The Publisher, the author and the photographer cannot accept any responsibility for any injuries or damage incurred as a result of following the advice in this book, or of using any of the techniques described or mentioned herein. If you suffer from any health problems or special conditions, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before following any practice suggested in this book. Some of the advice in this book involves the use of massage oil. However, do not use massage oil if you are using a condom – the oil damages latex.

Outdoor sex, in places of free public access, is illegal in many jurisdictions, and anyone who chooses to have sex outside, or to be less than fully clothed in public, should inform themselves of the possible penalties (which in some countries are very severe) and be thoroughly aware of the risks. Neither the publisher nor the author can take any responsibility for any legal action or other unintended consequences from following any of the advice or suggestions in this book.

