A herald came … Idaeus … swift messenger …

‘Hector and his companions are bringing a woman

with sparkling eyes, graceful Andromache, from sacred Thebe,

from the ever-flowing streams of Placia, in their ships

across the salt-filled sea;

                                       and with her they also carry

many golden bracelets, purple clothing, engraved trinkets,

ivory and silver goblets too numerous to count.’

This was Idaeus’ speech.

                                       And Hector’s beloved father

nimbly leapt up and the word spread throughout the wide city

to those who held Hector dear.

                                               At once the sons of Ilus

yoked mules to broad-wheeled carts and a crowd of women and girls

whose ankles were slim, climbed on, while the daughters of Priam …

… and the sweet music of the flute was mingled with the clash

of castanets and the young women sang a sacred song

so clearly that their wondrous echo reached the sky …

… and in the streets, the mingled scents of myrrh and cassia

and frankincense;

                               with one voice the elder women shouted

for joy and with a clear cry all the men called on Paean,§

the noble archer, the skilled lyre player and they all sang

in praise of Hector and Andromache who were like gods


beloved father: Priam, king of Troy.

Ilus: founder of Troy.

§ Paean: the god, Apollo.