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Roxie was shy about going back into the vid room with Bnjmn. The blanket was huge and more than covered her, but the lack of undergarments made her feel like a woman of loose morals. She knew she was covered, but there was just so much freedom with her girly bits hanging unfettered. It felt scandalous.
She felt his eyes on her as soon as she walked into the vid room. She was a strong, muscular woman, but she was very well-endowed. She hoped he wouldn't say anything about how much bigger her breasts were when they weren't held in by the foundation garment. She might turn tail and run!
She sat down close beside him, just as she was sitting before her foray into nudity. Leaning close to him, she rested her head on his shoulder, and waited for him to start the vid.
Bnjmn didn't want to take his eyes off the beautiful woman beside him, even for his favorite Earth show. He pushed the button that started the vid again, and draped his arm around her shoulders. He knew he'd be going in for some heavy petting in just a moment, but first he needed to distract her with the show.
"This is the one where they almost get off the island," he whispered.
She grinned, understanding the joke this time. "Really? It's this one? I hope they make it!"
"Me too." He bided his time, deciding to wait until after the first commercial interruption before he moved in for the groping he wanted so desperately to do.
They watched as Gilligan got hit with the skipper's hat, and the girls made coconut cream pies, Mary Ann's specialty. "Can you cook?" he asked, knowing he'd never eat her food even if she could. Who would pass up massacrater for Earth food?
She laughed. "I've never even tried to cook. I hope we're not going to be relying on my skills to feed us."
"We have a chef in the palace, and he's gotten good at cooking Earth food since Lela arrived. Or at least Lela says he has. I don't touch the stuff."
"More for me!" she mumbled, feeling a bit more comfortable, both physically and emotionally. She was glad he hadn't started groping her the instant she'd come back without her underwear.
"I have a feeling you're not fond of sharing."
"Oh, I can share. When you grow up in a compound, you don't have much choice. You share food, clothes, friends. There's nothing I don't share. That doesn't mean I want to do it!" She grinned up at him, so happy to have him beside her.
"Of course not. Who wants to share?" He turned toward her more fully, his thumb going to stroke her bottom lip. "I want to kiss you."
Roxie grinned, moving her hand up to pull his head down for a kiss, her lips parting automatically, just as he'd shown her. To think, twenty-four hours before, she'd never been kissed. Now it was all she wanted to do!
Bnjmn groaned as he sank into her kiss, her lips willing. His hands started at her waist, and slowly moved up her body. Moving around to cup one breast, he was surprised at how much larger it was without the foundation garment she'd worn. He found her nipple easily through the fabric of the blanket and rubbed his thumb on it.
He wanted badly to get his hand inside her blanket, and her armholes would make it easy for him to do so. There was nothing in their rules about him not touching bare skin above the waist, so he did it, waiting for her to get angry with him.
At the first touch of his hand on her bare skin, she jumped. It was a surprise, but it felt so good to her. She wanted to completely bare herself to him, seeing a vision of him closing his lips over her nipple in her mind. Yes, that's what I want!
"I want to see you!" he whispered, his lips insistent on hers as his hands explored every inch of her breasts. "All of you!"
She shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea. We're not married."
"We could be! We could walk to the bridge and be married in five minutes. Please, Mary Ann. I need you. I need to feel your body closing over my cock. I need to feel every inch of you squeezing me tight. Let me..."
Roxie was tempted to agree to marry him right then, but she wanted to wait just a little longer. One of her fears about marrying on Earth had been the idea of meeting a man, kissing him once in front of a church full of people, and then being expected to spread her legs for him without any time to get used to his touch.
"Soon, my dear. I just...I'm not quite ready yet!"
He sighed, wishing things were different. "All right. Feel free to touch me anywhere you want then."
Roxie leaned back and looked at him. "Really? Anywhere?" What she really wanted was to be able to feel his penis, learn the size and shape, so the idea of taking it into her body wouldn't be so intimidating. "You wouldn't mind?"
He laughed. "Mind your hand on my body? No, ma'am, I wouldn't. Tell me what you want me to bare for you, and I'll do it!"
Roxie blushed as she waved in the general direction of his groin. "I want to touch you there."
Bnjmn closed his eyes and groaned. "There is a god," he whispered, half to himself, his hands going to the front of his pants and unfastening them so his cock would spring free. "Touch me."
Roxie stared at the flesh that he had kept hidden in his pants, gasping at the size. How could something so large possibly fit inside her? Maybe it just looked bigger than it really was?
