Your center of gravity lies in the abdomen. At this core of the body is the workhouse for the all-important abdominal organs. Twists bring fresh, oxygen-rich blood to the organs and the bowel, nourishing them. Together with the massaging effect of the twisting action, they promote healthy functioning, digestion, and elimination. Toning the abdominal muscles is vital for good posture and protection from lower back pain.
Twisting around gives you a chance to see things from a new perspective. Twists release a lot of tension from the small muscles around the spine. They are great balancers. When you are restless and agitated, twists tend to settle you down. They give you a lift when you feel tired and lethargic. The next time you get wound up by life, spiral yourself into a long twist, then, as your body uncoils, feel your mind unwind.