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First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2015
Text copyright © Bruce Scates, Rebecca Wheatley and Laura James 2015.
Photography copyright © individual contributors 2015
The moral right of the authors has been asserted.
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Design by Laura Thomas © Penguin Group (Australia)
Front cover photograph: Australian War Memorial (P00867.001)
Back cover photographs: Ethel Campbell and crowd/National Library of Australia; Remembrance
Day badge/Melbourne Museum; Returned Servicemen’s badge/Australian War Memorial
(REL34983); Portrait of Narelle Hobbes/Australian War Memorial (PR03708); Will Dyson
Stretcher bearers near Butte de Warlencourt (1917), charcoal, pencil and wash on paper/Australian
War Memorial (ART02266); Portrait of Douglas Grant/National Archives of Australia
(SP1011/1, 2176); Ettie Rout and soldiers/Australian War Memorial (H03654); Military for Australia badge/Walter Barber.
Poppy images: p. vii jara3000/, p. 370 Kuznetsov Alexey/
Colour separation by Splitting Image Colour Studio, Clayton, Victoria
ISBN: 978-1-76014-188-2