Copyright © 2014 By Candace Mumford and A.N.C. Media Publishing.

This book is purely a work of fiction and the names,characters,places and incidents contained within this body of work are not related to or portraying anyone living or dead. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

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Love On Lock


Candace Mumford

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1. Sampson State Penitentiary


Dana girl you have reached an all time low! I said scolding myself as I looked around the clean, though sparsely decorated mobile home. I had been through hell this morning...or at least it felt like it to me and it was only 8:30am. Now granted I had made the visit to this very same prison before with Tamera to visit her brother Terrence once before. And yeah I'd driven up here these past few months for our little Saturday visitations,but this shit right here? THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE? This mornings experience took my personal invasion of privacy to a whole other level! I think that damn female guard was trying to feel me up too. That hoe was rubbing my titties two seconds longer than was necessary to do her goddamn job,I thought frowning as I adjusted my breasts. Ol' girl was trying to feel on me something tough!This visit damn sure better be worth it. Today would be the first time I'd be spending time with my husband Terrence Hill. Real time that is. Hell, little did Sampson State Penitentiary know, it would be my first time visiting him outside of three months worth of Saturday visits period. Which is exactly how long I've know him. Three measly months. 90 days. What in the hell was I doing here? I barely even knew the guy. Well that wasn't quite true...anymore.

Six months ago I didn't know Terrence at all. Now I feel closer to him than anyone around me. The whole thing is just crazy but what could I do? I'd really needed him at the time and evidently he needed me too. For whatever his own personal reasons were. I was still clueless as to those exact reasons. Terrence and I both seemed to be in serious binds so why not help each other? I thought trying to calm my nerves. This could still work between us. I pulled out my tube of lip gloss and spread a thin coat on my lips. I always bite my lips when I'm nervous. The last thing I wanted my

“ Husband” to do was walk in and see me with some ashy,crusty ass lips! I quickly stuffed the tube down my jeans pocket, I knew I'd be needing it again. Sooner rather than later so I may as well keep it close.

At the time I got involved in this “ situation” I never imagined that I'd actually start caring about him though. I mean really caring about him. Who am I kidding? I'm in love with Terrence Hill. I'd never admit it. To anyone, not even him. But what the hell could it be? I've never been in love before. Do I love spending hours reading the latest fashion industry magazines? Yes. Did I routinely visit the Garment District, rubbing and feeling on every piece of fabric I could get my hands on until I knew every fabric ever made by touch alone? Damn right.

But this love shit? I had absolutely no experience in. I was 22 years old and had only been on maybe a dozen or so dates. It wasn't for lack of male attention. I just had other things on my mind like graduating from design school and hitting the first plane out of JFK to Paris,France. If I couldn't get there right away,Manhattan would do. As long as I was learning and perfecting what I know is my God given talent for fashion. I was determined to be the next Vera Wang or CoCo Chanel.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall.

Terrence would be escorted to our “home” in thirty minutes. I had a mere thirty minutes to calm myself before actually being in the same room as my convict of a husband for the last three months. Thirty minutes to convince my stomach to stop doing flips and turns like it was a member of the U.S.A. Olympic gymnastics team. Gabby Douglas I was not and my tummy needed to get it together and settle the fuck down!

I mean it wasn't like Terrence is in jail for murder or anything. Yes drugs were bad for society but it's not like he was making anyone do drugs. If a junkie didn't get their dope from him, they were going to get it from someone else anyways right? Besides, he wasn't even in jail because of that. Well, I thought, he did damn near kill someone he was beating the hell out of. But that was completely justified. It was because he was defending my friend Tamera. His sister. How the hell did I get myself into this I thought? My mind began drifting to when it all began three months ago.

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