewed by Artem Drabkin. Online at
236 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, June 2010.
237 Ibid. See also interviews with K.E. Kalugina online at
238 1156 Regiment of 33 Army, 344 Infantry Division.
239 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, June 2011.
240 Interview with K.E. Kalugina, online at
241 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, June 2011.
242 Author’s interview with Elena Mironovna Kul’kova, Moscow, August 2013.
243 M.A. Kazarinova and A.A. Poliantseva, eds., V nebe frontovom. Sbornik vospominanii i ocherkov (Moscow, 2009), Internet version.
244 Author’s interview with E.M. Kul’kova.

Chapter 10 “Hey, was that you who whacked him? Well done, now go and wash yourself!”

245 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, February 2011.
246 Ibid.
247 Ibid.
248 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, Moscow, July 2013.
249 Tikhonov, My znaem, chto znachit voina . . . (illustration on the insert).
250 The Swiss gold watch is working to this day.
251 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
252 Mansur Abdullin, 160 stranits iz soldatskogo dnevnika (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 1990), p. 121.

Chapter 11 “I knew nothing about him and I had just killed him”

253 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, July 2012.
254 Tsentral’nyi arkhiv Ministerstva oborony (TsAMO), 164 OPAB, opis’ 1, delo 6, korobka 26-34.
255 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, August 2012.
256 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
257 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova and K.G. Krokhina.
258 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
259 V.P. Slavnov, Skol’ko bylo proideno (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1984), p. 122.
260 In his memoirs Slavnov mistakenly calls Ania Mulatova “Shura Mulatova”, on p. 123.
261 Ibid.
263 Samuil Rozenberg, interview on the website
264 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, March 2011.
265 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow.
266 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova, July 2013.
267 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
268 Slavnov, Skol’ko bylo proideno, p. 5.
269 Ibid., pp. 75, 76.
270 Ibid.
271 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
272 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow, June 2011.
273 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
274 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow.
275 Movsha Samuilovich Muler. Interview published on
276 Author’s interview with L.N. Larionova, Babaevo, 2013.
277 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow.
278 Svetlana Aleksievich, U voiny nezhenskoe litso (Moscow: Vremia, 2015), pp. 44, 45.
279 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina, Minsk, July 2012.

Chapter 12 “How will I live without them when the war is over and we all go off in different directions?”

280 Author’s interview with V.N. Liubilkina, Moscow, February 2010.
281 “Dedovskie memuary”, online at
282 Author’s interview with V.N. Liubilkina.
283 Author’s interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia, St Petersburg, June 2011.
284 “Dedovskie memuary”.
285 Author’s interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia.
286 Ibid.
287 “Dedovskie memuary”.
288 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, pp. 52–3.
289 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
290 A. Drabkin interviews Antonina Kotliarova.
291 Galya Dakutovich, Sertsa i kryly. Dzennik shturmana zhanochago aviiatsyinaga palka (in Byelorussian) (Minsk, 1957), p. 72.
292 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
293 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 44.
294 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow.
295 TsAMO, fond 31 Armii, politdoneseniia.
296 Ibid.
297 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina, Moscow.
298 Ibid.
299 Slavnov, Skol’ko bylo proideno, p. 154.
300 Ibid., p. 155.
301 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
302 Ibid.

Chapter 13 “Where’s Tosya?” “Dead”

303 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
304 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
305 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
306 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
307 In the memoirs mentioned above, Liudmila Pavlichenko writes that she was assigned to provide sniper fire cover for scouts going out on a mission: another surprising fact in her biography.
308 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
309 Ibid.

Chapter 14 “I no longer have a heart. I am cold-blooded”

310 Unichtozhim vraga, 17 and 24 September 1944.
311 For confidentiality in letters and documents, and when talking on the phone, “black” meant killed and “red” meant wounded.
312 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 33.
313 Leonid Rabichev, Voina vse spishet (Moscow: Tsentropoligraf, 2009), pp. 141–2.
314 I.G. Erenburg, Ubei! (no place: Voenizdat NKO SSSR, 1942).
315 Alexander Werth’s definition.
316 A.M. Sologubov, Vestnik Baltiiskogo federal’nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta, 2011, issue 12, pp. 76–82.
317 Ibid., vol. 16, p. 161.
318 Daniil Granin, Prekrasnaia Uta, Internet version.
319 A.M. Sologubov, Vestnik Baltiiskogo federal’nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta, 2011, issue 12, pp. 76–82.
320 Sologubov, ibid., vol. 7, pp. 216–17.
321 Leonid Moiseevich Shmurak, Interview published on
322 Ekaterina Sazhneva, “Poteriaesh’ chest’ – s fronta ne vozvrashchaisia”, Moskovskii Komsomolets, 7 May 2004.
323 Ibid.
324 Roza’s letter to Petr Molchanov is published in Snaipery (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 1976).
325 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 34.
326 Memoirs of Captain Medvedev (Retd.), who took part in the battle, in Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 35.
327 Ibid.
328 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 34.
329 Ibid. Roza initially wrote Anya Kuznetsova in her diary, but changed her to Zina Shmelyova in the letter to Molchanov.
330 Roza’s letter to Petr Molchanov in Snaipery.
331 Ibid.
332 Ibid.
333 Agafonov, ed., I v snaiperskom pritsele est’ dobro, pp. 117–18.
334 Ibid.
335 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
336 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 45.
337 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
338 “Tsena pobedy”. Rossiiskie shkol’niki o voine (Moscow: Memorial, 2005), pp. 242–3.
339 Anna Timofeeva-Egorova, Nebo, shturmovik, devushka (Moscow: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007), pp. 297–302.
340 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 62.

