15. Welcome Home Mr. Hill


“ Mr. Hill! It's good to see you.”

“It's even better to see you.” I said greeting my doorman James as I walked into the  building. Damn it was good to be out. I never thought I'd miss the smell of the city but damn it felt good to just breathe any air other than the stale contained prison air I'd grown used to. Even the smell of smog was a welcome scent. No time limits but my own, no one looking over my shoulder or having to watch my back. When I walked through the doors of my home it was if I'd never left. I'd had my lawyer hire a cleaning lady last week to come through and clean the place up and stock the refrigerator for me. I headed straight for the shower and stripped out of the clothes I'd worn home. They were going straight into the garbage. I took a long relaxing shower. By the time I was done I felt like I'd damn near washed the last two years of my life away,minus the one good thing that had come of it. My wife.

Speaking of my wife, I guess I need to let her know I'm out. I think I'll just go up to the school and call her and Tamera once I get to the campus. I thought about calling my mom but decided to check with Tamera first to see what was going on with her lately. Better to know ahead of time when dealing with my mama.

Shit. It's early so let me make this phone call to my parole officer,I thought picking up my cell phone and placing the call to the one thing tying me to the negativity of the last two years. After checking in and scheduling my appointment, I headed to my favorite barber shop and then to Parsons School of Design.

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