ARENA Alianza Republicana Nacionalista, the major right-wing political party in El Salvador
areneros supporters of ARENA
CAFTA Central American Free Trade Agreement
catorce familias the “fourteen families,” an extended group of related Salvadoran families of particular wealth, power, and social prominence
caudillo a large property holder, military leader, or other “strongman”
Chávez, Hugo Leftist president of Venezuela; the current bête noir of American foreign policy in Latin America
efemelenistas supporters of the FMLN
FMLN Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, the major left-wing political party in El Salvador, formerly the unified guerrilla opposition
Fuerza Aérea the Salvadoran air force
LEGAT legal attaché, the head of an overseas FBI office
Los Patrióticos a war-era death squad consisting of middle- and upper-class professionals operating out of the First Brigade’s civil defense training program
Los Soldados de San Miguel a (fictional) death squad operating in eastern El Salvador
maquila a factory that assembles imported components for export
mara a Central American gang
Mara Dieciocho the smaller of the two main Salvadoran gangs, an outgrowth of the Eighteenth Street gang (Calle 18) in Los Angeles
Mara Salvatrucha the larger of the two main Salvadoran gangs, originally formed by Salvadoran refugees in Los Angeles as protection against Mexican gangs, specifically the Eighteenth Street Gang—members are called salvatruchos
marero a Salvadoran gang member
Mercado Nacional de Artesanías artisans’ market, where native crafts can be purchased
ODIC the Overseas Development Insurance Corporation—a (fictional) export credit agency funding and insuring American investment in international development projects
placa a hand signal denoting gang affiliation
PNC Policía Nacional Civil, the national police force formed after the UN Peace Accords to supplant military involvement in routine police work
remesas remittances—i.e., money sent back to El Salvador from migrants abroad
SOUTHCOM Southern Command, the U.S. military’s regional command structure for Latin America