In nearly all cases of individually mentioned Australians, the admirable online Australian Dictionary of Biography, founded and maintained by the Australian National University, was throughout the writing of this history are most valuable resource, though for the vast majority of Australians dealt with in this narrative other sources were also consulted. I shall not therefore mention case-by-case recourse to Australian Dictionary of Biography, but acknowledge my enthusiastic thanks for it once and for all here.

Another highly appreciated reference which I acknowledge but mention once and for all here is Graeme Davison, John Hirst, Stuart Macintyre (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian History (South Melbourne 2001).

There also exists a debt to general histories of Australia, including: Geoffrey Blainey, A Shorter History of Australia (Melbourne 1994); Geoffrey Bolton, The Oxford History of Australia, Volume 5: The middle way, 1942–95 (Melbourne 1995); Manning C Clark, A Short History of Australia (London 1964); Frank Crowley (ed), A New History of Australia (Melbourne 1974); David Day, Claiming a Continent: A new history of Australia (Sydney 1996); Stuart Mcintyre, The Oxford History of Australia, Volume 4: The succeeding age 1901–1942 (Melbourne 1993); Stuart Macintyre, A Concise History of Australia (Melbourne 2004); Ernest Scott, A Short History of Australia (Melbourne, 1936); Frank Welsh, Great Southern Land: A new history of Australia (Melbourne, 2004).


Abbreviations to the Notes

  Australian War Memorial
Journal of Australian Studies
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
National Archives of Australia
National Library of Australia


Secret armies to save Australia

Andrew Moore, The Secret Army and the Premier: Conservative paramilitary organisations in New South Wales, 1930–32 (Sydney 1989)

Keith Amos, The New Guard Movement, 1931–35 (Melbourne 1975)

D.H. Lawrence, Kangaroo (Sydney 1989)

Geoffrey Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage (Perth 1972)

Geoffrey Bolton, A Fine Place to Starve In (Perth 2008)

Beverley Kingston, A History of New South Wales (Melbourne 2006)

L.F. Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger 1914–52 (Sydney 1979)

Peter Cochrane, ‘Billy Hughes and the Brisbane guns’, Bowyang 1, n.d.

Andrew Moore, ‘Writing about the extreme Right in Australian history’, Labour History, volume 89, November 2005

Those Irish again

Patrick O’Farrell, The Irish in Australia (Sydney 1986)

Edmund Campion, Rockchoppers: Growing up Catholic in Australia (Sydney 1982)

Jeremy Sammut, ‘Busting the anti-conscription legend’, JRAHS, June 2006

The fearful after-shadow

Marina Larsson, Shattered Anzacs: Living with the scars of war (Sydney 2009)

Michael Tyquin, Madness and the Military: Australia’s experience of the Great War (Canberra 2006)

J.P. Lowson, ‘The treatment of war neuroses by abreaction of the war shock’,
The Medical Journal of Australia, 6 November 1926

S.J. Minogue, ‘Suicides amongst returned soldiers of the 1914–18 war’,
The Medical Journal of Australia, 24 February 1945

Joanna Bourke, ‘Shell shock and Australian soldiers in the Great War’,
Sabretache, volume XXXVI, July–September 1995

Ross McMullin, Pompey Elliott (Melbourne 2002)

Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: The story of repatriation in Australia (Melbourne 1994)

Kiss me, you fool

Philip Bell and Roger Bell, Americanization in Australia (Sydney 1998)

Constance Backhouse, ‘Her protests were unavailing: Australian legal understandings of rape, consent and sexuality in the “Roaring Twenties”’, JAS, issue 64, 2000

Judith Smart, ‘Feminists, flappers and Miss Australia: contesting the meanings of citizenship, femininity and nation in the 1920s’, JAS, issue 71, 2001

Peter Cowan, ‘Edith Cowan’, Royal Western Australia Historical Society, volume 7, part 8, 1976

More business with ‘aviating’

David Wilson, The Brotherhood of Airmen: The men and women of the RAAF in action 1914–today (Sydney 2005)

F.J. Howard, Charles Kingsford Smith (Melbourne 1962)

Norman Brearley, ‘Pioneering development of civil aviation in Australia’, Royal Western Australian Historical Society Journal, volume 6, part 5, 1966

Managing the new woman

Bell, Americanization in Australia

Douglas Booth, Australian Beach Cultures (London 2001)

