waving my hand in front of my face. “We still can’t see anything.”
“CeCe,” my mother’s voice sounded at my left, and I froze.
“Did you hear that?” I asked my friends.
“Hear what?” Pattee said. “You’re the only one who spoke. We hadn’t answered you yet.”
“Oh,” I said, my voice loud in my own ears. I cocked my head, but there was only silence.
“Hey,” Esra said from my right. “I found a guide rope tacked into the wall.”
“Gracias a dios,” Amity muttered. “Okay, found it. Follow the sound of my voice, ladies.”
“CeCe, I’ve missed you,” my mother said. “It’s been so long.”
“Shit, shit, shit,” I said. “You guys aren’t hearing anything? Voices?”
“Do you hear the guys?” Joan asked.
“No, dammit. I don’t know what’s going on.” I reached toward what I hoped was the wall, but I couldn’t remember why I was looking for a wall.
“Mom?” I said. “Help me, Mom.”
Garbled voices echoed all around me; grasping claws clutched at me, and I swung out.
“She’s hallucinating,” someone said.
“She’s too strong; I can’t hold her down,” someone else said. It sounded serious.
“ADVISOR, erratic activity detected in your amygdala,” a familiar voice said. “Suspected neurotoxin introduced into your system. It is advisable to leave the area.”
“I can’t see, Mom,” I said. “It’s so dark. Am I in space?”
“Yes, CeCe,” my mom said. “We’re together now. Hold my hand.”
My mom took my hand, and I sighed. Everything was going to be okay, now.