Being Genuine
Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real
©2007 PuddleDancer Press
A PuddleDancer Press Book
Originally published in French by Les Editions de L’Homme
©2001, Les Editions de L’Homme
une division du groupe Sogides
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Author: Thomas d’Ansembourg
Translated by: Godfrey Spencer
Editor: Dan Shenk, CopyProof,
Index: Phyllis Linn, Indexpress
Manufactured in the United States of America
1st Printing, May 2007
2nd Printing, December 2008
3rd Printing, March 2010
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
ISBN: 978-1-892005-21-2
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication
(Provided by Quality Books, Inc.)
D’Ansembourg, Thomas.
Being genuine: stop being nice, start being real / Thomas d’Ansembourg.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-892005-21-2
ISBN 978-1-892005-21-2
1. Interpersonal communication. 2. Nonviolence.
I. Title.
BF637.C45D36 2007 158.2