The Shaa “year” is, so far as anyone knows, an arbitrary period of time unconnected with the orbit of any planet, or the measurement of anything in the natural world. It consists of 0.84 Earth years, or 306.6 Earth days. Caroline Sula, twenty-three in Shaa measure, is twenty by the reckoning of old Earth.
Planets within the empire of the Shaa have their own local calendar by which they chart the local year and seasons. But all official business is conducted in reference to the imperial calendar rather than the local.
The Shaa year is divided into equally arbitrary units that demonstrate the Shaa love for prime numbers. The Shaa year is divided into eleven months of 27.9 Earth days each, and each month is divided into 23 Shaa days, each 1.21 Earth days. The Shaa day is divided into 29 hours, each of 59.98 Earth minutes; and the hours are divided into 53 minutes, each 67.9 Earth seconds long. A Shaa minute consists of 101 seconds, each of 0.67 Earth seconds.
There is no Shaa equivalent of the “week,” though many planets have such a period in their own local calendars.
Measurements of time in this work, unless otherwise noted, are exclusively in Shaa measure. Readers may take comfort in the fact that, though the Shaa day is a little longer than Earth’s twenty-four-hour day, the hours and minutes are roughly equivalent.