Chapter 1




Melissa could feel the horse thundering beneath her.

It felt so solid, so massive, so strong. The hoofbeats thundered through the darkness. The horse was galloping out of control.

Out of control.

She could feel its muscles flex, hear its loud, steady breathing. She could feel its warmth, its heavy sweat.

“Whoa! Please!”

Through the darkness. Out of control.

She couldn’t stop it.

Faster it galloped.

She leaned forward, her jet black hair flying behind her, and wrapped her arms around its neck.

“Whoa! Please, whoa!”

Holding on tightly, so tightly she could feel the blood pulsing through the horse’s veins, feel it swallow, feel it gulp air as it surged through the night.

“Help me! Somebody, help me!” Melissa screamed.

She lay against the animal’s neck, leaning into its solid weight as she bounced wildly, frantically.

Out of control.

“Help me, somebody! I’m going to fall!”

Through the hot darkness.

She could hear each breath the horse took, each pulse of its heart, each thud of its hooves.

“Help me! Help me!”

She could still feel the horse galloping and its banging heartbeats as someone shook her and called her name.

“Melissa, wake up!”

But the horse wouldn’t stop.

Even as someone called Melissa’s name and tried to shake her awake, the horse wouldn’t stop.

Then she opened her eyes, still bouncing, still holding on so tightly, still out of control.

“Melissa, another dream,” her mother said softly, peering down at her in the blue-black light of the darkened bedroom, her eyes wet with concern. “Another bad dream, Melissa. Wake up.”

“The horse wouldn’t stop,” Melissa said.

Mrs. Davis wrapped her daughter in a hug. Her nightgown smelled of perfume, tangy and sweet.

My mom feels so cold, Melissa thought, staring wide-eyed but seeing nothing. I guess it’s because I’m so very hot.

“The horse wouldn’t stop,” Melissa whispered, pulling away, sinking back onto her damp pillow. “I was going to fall.”

“Five months later and you’re still dreaming about horses,” Mrs. Davis said softly. She leaned forward and clicked on the bedside lamp.

Melissa squinted against the harsh cone of yellow light. “Yeah. Five months later,” she said glumly, finally out of her horrifying dream.

The horse faded into the light. The rhythm of its hooves drowned out by a rush of cold wind through the open bedroom window.

“The same dream over and over,” Melissa said, pulling the covers up to her chin. “It’s even the same horse.”

Her mother stood up, yawning. She crossed the room, the old floorboards creaking under her bare feet, and closed the window.

Melissa could see a half moon high in the sky, split in two by a black wisp of cloud.

“Eventually the dream will go away,” Mrs. Davis said softly. She came back beside the bed and stared down at Melissa tenderly.

“It’s always the same,” Melissa told her, trembling under the covers. “And it’s so real.”

Her mother leaned down and gently brushed Melissa’s thick black hair off her forehead. “Just a nightmare,” she said. The words sounded hollow—to both of them.

“The same horse,” Melissa muttered, picturing its dark back, its long-haired mane.

“Have you seen Rachel and Josie lately?” Mrs. Davis asked, pulling down the sleeves of her nightgown.

Melissa nodded. “I visit Rachel whenever I can,” she said, her voice breaking. “I think she’s happy to see me. It’s really hard to tell. She doesn’t say much. Just stares a lot.”

Her mother tsk-tsked, shaking her head sadly, her eyes wet with tears again.

“Sometimes Rachel seems pretty good,” Melissa continued thoughtfully. “Sometimes I think she understands what I’m saying. But then other times, I’m not sure. I mean, sometimes when I visit her, she talks crazy. She doesn’t make any sense at all. And sometimes . . . sometimes I don’t think she even knows who I am.”

“How dreadful,” Mrs. Davis said, her voice barely a whisper.

Melissa turned her eyes back to the window. The moon was completely lost in black clouds now.

She pictured the horse again. Felt its throbbing back. She heard its throaty gasps.

“And what about Josie?” her mother asked.

Melissa uttered a loud sigh. “I don’t know, Mom. Josie and I just aren’t friends anymore.”

Mrs. Davis’s eyes widened in surprise. She lowered herself to the edge of the bed and brought her face close to Melissa’s. “Why, Melissa?”

Melissa had to choke the words out. “Josie blames me. She blames me for Rachel’s accident.”

Her mother gasped. She squeezed Melissa’s hand. “But that’s so unfair!” she exclaimed.

