Authors have imaginations. By thinking outside the box, we create characters and plots for readers to enjoy. Still, we understand our stories must be anchored in fact. Several people were generous with their time and expertise when I wrote Three Treats Too Many. Of course, any errors are my own.
Sidney and Elenor Conn not only fed me a delicious lunch, but spent hours explaining motorcycles to me. Dr. Andy Sokol permitted me to shadow him at his veterinarian practice and patiently answered my questions. My thanks to the three of them.
I appreciate the editing Barb Goffman provided. Her suggestions and questions made me think, search for solutions, revise, and expand. Because of Barb’s input, Three Treats Too Many is a better book. Thanks also to my agent, Dawn Dowdle, for her help and support.
There are no words to express the extent of my gratitude to Fran and Lee Godchaux. Without their input and help in so many ways, the final version of this book would not exist.