This book could not have been completed without the very generous help from many individuals and organizations. David Morgan of the Beargrass-St. Matthews Historical Society permitted us to use images from its archives, and Ann Rockwell and Dustin Strong of the St. Matthews Eline Memorial Library gave us a place to work and meet with local people who had photographs and stories to share. Most of the churches in St. Matthews likewise shared their photographs with us, as did the Sam Swope Auto Group and the St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce. Mary Margaret Bell of the Jefferson County Public School archives led us to information about the public elementary and high schools in the community, and Barbara Mullen, archivist at Trinity High School, graciously permitted us to scan images. Jamie Dumstorf at Waggener High School opened the school’s archives for us. Other individuals in St. Matthews who took the time to find and lend us photographs from their families’ past include Sidney W. Eline Jr., David Kraft, Bernie Bowling, and Al Ring, whose website (see page 127) contains a world of information about St. Matthews. Others who helped us with photographs or in various other ways include Judy Steinhauer and Mary Sue Ryan of the Girl Scout Council of Kentuckiana, Ellen Kaelin Venhoff, Carol Tobe, Tom Zehnder, Tom Owen, Bob Moore, Ken Draut, Mike and Rich Ochsner, Julie Garrison of Baptist East Hospital, Shirley Harmon of Norton Hospitals, Shiela Wallace of the Jewish Community Center, Marsha Burton of the Inn at Woodlawn, and Marty Perry of the Kentucky Heritage Council.

In the photograph credit lines, we have used the following abbreviations where appropriate: Archdiocese of Louisville (AOL), Beargrass Christian Church (BGCC), Beargrass-St. Matthews Historical Society (BGSTMHS), Bethel-St. Paul Church (BSP), Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church (HBPC), Jefferson County Historic Preservation and Archives (JCHPA), Kentucky Heritage Council (KHC), Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (OLOL), St. John’s Lutheran Church (SJL), St. Matthews Baptist Church (STMBC), St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce (STMCC), St. Matthews Episcopal Church (STMEC), Trinity High School archives (THS), University of Louisville (U of L), and Waggener High School archives (WHS).