Melissa leaned forward to kiss Luke and bumped her forehead against his glasses.
“Ow!” they both said.
Melissa gave Luke a playful shove with both hands. “Don’t you ever take those glasses off?” she chided.
He laughed and pulled his glasses off. He gazed at her expectantly, waiting for another kiss. But Melissa surprised him by jumping to her feet.
“Hey, come back,” he called. “What’s wrong?”
Melissa walked to the den window and stared out at the darkening sky. Gray clouds collided over the bare trees, threatening a snowstorm. By the side of the garage, two large crows were pecking at the hard ground. Melissa watched them till they flew away, squabbling loudly.
“I got a letter from Dave,” she told Luke, still staring out the window, her arms crossed over the front of her pale green sweater. She uncrossed her arms and began to fiddle with a tangle of black hair.
“Huh? From Dave?” Luke reacted with surprise.
Luke and Melissa had been going out for about two months. In all that time, she had mentioned Dave only once or twice. Dave, Luke knew, was in some military-style boarding school upstate. Luke wasn’t exactly sure where.
“Poor Dave,” Melissa said, turning to face Luke, sitting against the windowsill. “He really lost it.”
“Yeah,” Luke agreed thoughtfully, putting his glasses back on.
“He always had a terrible temper,” Melissa said, still toying with her hair. “But I never thought he killed Josie and stabbed Erica. I still don’t believe it.”
“I can’t believe it happened a year ago,” Luke said softly. “It—it’s all so fresh in my mind.”
“I still have nightmares about it,” Melissa confessed. “Getting the letter from Dave brought it all back.”
Leaning against the windowsill, feeling the chill from outside against her back, the frightening events of one year before whirred rapidly, painfully through Melissa’s mind.
Dave had been caught huddling over Erica’s unconscious body, the blood-soaked letter opener in his hand. Erica was rushed to the hospital where she eventually recovered. Dave was arrested and held.
But the police investigation couldn’t link Dave to Josie’s murder. And Erica never pressed charges, never accused him of stabbing her. “It was too dark,” she had told the police. “And I was attacked from behind. I never saw who did it.”
Why had Erica been home?
She had been in a state of shock, too sick and upset to go to Josie’s funeral. She had stayed home with Rachel while her parents went to the funeral.
She heard strange noises over the intercom. She called the police. She stepped out into the dark hallway to investigate—and was stabbed from behind.
Dave told the police that he hadn’t been the one who stabbed Erica. He claimed that he had stumbled over Erica’s body while trying to get to the stairway. She had already been stabbed. Dave was so shocked and horrified, he bent down and picked up the letter opener.
He froze there in a panic. That was when the police came up the stairs and found him.
Dave swore he was innocent, and after a long investigation, the police had to let him go. No proof. No evidence.
Poor Dave, Melissa thought, remembering his troubled face, his nervous eyes, his trembling chin when he tried to explain it all to her.
Dave couldn’t return to a normal life. No one would let him.
Too many people in Shadyside, too many of his own friends, believed that he was a murderer.
First, the cheating incident. Then Josie’s murder. Then breaking into the McClains’ house. Then the attack on Erica.
Even if the police couldn’t prove it, most of the town believed Dave was guilty.
For his sake, Dave’s parents moved and sent him away to a boarding school upstate. Dave was gone, but the rumors about him continued.
Melissa hated the way kids talked about Dave. How could they be so sure he was a murderer? Why were they so willing and eager to believe that Dave was guilty?
It all seemed so clear and simple to some kids Melissa knew. Dave had hated Josie. Everyone knew that.
When Josie turned him in for cheating and he got kicked off the wrestling team because of it, he went berserk and killed her. That was the story a lot of people believed.
Then he broke into the McClains’ house to get his threatening valentines back. Erica caught him in the act. Dave didn’t want her to tell the police about the valentines. So he tried to kill her too.
That was the story some people believed.
And Melissa?
Melissa didn’t know what to believe. She knew Dave really well. She’d been dating him for a long time. He trusted her. He confided in her.
Dave had a wild, impulsive side, Melissa knew. And he had an angry side. Sending those threatening valentines was a really dumb, messed-up thing to do.
But Dave wasn’t a murderer. Melissa knew him. He wasn’t a murderer.
Was he?
Luke walked across the den and put his arms around Melissa. He didn’t say anything. His wool sweater felt scratchy against her cheek.
“Here it is a whole year later,” Melissa said wistfully. “And there are still so many questions, so many unanswered questions.”
“We have to try to put it behind us,” Luke said softly.
“But how?” Melissa demanded.
He let go of her and shrugged. “I don’t know.” He lowered his eyes. “I still think about Rachel a lot,” he confessed.
Outside the window the sky darkened as the heavy clouds continued to gather. The shadows on the den carpet lengthened as Melissa gazed at Luke. She suddenly felt as if the darkness was trying to swallow her up.
“I know it was hard for you,” Melissa said softly. “To stop going over there, I mean.”
He nodded solemnly. “It was harder on Rachel,” he replied. “Erica told me it was a real setback for Rachel.” His voice broke. “But what could I do? I had to get on with my life.”
Luke stepped past Melissa and peered out the window, pressing both hands down on the window sill. The gray light glinted in his glasses. His eyes seemed wild, unfocused.
“I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said, talking to himself as much as to Melissa. “I mean, going over there every day. I guess I thought I was making a big difference in Rachel’s life, helping her get better.” He uttered a pained sigh. “It took me so long to realize that Rachel will never get better.”
Melissa didn’t reply for a long while. The den was blanketed in silence, silence and deepening shadows. A car door slammed somewhere down the block. Two dogs started to bark.
“I’ve become pretty friendly with Erica,” Melissa said. “I go to visit Rachel every week, and then I stay and talk with Erica. I—I feel so sorry for her.”
“What do you mean?” Luke asked softly, turning to face her.
“Well, it took her so long to recover from that knife wound. And—well—she seems so lonely. The McClains still can’t afford a full-time nurse for Rachel, so—”
“Let’s change the subject,” Luke said sharply.
“Yeah, good idea,” Melissa quickly agreed. “That was all a year ago. It’s over. Done.” She crossed the room to the desk and picked up the stack of mail.
“Do you know about the skating party?” Luke asked. “On Valentine’s Day? At Fear Lake?”
“Ice-skating?” she asked, concentrating on the envelopes.
“No, roller-skating on ice,” Luke joked, rolling his eyes.
“Huh? Sorry. I wasn’t listening.” Melissa lowered the envelopes and grinned at him. “What were you saying? Roller-skating on ice?”
Luke chuckled. “There’s a Valentine’s Day party on Fear Lake. A skating party. Do you want to go?”
“Yeah. Okay. Great,” Melissa replied. Her grin faded. “Only, I’m a terrible skater. I spend more time on my butt than on my feet. Weak ankles, I guess.”
“I’ll give you some lessons,” Luke promised. He saw that she had turned her attention back to the mail. “Hey, what’s that?”
“Looks like a card. For me,” she replied, pleased. She started to pull the envelope open. “A valentine, I bet. Aren’t you a little early, Luke?”
“I didn’t send it,” Luke protested, crossing the den with long strides, stepping up behind her to read it over her shoulder.
The front of the card was a bouquet of flowers. Melissa unfolded it and read the handwritten message. She gasped.
Roses are red
Violets are blue,
On Valentine’s Day
You’ll be dead too.