Leone Huntsman, Sand In Our Souls (Melbourne 2001)

Judith Smart, ‘Feminists, flappers and Miss Australia’

Art, doctrine and making a living

Geoffrey Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come: The creative spirit in Australia, 1788–92 (Melbourne 1973)

Norman Lindsay, Art in Australia (Sydney 1920)

Norman Lindsay, Creative Effort (Sydney 1924)

John McDonald, Art of Australia, Volume I: Exploration to Federation (Sydney 2008) Richard Haese, Rebels and Precursors: The revolutionary years of Australian art (Melbourne 1981)

Bernard Smith, Australian Painting 1788–1960 (Melbourne 1962)

John F. Williams, The Quarantined Culture: Australian reactions to Modernism, 1913–39 (New York 1995)

The war claims Pompey Elliott

Marilyn Lake, The Limits of Hope: Soldier settlement in Victoria, 1915–38 (Melbourne 1987)

Larsson, Shattered Anzacs

Tyquin, Madness and the Military

McMullin, Pompey Elliott

Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 1931

Play time

Andrew Pike and Ross Cooper, A Reference Guide to Australian Films, 1906–69 (Canberra 1981)

Viola Tate, A Family of Brothers (Melbourne 1971)

Hal Porter, Stars of Australian Screen and Stage (Adelaide 1965)

Cecil Hadgraft, Australian Literature: A critical account to 1955 (Melbourne 1960)

A.A. Phillips, with an introduction by Harry Heseltine, The Australian Tradition: Studies in a colonial culture (Sydney 1966)

The ogre is born

Stuart Mcintyre, The Reds: The Communist Party of Australia from origins to illegality (Sydney 1998)

L.L. Sharkey, An Outline History of the Australian Communist Party (Sydney 1944)

Kevin Windle, Undesirable: Captain Zuzenko and the Workers of Australia and the World (Sydney 2012)

L.F. Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party, 1901–51 (Sydney 1978)

Ian Turner, Industrial Labour and Politics: The dynamics of the labour movement in eastern Australia, 1900–21 (Melbourne 1965)

Barbara Curthoys, ‘The Communist Party of Australia and the Communist International (1927 to 1929)’, Labor History, number 64, May, 1993

Kevin Windle, ‘A Russian account of the Brisbane red flag riots of 1919’, Labor History, number 99, November 2010

Tom Poole and Eric Fried, ‘Artem: A Bolshevik in Brisbane’, including a translation of Artem Sergeiev’s ‘Australia the Lucky Country’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 31, number 2, 1985

Two imperfectly remembered politicians

John Robertson, J.H. Scullin: A political biography (Perth 1974)

C. Edwards, Bruce of Melbourne (London 1965)

Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

Paul Bartropp, Bolt from the Blue: Australia, Britain and the Chanak Crisis (Sydney 2002)

Peter Spartalis, The Diplomatic Battles of Billy Hughes (Sydney 1983)

Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, online, Vatican encyclicals website (1891)

Documentation on Prime Ministers through
Scullin: Fact Sheet 74

NAA, John Connor, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: Stanley Melbourne Bruce, online

Centre and north

Michael Cathcart, The Water Dreamers: The remarkable history of our dry continent (Melbourne 2009)

J.W. Gregory, The Dead Heart of Australia (1906)

Michael McKernan, Drought: The red marauder (Sydney 2005)

Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians: Black responses to White dominance 1788–2001 (Sydney 2001)

Alan Powell, Far Country: A short history of the Northern Territory (Melbourne 1982)

Henry Reynolds, North of Capricorn: The untold story of the people of Australia’s north (Sydney 2003)

David Walker, ‘More, more, more: Populating “empty” Australia’,

Russell McGregor, ‘Develop the north: Aborigines, environment and Australian nationhood in the 1930s’, JAS, issue 81, 2004

Labor and the Reds

Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party
Stuart Mcintyre, The Reds
Sharkey, An Outline History of the Australian Communist Party
Vere Gordon Childe, How Labor Governs (Melbourne 1923)

Success in the west

Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage

F.K. Crowley, Australia’s Western Third: A history of Western Australia from the first settlement to modern times (Melbourne 1960)

Ruth McGrath, ‘Efforts by the Western Australian government to encourage immigration of farmers’, Royal Western Australian Historical Society, volume 9, part 4 1986


