
I’d like to thank my agent Lucy Luck, for her editorial advice through early drafts, and her constant support and wisdom.

My talented editors, Jocasta Hamilton and Suzie Dooré; Carole Welch and the team at Sceptre.

With thanks to the hardworking team at HarperCollins, Canada: Jennifer Lambert, Iris Tupholme and Jane Warren.

The staff at Sussex University CCE: Mark Slater, Susannah Waters, and especially Catherine Smith for always being right and Anna McGrail for her invaluable questions and for demanding a weekly word count. My writing group: Anna, Gra, Lucy, Noel and Woody for their feedback and friendship, David for his expert advice and kindness.

Alan for his knowledge of birds and plants, and Anne for not reading the ending first.

Andy, Ben, Caspian, Fiona, Kate A, Kirsty, Orlando, Rachel, Sophie and Tom for reading early drafts.

Ros, for her help with echoes.

Rosie and Sue, for their faith in dreams.

Jac, for believing in hard work and magic.

Paul and Sarah for cake, hugs and emergency coffee.

And Kakey, for reminding me ‘it’s time to take the red shoes off; stop writing and get some sleep’, and then giving me a pair of bright red shoes for Christmas.