I’d like to thank Angie Abdou for giving me a chance when others wouldn’t. Also, Thomas Trofimuk, Marie Peiffer-Mitchell, and all the unseen heroes who have walked next to me on my life path. I’d especially like to extend my gratitude to Marc Côté, Sarah Jensen, Sarah Cooper, and the entire team at Cormorant Books.

And to Travis Jones. This book is for you. I miss you everyday, but I know that I am sheltered beneath your battered wings up there in the heavens.

Also, for those who come from a rough past for which you may feel you must apologize. May your life lessons have taught you to work hard, but most of all, to see miracles in the smallest of things. To be grateful, to be kind, and to understand and respect that everybody has a story and is a valued and worthy being. That eyes of judgement are no eyes at all.