The villain of Threadneedle Street

C.B. Schedvin, Australia and the Great Depression (Sydney 1977)

Robertson, Scullin

Gordon Greenwood, Australia: A social and political history (Sydney 1955)

Heather Radi and Peter Spearritt (eds), Jack Lang (Sydney 1977)

J.T. Lang, The Turbulent Years (Sydney 1970)

Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

NAA, Susan Marsden, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: Joseph Lyons, online

Peter Love, ‘Niemeyer’s Australian diary and other English records of his mission’, Historical Studies, volume 20, issue 79, 1982

NAA, MS 4851, Lyons Correspondence

Marmite jar years

Bolton, A Fine Place to Starve In

Wendy Lowenstein, Weevils in the Flour: An oral record of the 1930s depression in Australia (Melbourne 1978)

Beverley Kingston, A History of New South Wales

Radi and Spearritt, Jack Lang

Robertson, Scullin

Elaine Thompson, Fair Enough: Egalitarianism in Australia (Sydney 1994)

‘The Great Depression’, (2009)

Unhappy valleys and evictions

Lowenstein, Weevils in the Flour

Drew Cottle and Angela Keys, Anatomy of an “eviction riot” in Sydney during the Great Depression’, JRAHS, volume 94, part II

Naming an Australian

Robertson, Scullin

Zelman Cowan, Isaac Isaacs (Melbourne 1979)

NAA, Letter from Scullin to Isaacs informing Isaacs’ of Scullin’s appointment to Privy Council, 22 January 1931

NAA A6661,145, ‘Jewish experience in Australia’, online

The end for Scullin

Robertson, Scullin

Schedvin, Australia and the Great Depression

Irene Dowsing, Curtin of Australia (Melbourne 1969)

David Day, John Curtin: A life (Sydney 1999)

Lloyd Ross, John Curtin: A biography (Melbourne 1977)

E.M. Lyons, So We Take Comfort (London 1965)

NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: Joseph Lyons

Sack Jack

Graham Freudenberg, Cause for Power: A centenary history of the New South

Wales Labor Party (Sydney 1991)

Radi and Spearritt, Jack Lang

Andrew Moore, The Secret Army and the Premier: Conservative paramilitary organisations on New South Wales (Sydney 1989)

Lang, The Turbulent Years

Beverley Kingston, A History of New South Wales

Our ice

Douglas Mawson, The Home of the Blizzard (London 1915)

A. Grenfell Price, The Winning of Australian Antarctica: Mawson’s BANZARE voyages 1929–31 (Sydney 1962)

David Day, Flaws in the Ice: In search of Douglas Mawson (Melbourne 2013)

David Day, Antarctica: A biography (Sydney 2013)

For fear of Japan

Yoichi Hirama, ‘Japanese naval assistance and its effect on Australian–Japanese relations’ in Phillips P. O’Brien (ed.), The Anglo–Japanese Alliance, 1902–22 (New York 2004)

C.M.H. Clark, A History of Australia, Volume 6: The old dead tree and the young green tree (Melbourne 1987)

David Walker, Anxious Nation: Australia and the rise of Asia 1850–1939 (Brisbane 1999)

Werner Levy, Australia’s Outlook on Asia (Ann Arbor 1958)

Max Beloff, ‘Leo Amery, the last imperialist’, History Today, volume 39, issue 1, January 1989

Sydney Morning Herald, 28 March, 1939

On the air

Kenneth Stanley Inglis, This is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1932–83 (Melbourne 2006), history of broadcasting, radio in Australia


G. Papalia, ‘Imaginary colonies: Fascist views of Australia in Italian diplomatic

correspondence, 1922–40’, Eras Journal, Monash University, 14 Feb 2008, online

David Brown, ‘Within the pre-World War II Italian population of Queensland:

A study of community processes and interaction’, JRAHS, volume 93, part 1, June 2007

Gianfranco Cresciani, ‘The proletarian migrants: Fascism and Italian anarchists in Australia’, The Australian Quarterly, March 1979

Cooking and Nazism

Bruce Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots: The story of the Australia First Movement (Melbourne 1968)

Emily Turner-Graham, ‘Food as an ideological tool: German National Socialism and the German–Australian community’, JAS, issue 87, 2006

John Moses, ‘Reflections on the internment of persons of German origin in

Australia during two world wars: context and arguments’, JRAHS, volume 91, part II

