Immortal Aphrodite, on your patterned throne,

daughter of Zeus, guile-weaver,

I beg you, goddess, don’t subjugate my heart

with anguish, with grief

but come here to me now, if ever in the past

you have heard my distant pleas

and listened; leaving your father’s golden house

you came to me then

with your chariot yoked; beautiful swift sparrows

brought you around the dark earth

with a whirl of wings, beating fast, from heaven

down through the mid-air

to reach me quickly; then you, my sacred goddess,

your immortal face smiling,

asked me what had gone wrong this time and this time

why was I begging

and what in my demented heart, I wanted most:

‘Who shall I persuade this time

to take you back, yet once again, to her love;

who wrongs you, Sappho?

For if she runs away, soon she shall run after,

if she shuns gifts, she shall give,

if she does not love you, soon she shall even

against her own will.’

So come to me now, free me from this aching pain,

fulfil everything that

my heart desires to be fulfilled: you, yes you,

will be my ally.
