I’d like to thank the following people, without whom my story would not have been told.
Thank you to my broodingly handsome husband, Virgil. Words can never express my love for you. You are the kindest, most honorable and loving man I’ve ever known. As our song says, ‘God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.’ Thank you for being my best friend and the love of my life.
To my beautiful children JP, Sabyre, Willow and Micah – you four are the source of my greatest joy, love and pride. Thank you for a lifetime of laughter and love.
To my parents – I love you both more than I’ve probably ever been able to convey. Thank you for loving me as I grew up and not killing me during my teenage years. I have a new appreciation for you both now that I am a parent. I wouldn’t have chosen differently even if I could have.
To my brother Jayson – you will always be my baby. You were my partner in crime and grew to be one of my dearest friends. Your constant encouragement and humor have kept me going through my life. You helped me to always laugh instead of cry. And for the record, you were totally worth me having to give away my dog. Melissa, thank you for loving my brother and completing his life. I love having you as my sister!
Kara Benton, you always believed in me and my story. Thank you for always cheering me on and just letting me be me!
Amber Taylor, you inspire me. You make me laugh like none other, and your faith and fire in God ignites me (and you too, Brandon).
Laura Schroff, thank you for being a ripple maker. Without you, my story would never have been told. What an invisible thread God wove for you and me!
To all my friends and family – thank you for being my cheering section, a shoulder to cry on, and a source of powerful prayer warriors. Your love and encouragement mean more to me than you can ever know.
To the team at Howard Books, especially my wonderful editors Jessica Wong and Jonathan Merkh. Thank you so much for making the telling of my story possible. God placed an amazing team around me.
To Nena and Jan at Dupree-Miller – thank you for being the most amazing agents ever.
Last, but certainly not least, thank you, Alex Tresniowski. God promised me He was sending someone to tell my story, and you were well worth the wait. You have not only become my friend; you’ve become a part of my family forever.
First, a giant thank you to Crystal McVea for bringing me along on her amazing journey. I learned so much about courage and faith from you, and I feel so blessed to call you my friend. We’ll be buddies forever. Thanks also to Virgil and your great kids JP, Sabyre, Micah and Willow for making me feel like a part of your beautiful family.
Thank you to my dear friend Laura Schroff, who changed my life and made this book possible. You’re the most generous person I know. Thanks, everyone at Howard Books, especially my fellow introvert Jessica – you’re brilliant. Thank you, Nena Madonia and Jan Miller – you’re the best. Thanks to my golf buddy Mark Apovian, and thanks to J, for Life of Pi. Thanks to Fran, Rich, Zachary, Emily, Tam, Howie, Nick, Susan and Humboldt for being the best family a guy could have. Thanks to Manley, Guy, LiLi, Nino, She She and Ders for being my heart. Thanks to Amy, Neil, Siena, Karen, Greg, Ollie, Cutler, Jen, Kate, Angie and Lindsay for making me feel so lucky.
And thank you, Lorraine Stundis, for everything.