Bruce Pennay, ‘An Australian Berlin and hotbed of disloyalty: shaming Germans in a country district during two world wars’, JRAHS, June 2006

The East is to blame

Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage

Clark, History of Australia, Volume 6

Thomas Musgrave, ‘The Western Australian Secessionist Movement’, Macquarie Law Journal, Vol 6, 2003

State Library of Western Australia, ‘Secession!’, online article


Aloof from the wars of the world

Jeremy Maton Farrel, United Nations, League of Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law (Cambridge 2008)

Day, Curtin

Ross, Curtin

NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: Joseph Lyons

Cristiano Andrea Ristuccio, ‘The 1935 sanctions against Italy: would coal and oil have made a difference?’, European Review of Economic History, volume 4, number 1, 2000

Carl Bridge, ‘Australia and the Italo–Abyssinian crisis of 1935–36’, JRAHS, volume 92, part I

C.H. Kirmess, The Australian Crisis, electronic edn (University of Sydney 2003)

Viva Christo Rey

Amirah Inglis, Australians in the Spanish Civil War (Sydney 1987)

Fay Wodehouse, ‘Catholic Action and anti-Communism: the Spanish Civil War debate at the University of Melbourne, March 1937’, JAS, 2002

Peter Monteath, Fighting the Good Fight: Political commitment in the international literature of the Spanish Civil War (Westport Connecticut 1994)

Agnes Hodgson, Last Mile to Huesca (Sydney 1988)

Richard Baxell, British Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War: The British Battalion in the International Brigades, 1936–39 (New York, 2004)

Bryan Besley, ‘Death charged missives: Australian literary responses to the Spanish Civil War’, B.A. (Hons) dissertation, University of Southern Queensland

Les Dalton, ‘Politics of the Australian peace movement 1930s to 1960s’, Latrobe University Centre for Dialogue, Working Paper, 2011-1

Joe goes

Lyons, So We Take Comfort

Day, Curtin

Ross, John Curtin

A.W. Martin, Robert Menzies: A life, volume I (Melbourne 1993)

L.F. Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger 1914–52: A political biography, William Morris Hughes, Volume II (Sydney 1979)

Mungo McCallum, The Good, the Bad and the Unlikely: Australia’s Prime Ministers (Melbourne 2012)

The Aboriginal fight

Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Richard Broome, Aboriginal Victorians: A history since 1800 (Sydney 2005)

Henry Reynolds, Dispossession: Black Australians and White invaders (Sydney 1989)

John Maynard, ‘Fred Maynard and the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association’, Archive, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, online

As a result

Paul Hasluck, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume 1: The

Government and the People, 1939–41 (Canberra 1952)

Graham Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia (Sydney 2008)

Cameron Hazlehurst, Menzies Observed (Sydney 1979)

Martin, Robert Menzies

David Day, The Politics of War: Australia at war 1939–45, from Churchill to Macarthur (Sydney 2003)

Michael McKernan, The Strength of a Nation (Sydney 2008)

Joanna Penglase and David Horner, When the War Came to Australia (Sydney 1992)

Paul Hasluck, Sir Robert Menzies (Melbourne 1980)

Girding loins

Joan Beaumont, ‘Australia’s war: Europe and the Middle East’, in Joan

Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45 (Sydney 1996)

Nigel Starck, Proud Australian Boy (Melbourne 2011)

Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

Douglas Gillison Napier, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume I: Royal Australian Air Force, 1939–42 (Canberra 1962)

John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume III: Air War Against Germany and Italy, 1939–43 (Canberra 1962)

D.M. Horner (ed.), The Commanders: Australian military leadership in the twentieth century (Sydney 1984)

Charles Robinson, Journey to Captivity (Canberra 1991)

Hal Colebatch, ‘Treachery: The Communist Party and the Labor Party’, National Observer, Summer 2004


Across Cyrenaica

Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume I: To Benghazi (Sydney 1961)

Frank Legg, The Eyes of Damien Parer (Adelaide, 1963)

John Hetherington, Blamey, Controversial soldier: A biography of Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey (Canberra 1973)

D.M. Horner, ‘Field Marshal Sir Thomas Blamey, Commander in Chief,

Australian Military Forces’ in Horner, The Commanders

D.M. Horner, High Command: Australia’s struggle for an independent war strategy (Sydney 1982)

Julie Padanyi Rine, ‘Loyalty and courage at Bardia’, Wartime, issue 13, posted online 2011

David Horner, ‘Strategy and Command in Australia’s Campaigns of 1941’, Remembering 1941, AWM Conference 2001.

