water like a fish. Captivated, I forced myself to look away. Often. Because nothing caught my attention more than CeCe in the water, and as often as I pulled my gaze away, it returned with a vengeance.
“Much is on the horizon, yet I can’t pull myself out of the water,” Naraxthel said.
“I, for one, will not be the hunter who tells the humans to exit the channel,” Hivelt said. “Look at them. At peace for once on this goddess-forsaken rock.”
“Ik,” Natheka said. “I feel at peace myself, witnessing my heart mate in a safe place. I anticipate a decent rest.”
“Many of us organized our packs yesterday,” Raxkarax said. “With provisions secured, we may indeed sleep to our health and begin the next challenge at full strength.”
“What is a harbinger of doom?” I asked.
“You must ask VELMA when your helmet is on again,” Natheka said.
“The perils that await may be the last we ever face,” I said. “Perhaps we should go over the route one more time.”
“Now that I think about it, I do know the definition of “doom”,” Naraxthel said.
“One may make a logical supposition as to the meaning of the other word,” Hivelt agreed.
My brothers looked at me with concern, and I frowned. “I am but stating facts and suggesting a course of action to alleviate concerns. Perhaps CeCe is my mate, perhaps not, but I harbor anxieties for her wellbeing just as you do your heart mates.”
Hivelt pushed away from the edge and lifted himself out of the water to sit, the liquid sluicing off in a wave. He leaned forward.
“Mayhap you do not remember Esra riding the grass-eater as if she was born to it,” he said. “Or Pattee’s spear taking down the tree thief. Amity’s killing blow to the rokhura. And little Joan plunging a sword into that kathe agothe-fax that led me on a merry chase the other day. Did not CeCe carry lead your slow ass out of the fortress? I say we let the humans take the reins of this next leg of our journey and watch it unfold.”
Chagrined, I chuckled along with the others. “As you say, Hivelt.”
Natheka slapped me on the back, and then the rest of us left the comfortable waters and set up our pallets.
Naraxthel showed CeCe how to activate her fire rod, and then we sat round it to swap tales.
“CeCe,” I said. “You once mentioned that you spent time in your planet’s ocean. I am curious about its denizens. What can you tell us?”
I watched as her cheeks darkened to a becoming color and her lips split to reveal her gleaming smile, and I suddenly remembered what it felt like when she petted my cheek with her thumb. More. I wanted more of her, I realized. But she had already begun speaking.
“Free diving?” she’d asked the group.
“Holding your breath and seeing how deep you can go,” Amity said to CeCe’s nod.
“Right. Well, I once was invited to join a group of researchers studying the blue whale,” she said. Looking around, she asked, “Is there a Predator Planet equivalent?”
The humans bickered among themselves, and I donned my helmet to ask VELMA when I heard her voice.
“BoKama confirmed she and the Queen are infected with Ikthe’s cyanobacteria,” she said. BoKama has taken the antidote, but I await confirmation regarding the Queen.”
“Thank you,” I said, my mood sobering. “My fellow travelers. The Sister-Queens were found to have the cyanobacteria infection. The BoKama should recover, and the Queen’s status is unknown.” I removed my helmet.
Everyone’s smiles drifted away, and I saw CeCe’s shoulders slump.
“We spent so long in the cave pool, I forgot our mission,” she said.
“Ik, we still have the quest to complete,” Natheka said. “Amity, do you join me for a short reconnaissance, and we may return and report our findings.”
“Yeah, I’m down,” she said.
“If Raxkarax doesn’t mind, he and I can streamline our provisions?” Joan suggested, her brows raised at her heart mate who smiled in assent.
“Red and I will go over the maps again,” Esra said.
“I think I’ll poke around in VELMA’s code,” CeCe added.
“You lot,” Hivelt grumbled with the shake of his head. “If Pattee would like to join me, I will be sharpening our weapons.”
“Now who’s the harbinger of doom?” I said, and the humans paused to look at me for a jotik before they burst into laughter. I found I didn’t mind, as laughter was very becoming on CeCe. I allowed my gaze to watch her until it faded away, but her smile remained, and I was content.