
in one year is unprecedented for me, and I don't know if I would do it again. I really wanted to make the Predator Planet fans happy, so that's why I pushed myself to finish Book 5 in 2023, even though Book 4 came out in April of '23. So. This was only possible because of Sherry who encouraged me to keep going while also encouraging me to practice self-care. Also, numerous readers reached out via Facebook PM or email or IG messages or my website ( just to tell me they were enjoying the series. More often than not, those messages came on days when I was doubting if I could do it!

Writing from a Black woman's perspective needed some special consideration, and I treasured the feedback I received from my three Sensitivity readers: Amy, Ashley, and Twilla. Thank you!

Victoria and Elizabeth R. spoiled me rotten with phenomenal food and an honest-to-God Hoot 'N' Holler Writing Retreat (wherein no writing was seen to have occurred) and really rejuvenated me and nurtured me after a surgery.

As ever, Elizabeth's priceless beta reading savvy was hugely appreciated.

I'd like to especially thank my dear friend Addy Rall, without whom I would have stared into the void kicking myself while simultaneously feeling frozen. It's amphetamine, people. I'm thanking Adderall in my Acknowledgments and I refuse to apologize for that. ADHD brains, represent!

And lastly, the final month of finishing Hidden repeatedly kicked my ass with all sorts of hiccups, issues, school and bus problems, scheduling problems and I don't know what, but my husband Glen really stepped up and treated my writing time with respect, taking on household and care tasks so I could work on my career, and I really felt loved and honored because of that. His love is always the inspiration for the deep, emotional connections my characters form with each other, and I hope that someday he internalizes the fact that my MMCs are all basically him: swoonworthy, noble, kind, introspective, fiercely protective when they need to be, but confident in the FMC's abilities to save themselves. I love writing about relationships that enrich and encourage individuality and flourishing personhood. Where two people are really cool by themselves but then also awesome together. So thank you, Glen, for being my inspiration and my forever love. 30 years and counting!

My readers, especially Lori, Kim, Karen, Donna and Jenifer … you have been with me the whole way, cheering me on and encouraging me! I can’t thank you enough. As for the rest of you, there are so many that I couldn’t possibly mention you all, but thank you for reviewing my books, sending emails to ask questions, drawing fan art, mentioning my books on social media or recommending them to friends and strangers alike. I have readers tell me they reread my books, and I can’t believe it. That’s what “I” do with my favorite books, and I have a hard time comprehending that my books could be appreciated that much by others. I’m blown away! I love you guys so much, and I truly hope that this series inspired you, made you laugh, cry and think. I hope you geeked out and fell in love and looked at our own incredible planet with new eyes. I know I did! Most of all, I hope you sat back at the end and let out a big, happy sigh of satisfaction.

Love always,

Vicky Holt