About the Author

Vicky L. Holt spent the bulk of her childhood between the pages of countless books, from Aesop’s Fables to the wildwood of Narnia to the tangle of Middle Earth and even down the sights of a double-barreled shotgun in Louis L’Amour westerns. Regency romances snagged her interest next, followed thereafter by Harlequin Suspense, Tom Clancy novels, Mary Higgins Clark, and then Lee Child books. The advent of Indie publishing brought a torrent of new authors and amazing new subgenres, and really, who has time to read all the wonderful works out in the world? But she keeps trying anyway.

With seven kids, two grandkids, a grandkitty and a hopelessly naughty goldendoodle, Vicky loves to escape into her seafoam office filled with her art collection and photos of the beach to explore the inner workings of her endless imagination. In other words, she often scrolls social media mindlessly while dishes sit in the sink. You can find her everywhere @lovevickyholt and you simply must sign up for her newsletter by visiting her website at or this Bookfunnel link: .

In fact, I recommend clicking the Bookfunnel link because it will rush you through the process of getting the FREE and EXCLUSIVE novella, Stranded on Mining Planet. This 46k word novella is practically a full-length novel and is filled to the brim with action, the feisty demolitions expert Shay Leviticus, and the adorable braggart reptilian alien, Drail. Suspense, danger, explosions, and a super spicy scene all make for a hot read! A standalone, Stranded takes part far away from Predator Planet but features the machinations of the juggernaut IGMC, a capable heroine, and Artificial Intelligence, as well as a noble and hunky alien male hero.