A poet to the front

Clement Semmler (ed.), The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor, Official Australian

Correspondent, 1940–44 (Brisbane 1985)

James McAuley, A Map of Australian Verse: The twentieth century (Melbourne 1975)

David Walker, ‘The writers’ war’, in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War 1939–45

Kenneth Slessor, One Hundred Poems, 1919–39 (Sydney 1944)

Kenneth Slessor, Beach Burial (Sydney 1944)

To classic lands

Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume II: Greece,

Crete and Syria (Canberra 1953)

Hetherington, Blamey

David Horner, ‘The Greek campaign, February to April 1941’, in Horner, High Command

Barney Roberts, A Kind of Cattle (Sydney 1985)

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia
Semmler, The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor
Day, The Politics of War
McKernan, The Strength of a Nation
War Diary of the 19th Infantry Brigade, April 1941, AWM 52, Item No. 8/2/9

Escapes, various

Long, Greece, Crete and Syria

Alan J. Levine, Captivity, Flight and Survival in World War II (Westport, Connecticut, 2000)

‘Reg Saunders’ in David Ramsland and Christopher Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes: Struggle, identity and the media (Melbourne 2006)

The Cretan farce

Long, Greece, Crete and Syria

Horner, High Command

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

Hetherington, Blamey

Martin, Robert Menzies

Day, The Politics of War

Barney Roberts, A Kind of Cattle (Sydney 1985)

Semmler, The War Diaries of Kenneth Slessor

War Diary of the 8th Infantry Battalion AIF, AWM 52-8-3 8

Bob’s big ambitions

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

Martin, Robert Menzies

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

Day, The Politics of War

Horner, High Command

Cyrenaica rats

Barton Maughan, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume III: Tobruk and El Alamein (Canberra 1966)

Hetherington, Blamey

A.J. Hill, Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead: Commander, 9th Australian Division’ in Horner, The Commanders

War Diary of 2/17 Infantry Brigade, AWM 52/8/3/17

Curtin rising

Day, Curtin

Ross, John Curtin

Dowsing, Curtin of Australia

Fred Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After: Continuity or confrontation? (Melbourne 1973)

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

NAA, David Black and Lesley Wallace, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin


The prophet of Japan–Australia

Prue Torney-Parlicki, ‘Selling goodwill: Peter Russo and the promotion of Australia–Japan relations, 1935–41’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 37, issue 3, September 2001
Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

Jumpy about invasion

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

Paul Hasluck, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume II: The

Government and the People, 1942–45 (Canberra 1970)

Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

Ross, John Curtin

McKernan, The Strength of a Nation

Kylie Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice (Sydney 1972)

Fifth column

Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Robert Hall, The Black Diggers: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the

Second World War (Sydney 1989)

Lionel Gage Wigmore, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume IV: The Japanese Thrust (Sydney 1957)

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

William Manchester, American Caesar (London 1978)

The Malay barrier

Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, 1939–42

Wigmore, The Japanese Thrust

NAA, A7711: History of the Directorate of Prisoners of War and Internees 1939–1951, volumes 1 and 2

NAA, A10952, A Report of War Crimes by Individual Members of the Armed Forces Against Australians

NAA A10952 Files of the Commission

Peter Stanley, ‘The Defence of the “Malay Barrier”, Rabaul and Ambon, January 1942’, Remembering 1942, AWM Conference, 2002

What is to be done?

Dudley McCarthy, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume IV: SouthWest Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau (Sydney 1959)

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

Gabrielle Chan (ed.), War on Our Doorstep: Diaries of Australians at the frontline in 1942 (Melbourne 2004)

Fighting the tiger

Wigmore, The Japanese Thrust

Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

Horner, High Command

Russell Braddon, The Naked Island (London 1951)

Phillippa Poole, Of Love and War: The letters and diaries of Captain Adrian

Curlewis and his family 1939–45 (London, n.d.)

