I sat on the couch speechless. What in the fuck? Divorce my ass. I'm damn sure going to handle Tamera running her damn mouth about shit she has nothing to do with but I guess right now I have a blushing bride on my hands right now. I don't want anything ruining our first night together. So let me get my ass up and go in here and talk to this crazy girl. I thought laughing inside.
I walked to my bedroom door and knocked.
After waiting several seconds with no response I just walked in,hell this is my spot, what the hell am I knocking for? I walked towards the bathroom door and walked inside.
“ Don't you know how to knock Terrence?” Dana asked wiping her eyes.
I walked over to the sink and leaned against it staring at her. The last thing I'd expected on our first real night together in our own home was for us to be arguing.
“ What are the tears about Dana?” I asked reaching out and pulling her between my long legs. Dana tried to resist but I was having none of that.
“ Am I doing something to upset you? I didn't think I was but evidently I'm saying or doing something to upset my wife and that's not my intention.” I said running a finger down her tear stained cheek.
“ Talk to me baby. I've waited months to be with you. I thought you felt the same way, but your whole reaction to me being home is saying something else. Tell me what I'm doing wrong? What I gotta do to make my wife happy?”
Dana hung her head in shame. They'd waited all these months for this very day and here she was ruining it over nothing.
“ You just did. I'm sorry, I just let my insecurities get the best of me concerning you.” Dana said wiping her face as she took a deep breath.
“ You're my wife Dana. You belong to me and with me. It doesn't matter how we began. All that matters is where we're going. You don't have anything to be insecure about. I wasn't one of those locked up niggas talking to all kinda women because I was bored,needed money on my books or just was lonely.
I was seeing someone when I got locked up but I ended it. I even stopped her from visiting. Now Dana I'm not gonna lie to you, I did my thing out here two years ago. I've had my fair share of women. But there ain't gonna be no woman out here that can step to you and tell you anything about your man...your husband is that clear? I'm your man. I belong to only you. A lot of shit is going to be happening for us. It's already in motion but I wanted a Queen by my side and when I saw you I just knew you had the potential to be that for me. I know we're still getting to know each other but I need you to trust I ain't gonna do you dirty.”
As crazy as it was Dana believed every word coming out of his mouth but he and Tamera were close. Why would she just make those type of comments about him? I also trusted Tamera so why would she try and hurt me?
“ I know that you and Tamera are close Terrence, why does she seem to think you're just out there in regards to women?”
“ What has she said?” I asked, my eyebrow raised.
Dana ran her hand nervously through her hair. The last thing she wanted to do was cause problems between Terrence and his sister,but this was her marriage on the line.
“ You know what Terrence never mind. I think she just makes comments about you not caring what I do because she doesn't know. You don't talk to her about me so she just feels like we just have this contract. Like you're just keeping track of me for money. I think we just all need to get together. I'm still not really speaking to my father much but I do want you to meet him, I barely know your mother, you have to meet Tamera's boyfriend Cordell....,”
“ What the fuck did you say? Who did you just say is Tamera's man?”I asked my eyes flashing fire. I knew my tone was harsh but I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Surely I'd just mis-heard.
“ His name is Cordell. Do you know him?”
“ Yeah I know that nigga. Look I'm done talking about other folks tonight. All I wanna do is concentrate on my beautiful bride.”
“ Well what do you want to do?”
“ That's a for real question? Ya' man been locked up for two years. I'm trying to make love to my wife. Oh! And I got you something too.” I said grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen. I picked up a manilla envelope and began trifling through some papers.
“Here you go.” I said handing them over to her.
“ What are these Terrence?”
“ Read it.” I said pulling out my wallet. “ I got this one done today.”
Oh my God, Dana though as read through the papers. Terrence had just handed her eight consecutive months worth of negative HIV test results. The paper from his wallet was the negative result from a rapid HIV test he'd taken earlier in the day.
“ Wow. Umm okay.”
“ I told you I ain't trying to hurt you. In any way. I wanted you to know I'm clean. I ain't been locked up fuckin' men or no shit like that. I seen some crazy shit in there though. Any woman that fucks with a nigga out of jail without proof he's clean is crazy as fuck. I seen some dudes I know of out on the streets and they straight bitches when they locked up and got women when they get out. So before I even met you I started paying for my own tests every month. I wanted to be able to show and prove when I got out shit. I got like a years worth in here if you wanna see them. So,where my proof you been a good girl?” I asked grinning.
“ Are you serious? I don't need any tests.”
“ Baby girl we all have a past. I should have asked you months ago to get tested too.”
“ I don't need any tests. I'm...,well umm.” Dana stammered her voice growing so soft I could barely hear her.
“ Speak up girl, I can't hear you.”
“ Well umm, you just kinda assumed..., but well, I've never been with anyone before.” Dana said quickly walking into the living-room, she kept her back to Terrence to hide her embarrassment. Dana had easily avoided it during their conjugal visit. We had physical contact yes and if Terrence had wanted to take things further he would have found out. Instead Terrence insisted on waiting until he was released. Any confession was avoided. Terrence wasn't one of those type of men who sat on the phone wanting to talk about sex all those months. We had real conversations and had gotten to know each other. I knew that he probably assumed I was experienced, after all I was 22. Most women my age had been with multiple men by now but I'd never met a guy I really connected with before Terrence. Who would have ever thought the one man I wanted to be with more than anything would be a convict? Now I felt silly and inexperienced. I wasn't naïve by any means, I could only imagine how much sex he wanted after being locked up for two years.
“ Don't look at me like that Terrence.”
“ How am I looking at you Dana?”
“ You're looking at me like I'm some type of alien. I know I'm not like the women you're used to being with but....,”
“ You're not. That's what I like that about you. I wouldn't want my wife to act like some of the women I've been with in my past. The only thing on my mind right now is making your night special. Stop trying to fight with me Dana.” I walked over to the large bathtub and began running the water. Then I walked over to the sink and looked underneath until I came up with a bottle of scented bath oil. I hope this shit ain't expired. The last thing I wanna do is give my wife a damn rash! I looked over the bottle and didn't see an expiration date. After pouring some in the water I made my way back over to Dana,pulling her close to me.
* * * *