Melissa closed her eyes. “I know,” she whispered. “I know . . .”

♦ ♦ ♦

“Steve, stop it! Don’t come any closer!” Josie exclaimed.

She backed up, her boots snagging in the shag rug. She eyed Steve Barron warily as he continued to stalk her, a strange smile on his face.

“Come on, stop!” Josie cried, her back colliding with the pine-paneled wall. “What have you got behind your back?”

Steve’s grin grew wider. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously. “Nothing,” he said softly. “What makes you think I have something behind my back?”

“Steve—” Josie started.

He swung his arm around, revealing the smooth, white snowball in his hand. Before Josie could cry out in protest, he grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed the icy snowball into her face.

“I’ll get you!” she cried, laughing and trying to squirm away.

He was laughing so hard she was able to grab the snowball out of his hand. She tried to hit him with it, but it disintegrated, dripping onto the carpet.

“You’re not funny!” Josie exclaimed, and wiped her cold, wet hand against his face. “My mom’ll kill you for bringing snow in the house.”

“She isn’t home,” Steve said, still holding her shoulder. His eyes lit up. A devilish grin spread across his handsome face. “Hey, she isn’t home!” he declared. He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. Leaning against the den wall, Josie returned the kiss.

They were interrupted by high-pitched yapping from the doorway. Startled, Josie pushed Steve away.

“Muggy, what’s your problem?” she called to the little white terrier, who continued barking in alarm, his stub of a tail wagging frantically. “It’s only Steve.”

“Boo!” Steve shouted.

The dog yipped and started toward Josie, as if coming to protect her from Steve. But the wet snow on the rug distracted the little dog, and it stopped to sniff it, then lick it.

“How can you stand that little rat?” Steve teased. “Why don’t you step on it and put it out of its misery?”

Josie’s expression turned to mock outrage. “You’re disgusting. How can you say such a horrible thing about Muggy?” She stooped and picked the dog up, wrapping it in a tight hug against her pale blue sweater. “Don’t listen to him, Muggy.”

The terrier gave Josie’s face a fast lick, then thrashed its legs, struggling to escape from her.

“Yuck,” Steve said, shaking his head. “You let that rodent lick you? How do you know what he’s been licking before he came in here?”

“Don’t be gross,” Josie replied, setting Muggy down gently.

The dog sniffed the snow on the carpet again, then sneezed, before hurrying out of the room.

Josie glanced out the den window. The snow had stopped coming down. The snow-covered front yard glowed like silver under the late-afternoon sun.

Across the street, she could see Melissa’s house, patches of snow piled on the windowsills and clinging to the gray shingles. Melissa’s blue Firebird was parked in the drive.

Josie turned away from the window. “It’s cold in here,” she complained, rubbing the arms of her sweater. “I hate this drafty old house.”

Steve took a step toward here. “Come here. I’ll warm you up.”

She started to push him away, then changed her mind and let him kiss her again. She stared into his eyes as they kissed. She didn’t like to close her eyes. She liked to watch him.

He’s so good-looking, she thought. In an all-American sort of way. Wavy, blond hair. Clear blue eyes. Perfect straight nose. Lopsided grin. Broad shoulders.

How long had she been going with Steve? Ever since she’d dumped Jenkman. That was right after Rachel’s accident. Last September. So she and Steve had been seeing each other for almost five months.

That’s a long time, Josie thought. For me, anyway. And I’m not the least bit bored with him yet.

What’s your secret, Steve? she wondered as she pressed her cold cheek against his warm one. Is it because you bring snowballs into the house? Because I can never guess what you’re going to do next?

He stepped away from her and raked a hand back through his blond hair. Then he straightened his maroon and white Shadyside High sweatshirt. “Are we going to the mall, or what?” he asked.

“Yeah. Sure,” she replied, untangling a long, dangling earring. She started toward the doorway. “I’ll go upstairs and tell Erica we’re leaving.”

“Is Erica going to give you a hard time?” Steve asked.

“She usually does,” Josie said.

She stopped just outside the doorway to the den. The mail had been piled on the narrow table against the wall. She picked up the stack and shuffled through it.

“Hey, something for me,” Josie said, pulling out a square envelope. She let the rest of the mail drop back to the table.

“Who’s it from?” Steve asked.

Josie shrugged. “I don’t know.”

She ripped open the envelope and pulled out a greeting card.

She read it silently, then gasped, her hand trembling, her eyes wide with fear.