A.B. Lodge, ‘Lieutenant Henry Gordon Bennett: A model major-general’ in

Horner The Commanders

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

Ross, John Curtin

Chan, War on our Doorstep

NAA, Letters and cables Vivian Bowden and others, 6/n, volumes 5 and 6

NAA, A3196, O.2040 Curtin to Churchill, Jan 23 1942, AA:A981, WAR33, Attachment B

NAA, Shenton Thomas to Curtin, 23 January 1942, A3195,1942,1.2898

NAA, Evatt to Casey, A981, WAR33, Attachment B at; Sydney Morning Herald, Dec 8 and Dec 27 1941

The fortress falls

Gordon Bennett, Why Singapore Fell (Sydney 1944)

Rohan Rivett, Behind Bamboo (Sydney 1946)

NAA, various communications, including British government cables and communications, volume 6/n; NAA:A3196, O.2040 at

Days of brains and brawn

McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

Hasluck, The Government and the People

McKiernan, The Strength of a Nation

Chan, War On Our Doorstep

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

Joan Beaumont, ‘Australia’s war: Asia and the Pacific’ in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45

Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian Society’ in Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War, 1939–45

Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

Georgina Fitzgerald, ‘Inky Stephensen internment experience in Australia: letters to his wife, 194245’, Eras, edition 9, November 2007

Bombing northern Australia

McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Penglase and Horner, When the War Came to Australia

Peter Grose, An Awkward Truth (Sydney 2009)

Peter Stanley, ‘The Bombing of Darwin, 19th February, 1942’, speech at AWM, February 2002

Drew Cottle, ‘The Brisbane Line: an episode in capital history’, JAS, volume 25, issue 69, 2001

NAA, Japanese Bombing Raid on Darwin, A 2684, 872

The Japan–Australia society

Walker, Anxious Nation

Day, Curtin

Muirden, The Puzzled Patriots

Torney-Parlicki, Selling Goodwill

Martin, Menzies

Drew Cottle, The Brisbane Line, a Reappraisal (Sydney 2002)

Cottle, ‘The Brisbane Line’

In the wake of bombs

McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Grose, An Awkward Truth

Day, Curtin

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

Kate Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian society’, in Beaumont (ed.) Australia’s War, 1939–45

Chan, War on Our Doorstep


The apparition

Jack Gallaway, The Odd Couple: Blamey and MacArthur at war (Brisbane 2000)

Manchester, American Caesar

Horner, High Command

Hetherington, Blamey

Day, Curtin

Parer again

Legg, The Eyes of Damien Parer

Osmar White, Green Armour (Sydney 1945)

Paul Ham, Kokoda (Sydney 2004)

Phillip Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield (Sydney 2012)

Manpower, prisoner power

Kay Saunders, ‘Down on the farm: Italian POWs in Australia, 1941–47’, JAS, volume 19, issue 46, 1995

David Lee, ‘Politics and government’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Dorian-Smith, ‘War and Australian society’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

NAA, Administration of Italian POWs in Cowra and on farms, A/1066, SP1714/1; A5954, SP 1048/7

Carol Fort, ‘Regulating the labour market in Australia’s wartime democracy’, Australian Historical Studies, 122, 2004

Women power

Patsy Adam-Smith, Australia Women and War (Melbourne 1984)

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Penglase and Horner, When The War Came to Australia

Kate Darian Smith, ‘War and Australian society’ in Jean Beaumont (ed.), Australia’s War 1939–45

AWM website under names of individual women’s services

The imprisoned

E.E. Dunlop, The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop (Melbourne 1990)

Poole, Of Love and War

Horner, ‘Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey, Commander-in-Chief, Australian

Military Forces’

Hetherington, Blamey

Wayne Errington and Narelle Miragliotta, ‘From the gallery to the parliament: journalists in the House of Representatives and Senate 1901–2007’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 55, issue 4, 2009

Bring them home

All Curtin biographies

Day, The Politics of War

Freudenberg, Churchill and Australia

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Lorna Froude, ‘Petrol rationing during World War II’, Journal of the AWM, online

NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin


S.J. Butlin and C.B. Schedvin, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume IV:

War Economy 1942–45 (Canberra 1970)

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1939–41

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Penglase and Horner, When The War Came to Australia

Kate Darian Smith, ‘War and Australian Society’ in Beaumont, Australia’s War 1939–45

Day, Curtin

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1301.0 Year Book Australia, 1944–45 at

The people and policy, 1942

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

Sydney J.C.L. Butlin, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Civil, Volume II: War Economy 1942–45 (Sydney 1977)

