The gifts of the Muses are violet-threaded,

rare: follow their path, my daughters, pursue

the lyre’s clear-voiced, enthralling song.

Once I, too, was in tender bud. Now old age

is wrinkling my skin and my hair is turning

from black to grey; my heart is weighted,

knees buckle where I danced like a deer.

Yet what else can I do but complain?

To be human is to grow old. They say

Eös, the rosy-fingered dawn, whispered

of love to Tithonus, whirled him away

to the very edge of the world, beguiled

by his youth and beauty. Yet still he aged,

still he withered, despite his immortal wife.


This is a new version of No.31 (58LP). See ‘The New Fragments: Texts, Translations and Retranslations’.