Chapter 15 “Well, what are you here for? To fight or . . .?”

341 Rakobol’skaia and Kravtsova, Nazyvali nas nochnymi ved’mami, pp. 295–8.
342 Many years after the war, P.M. Silkin read Rufina Gasheva’s article and wrote to her. He remembered that night, and told her the name of the soldier who lent his boots to her was Moroz. He died six weeks or so after Ol’ga Sanfirova. Quoted from Nazyvali nas nochnymi ved’mami, pp. 295–8.
343 Quoted from Elena Seniavskaia, “Soldaty Krasnoi armii na pol’skikh zemliakh”, Istoriia, August 2001, Internet version.
344 Ibid.
345 Ibid.
346 Ibid.
347 TsAMO, Donesenie Politotdela 19 Armii.
348 V.P. Slavnov, Skol’ko bylo proideno, p. 161.
349 TsAMO, fond 31 Armii, Politdoneseniia.
350 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 103.
351 Ibid., pp. 110, 111.
352 Ibid., p. 116.
353 Telephone interview with Yu.K. Zhukova.
354 Ibid.
355 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, pp. 118–22.
356 TsAMO, fond 31 Armii, Politdoneseniia.
357 Ibid.

Chapter 16 “Aryan flesh”

358 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
359 Ibid.
360 Muzhestvo, otvaga i . . . liubov’ (Moscow: Paleia, 1997).
361 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
362 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina.
363 Ibid.
364 Author’s interview with L.E. Bakieva.
365 TsAMO, fond 31 Armii, p. 155.
366 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 43.
367 Ibid.
368 The reference is to an attack by German tank troops.
369 Author’s interview with L.E. Bakieva.
370 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 34.
371 Author’s interview with L.E. Bakieva.
372 Vasilii Grossman, Gody voiny (Moscow: Pravda, 1989), pp. 250–1.
373 Published online at
374 Krest’ianka, Nos. 19–20, October 1942.
375 Ibid.
376 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 133.
377 Ibid., pp. 134–5.
378 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
379 It was probably these which inspired the printing of Soviet New Year greetings cards, which first appeared just after the war.
380 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
381 Aleksievich, U voiny nezhenskoe litso, pp. 212, 213.
382 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
383 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
384 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 39.
385 Hans Kinschermann, Ia - pulemetchik Vermakhta. Krovavo-krasnyi sneg Vostochnogo fronta (Moscow: Yauza, 2013), pp. 64–5.
386 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.

Chapter 17 “Maybe it’s for the best that Roza has died . . .”

387 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 65.
388 Ibid., p. 66.
389 Ibid., p. 44.
390 Ibid., p. 45.
391 Ibid., p. 33.
392 Ibid., p. 45.
393 Ibid., p. 57.
394 Ibid., p. 38.
395 In connection with Roza Shanina’s diary, the author consulted Vasilisa Elizarova, a psychologist.
396 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 30.
397 Ibid., p. 31.
398 Ibid, p. 58.
399 Ibid.
400 Ibid., p. 31.
401 TsAMO, fond 1156 sp, opis’ 37104, delo 1.
402 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 41.
403 Ibid., p. 29.
404 Ibid, p. 37.
405 Ibid.
406 Ibid.
407 Snaipery (Moscow, 1976).
408 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 55.
409 Ibid., pp. 55–6.
410 Ibid., p. 47.
411 Ibid., pp. 47–9.
412 Ibid., pp. 49, 50.
413 Iosif Utkin, Izbrannoe (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1975), p. 286.
414 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 56.
415 Ibid., p. 42.
416 Ibid., p. 58.
417 Ibid., p. 44.
418 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
419 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 59.
420 Ibid.
421 Ibid., p. 11.
422 Ibid.