"Is it supposed to be curved at the end like that?" she asked, wondering why his penis didn't look like the one she'd seen a picture of on Earth.
"All Mcys have curved penises. It helps the female's pleasure."
She reached down and took hold of his member, her hand fisting around it. As soon as she touched him, he groaned, and she jerked her hand away. "Did I hurt you?"
He shook his head. "No," he answered, his voice gravelly. "I like it. A lot. Please continue."
She put her hand back on it, stroking it from the base, all the way to the tip. "It feels strange. It's so hard on the inside, but so spongy on the outside."
"Spongy?" he asked, his voice barely recognizable. "Is that good?"
"I don't know. I've never touched one of these things before!"
"Well, you're good at it."
"Is there a way you want me to touch it? Does it bring you pleasure when I stroke it, for instance?"
He nodded. "Just like you did at first. If you stroke it up, then down, then back up, I'll enjoy it the most." He groaned when she did exactly as he said, keeping her fist tight. Why did her hand feel so much better than his own? "Be careful, though. If you do it too much, I'll climax, and it will get messy."
"Climax? What does that entail?"
"Don't they teach you these things in your compound?"
She shrugged. "I know that a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina, and it makes a baby. Nothing more."
He closed his eyes, enjoying her touch. "Well, when a man has been stroked enough, by a hand, a mouth, or by a woman's vagina, he sprays out a liquid. The liquid is what can impregnate a woman." He couldn't believe he was talking to her about this while her hand was on his cock doing marvelous things to it. What kind of planet didn't educate their females about the way babies are made?
"Oh. Does it hurt when it comes out?" she asked, continuing to stroke him.
"No. It feels incredible."
"But you don't want it to happen? You want me to stop?" She didn't understand what he wanted from her at all.
"I don't want you to stop." He was panting, getting close to his climax. "But I don't want it to disgust you."
"Oh, I've had a rough and tumble training. I don't have a problem with bodily fluids. And I want to see what it looks like!" She was fascinated by the whole process. Watching his penis, she continued stroking, moving her hand faster, wondering if it would make it happen sooner.
He cupped the back of her head, pulling her face to his and kissing her wildly. She was giving him a gift, and she didn't even realize it. The woman was everything he'd ever dreamed of.
He grunted when his climax hit him, arching his neck. He wanted to thank her, but he couldn't get the words out.
Roxie couldn't decide whether to watch his face or his penis. The liquid squirting out was bright red, and it fascinated her. She wondered if it was the same with Earth men. His face looked almost pained, but he didn't complain. Instead, he seemed thrilled to have her touching him.
Bnjmn lay sprawled on the couch, his legs slightly apart. When he could speak, he turned his head to hers. "That was incredible. Thank you."
Roxie curled into his side, her head once again on his shoulder. "When you're inside me, you'll spray that?"
He nodded. "I'll move in and out of you, like you moved your hand over me, and when there's been enough—friction—I'll spray that inside you."
"But you won't hurt me?" She felt dampness between her legs. She wanted him inside her.
He shook his head. "It'll hurt a little, but only the first time."
"It won't hurt after that? You promise?"
"I promise. Do you really think it would be pleasurable for a man but not for a woman? Nature doesn't work that way."
"I—I want to do that with you." She was hesitant to say the words, afraid he'd pounce on her immediately, and she needed to be married first. Her beliefs wouldn't allow anything else.
His eyes met hers, and his face lit up. "Now?" His cock was already standing at attention again, ready for whatever she was willing to give him.
She shook her head. "We have to marry first!"
He got to his feet, fastening his pants, glad they were dark, because the bright red wouldn't show as much. Not that he cared if his brother knew they'd been intimate. Their culture was such that sex before marriage wasn't a problem, but it was in her culture, and he would honor that.
He helped her to her feet, pulling her 'dress' closed around her. "Let's go get Kvn to marry us!" He took her hand, half-leading and half-dragging her toward the bridge.
Roxie laughed. "Slow down. Are you always in such a hurry?"
He turned to her, leaning down so his forehead was against hers and he could meet her eye to eye. "I've never in my life made love with a woman. In my culture, most men lose their virginity by the age of twenty. I'm thirty. I want you. I'm not waiting a minute longer than I have to!"
She smiled, stroking his cheek and pressing her lips to his. "I'm nervous."
He sighed. "I know. I'll make you love it!" He grabbed her hand and spun around again, heading toward the bridge. Kvn better be ready to perform the marriage!