Chapter 18 “We did not want to bury them looking like that”

423 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 136.
424 Ibid., p. 138. Iuliia Zhukova mentions only Dusia (Evdokiia Andreevna) Filippova, but according to other sources (cf., two other girls from the platoon, Antonina Aleksandrovna Shabanina and Mariia Mikhailovna Kulikovich, were also captured by the Germans and brutally murdered.
425 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
426 Zhukova, Devushka so snaiperskoi vintovkoi, p. 143.
427 Ibid.
428 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 51.
429 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets.
430 Ibid.
431 Author’s personal archive. Interviews recorded in Leningrad by E.N. Nikiforova. The record was given to the author by T.D. Il’nitskaia.
432 Karl-Heinz Schmeelke, “Der Untergang von Ostpreussen und das Ende der 4. Armee”, published online at
433 Tamara Rogal’skaia’s testimony was recorded at a snipers’ reunion in Leningrad by E.N. Nikiforova. The record was given to the author by T.D. Il’nitskaia. Author’s personal archive.
434 Mizin, Snaiper Petrova, p. 48 ff.
435 Mizin does not mention this in his documentary novella about Petrova.
436 Mizin, Snaiper Petrova, pp. 98–101.
437 Author’s interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia.
438 “Dedovskie memuary”, online at
439 Author’s interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia.
440 Dedovskie memuary.

Chapter 19 “Oh, Mum, how they are hurting us here!”

441 Author’s interview with V.N. Liubilkina.
442 V.O. Bogomolov, Zhizn’ moia, il’ ty prisnilas’ mne? (Moscow: Knizhnyi klub 36, 6, 2014), pp. 39–42.
443 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
444 Author’s interview with L.E. Bakieva.
445 K.N. Galitskii, V boiakh za Vostochnuiu Prussiiu (Moscow: Nauka, 1970), p. 385.
446 Script for an oral magazine for the 6th Study Course on the Königsberg Operation, 26 March 2015 [no location] (prepared by teaching trainer and organiser, O.N. Kolegaeva).
447 Published in the online journal Letopis’ – novosti arkheologii i istorii, 16 May 2015.
448 “Kaliningradskie veterany vspominaiut shturm Kenigsberga”, Komsomol’skaia Pravda-Kaliningrad, 9 April 2009.
449 Khans Shoifler, Vil’gelm Tike (Hans Scheufler and Wilhelm Tieke), Marsh na Berlin 1944–45 (Moscow: Eksmo, 2005), Internet version.
450 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
451 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.

Chapter 20 “Hold on, Kolenka!”

452 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
453 Rakobol’skaia and Kravtsova, Nazyvali nas nochnymi ved’mami, p. 32.
454 TsAMO, fond 31 Armii, opis’ 8599, delo 218.
455 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
456 “After the liberation, in Pit No. 1, length 100m, width 10m, and depth 4–5m, there were discovered 8,000 bodies of women and children, stripped naked. On some there were no traces of wounds. This confirms that citizens were exterminated using electric current.”
457 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
458 “Memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union, Guards Major Tsitovskii”, quoted from
459 Aleksei Isaev, 1945. Poslednii krug ada. Flag nad Reikhstagom (Moscow, 2009), Internet version.
460 Interview with Vera Korneevna Zubchenko (with the assistance of Viacheslav Dranitsa), Zonal’noe, Altai region, summer 2011.
461 Bogomolov, “Zhizn’ moia, il’ ty prisnilas’ mne?”, Nash sovremennik, Nos. 10–12, 2005; No. 1, 2006.
462 Interview by Aleksandr Arapov of Nadezhda Sakharovskaia, Ren TV, 11.27 hrs, 21 April 2015.
463 F.Ia. Lisitsyn, V te groznye gody (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1978).
464 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
465 Agafonov, ed., I v snaiperskom pritsele est’ dobro.
466 Interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia.
467 Rakobol’skaia and Kravtsova, Nas nazyvali nochnymi ved’mami, p. 312.
468 Tamara Rogal’skaia’s tale, written down by E.N. Nikiforova.
469 Author’s interview with L.E. Bakieva.

Chapter 21 “They promise you nothing!”

470 The myth of specially infected women tasked with sapping the strength of the Red Army was used to explain the widespread incidence of venereal disease in the army in 1944–5. The women in the camp were probably Soviet citizens forcibly transported to work in Germany.
471 Ibid.
472 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
473 Ibid.
474 Author’s interview with K.E. Kalugina.
475 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
476 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.
477 Aleksievich, U voiny nezhenskoe litso, pp. 103, 104, etc.
478 Mamonov, Ona zaveshchala nam pesni i rosy, p. 40.
479 Author’s interview with K.A. Morokhovets. Epilogue


480 Agafonov, ed., I v snaiperskom pritsele est’ dobro.
481 Author’s interview with K.G. Krokhina.
482 Author’s interview with E.F. Terekhova.
483 Author’s interview with T.D. Il’nitskaia.
484 The sick and wounded who later died in hospital were included under “medical” losses.
485 Grigorii Krivosheev, ed., Velikaia Otechestvennaia bez grifa sekretnosti. Kniga poter’ (Moscow: Veche, 2014), p. 69.
486 E.S. Seniavskaia, Psikhologiia voiny v XX veke: istoricheskii opyt Rossii (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1999), Internet version.
487 Author’s interview with V.V. Chuikova.
488 Author’s interview with L.N. Larionova.
489 Semen Markovich Polonskii, online at
490 Nikolai Inozemtsev, Frontovoi dnevnik (Moscow: Nauka, 2005), Internet version.
491 Author’s interview with A.F. Siniakova.