Judith Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People (Sydney 1992)

Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

L.F. Crisp, Ben Chifley: A political biography (Sydney 1961)

David Day, Chifley (Sydney 2001)

Foreign parts

Hasluck, The Government and the People, 1942–45

J.M. Main, Conscription: The Australian debate 1901–70 (Sydney 1970)

Day, Curtin

Ross, John Curtin

Crisp, The Australian Federal Labour Party

NAA, A Guide to the Archives of Australian Prime Ministers: John Curtin

Conscription documents, including The Shedden Collection, A 5954, 1630/6, Amendment of the Defence Act to Enable Militia to be Used, etc.

Second- and third-phase peril

Peter Dornan, The Silent Men: Syria to Kokoda and on to Gona (Sydney 1999)

Galloway, The Odd Couple

David Horner, ‘Lieutenant-General Sir Sydney Rowell: dismissal of a corps commander’ in Horner, The Commanders

Via Dolorosa

Waiko, A Short History Of Papua New Guinea

Horner, High Command

Ham, Kokoda

Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield

McCarthy, South-West Pacific Area, The First Year, Kokoda to Wau

Dornan, The Silent Men

Gallaway, The Odd Couple

Michael O’Connor, ‘Kokoda: the lessons remain valid’, ADF Journal, number 98, January/February 1993

White, Green Armour

Young blood, old politics

All as for previous two sections

Your doctor, my doctor

Rosalind Hearder, ‘Memory, methodology, and myth: some of the challenges of writing Australian prisoner of war history, Journal of the Australian War Memorial, online, n.d.

Stan Arneil, One Man’s War (Melbourne 1980)

Dunlop, The War Diaries

Starck, Proud Australian Boy

K.J. Fagan, ‘Surgical experiences as a POW’, The Medical Journal of Australia, 1 June 1946


The great desert battle

Peter Rees, Desert Boys: Australians at war from Beersheba to Tobruk and

El Alamein (Sydney 2011)

Maughan, Tobruk and El Alamein

Day, The Politics of War

A.J. Hill, ‘Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead’ in Horner, The Commanders

Horner, High Command


John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume III: Air war Against Germany and Italy, 1939–43 (Sydney 1954)

John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume IV: Air Power Over Europe, 1944-45 (Sydney 1963)

Wilson, The Brotherhood of Airmen

Martin Middlebrook, The Nuremburg Raid (London 1986)

John Terraine, The Right of the Line: The Royal Air Force in the European War, 1939–1945 (London 1985)

Robert Jackson, Storm from the Skies: The strategic bombing offensive, 1943–45 (London 1974)

War History/Units/462 Squadron, AWM

Operational Logbook, Pilot Officer Max Martin, by courtesy Martin family

The war over women

Anne-Marie Cook, ‘Demonising the “good time girls”: female sexuality as moral panic in wartime Australia’,

Marilyn Lake, ‘Female desires: the meaning of World War I’, AHS, volume 24, number 95, 1990

Joy Damousi and Marilyn Lake (eds), Gender and War: Australians at war in the twentieth century (Melbourne 1995)


David St Alban Dexter, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume VI: The New Guinea Offensives (Sydney 1961)

Allen Seymour Walker, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Medical, Volume I: Clinical Problems of War (Sydney 1962)

Horner, High Command

Ham, Kokoda

Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield

Peter Dornan, The Silent Men

Tom O’Lincoln, ‘Kill or be killed’; Overland, 194, 2009

A.L. Graeme-Evans, ‘The 18th Brigade AIF at Buna: Australia’s Pacific battle of the Somme’, AWM Journal, January 1993

Lieutenant Colonel S.C. Graham, ‘Tanks against Japan’, Australian Army
, volume 1, number 2, online

Making the golden society

Butlin, War Economy 1942–45

Glenda Strachan, “‘Still working for the man”: women’s employment experiences in Australia since 1950s’, Australian Journal of Women’s Issues, volume 45, Autumn 2010

Crisp, Ben Chifley

Day, Chifley

Nugget Coombs, ‘The establishment radical’ in Robin Hughes (ed.), Australian Lives: Stories of twentieth century Australians (Sydney 1996)

Thompson, Fair Enough

Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People

Australia will be there?

Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume VII: The Final Campaigns (Sydney 1963)

Horner, High Command

Day, Curtin

Day, The Politics of War

The last campaign

Peter Stanley, Tarakan: An Australian tragedy (Sydney 1997)

Ooi Keat Gin, ‘Prelude to invasion: covert operations before the reoccupation of Northwest Borneo, 1944–45’, Journal of the AWM, number 35, December 2001

Paul Ham, Sandakan: The untold story of the Sandakan Death Marches (Sydney 2012)

Ronald McKie, The Heroes (Sydney 1989)

Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, Kill the Tiger: The truth about Operation Rimau (Sydney 2002)

Lynette Ramsay Silver, from the research of Major Tom Hall, The Heroes of Rimau (Sydney 2002)

Air war and politics

Gordon James Odgers, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume II: Air War Against Japan, 1943–45 (Sydney 1968)

Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

Laurie Oakes, Whitlam PM: A biography (Sydney 1973)

Jenny Hocking, Gough Whitlam: A moment in history, volume I (Melbourne 2008)

NAA, John Grey Gorton, A 9300 and A705, 163/34/154


Nuclear ending

Craig Collie, Nagasaki: The massacre of the innocent and unknowing (Sydney 2011)

Paul Ham, Hiroshima Nagasaki (Sydney 2010)

Prue Torney-Parlicki, ‘Whatever the thing may be called: the Australian news media and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki’, AHS, volume 114, 2000

Peter Rhine, ‘Remembering Hiroshima’, Quadrant, September 1994

NAA, Directorate of Prisoners of War and Internees 1939–1951, volumes 1 and 2. A7711

NAA, Files of the Commission, A Report of War Crimes by Individual Members of the Armed Forces Against Australians, A10952 Argus, 19 September 1942

Black saviours?

Dan Leach, ‘An incident at Upper Ross: remembering Black American servicemen in Australia during the Second World War’, Overland, 2004

Chan, War On Our Doorstep

Peter A. Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Battle of Brisbane: Australians and the Yanks at war (Sydney 2000)

Remaking the world

P. Crockett, Evatt (Melbourne 1993)

Tennant, Evatt, Politics, Justice

David Lowe, ‘Australia in the world’, Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

Mark Mazower, No Enchanted Palace: The end of empire and the ideological origins of the United Nations (Princeton 2009)

NAA, Australia and the United Nations – Fact Sheet 88

Evatt fights on

As for previous section plus Charter of the United Nations at documents/charter

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights at

After the sky fell in

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

Martin, Robert Menzies

Day, Chifley

Torney-Parlicki, ‘Whatever the thing may be called’

‘The bomb: what it meant to Australians’, AWM blog

The retreat of women

Patricia Grimshaw, Marilyn Lake, Ann McGrath, Marion Quartly, Creating a Nation: 1788–2007 (Perth 2006)

Marilyn Lake, Getting Equal: A history of Australian feminism (1999)

National Health and Medical Research Council Reports on the Decline on the Birth Rate,’ November, 1944

Thompson, Fair Enough

The post-war nirvana

Ann Firth, ‘The breadwinner, his wife and their welfare: identity, expertise and social and economic security in Australian post-war reconstruction’, Journal of Australian Politics and History, volume 50, issue 4, 2004

Brett, Robert Menzies’ Forgotten People

Starck, Proud Australian Boy

Bretton Woods and all that

Stewart Firth, Australia in International Politics: An introduction to Australian foreign policy (Sydney 2005)

Day, Chifley

Crisp, Ben Chifley

Bell and Bell, Americanization and Australia

Hansard, 13 and 17 March 1947

Who will take the Jews?

Suzanne D. Ratland, The Jews in Australia (Melbourne, 2005)

Sol Encel and Leslie Stein, Continuity, Commitment and Survival: Jewish communities in the Diaspora (Westport, Ct. 2003)

Jacques Vernant, The Refugee in the Post-War World (New Haven 1953)

Communists: Friends? Enemies?

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

Martin, Robert Menzies

Macintyre, The Reds

Sir Robert Menzies, The Measure of the Years (Melbourne 1970)

Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

E.B. Campbell, History of the Australian Labor Movement: A Marxist interpretation (1945)

Edgar Ross, ‘Communism in the Best Interests of the Australian People’ (1948), pamphlets online at

The war after the war

Crisp, Chifley

Day, Chifley

Edgar Ross, ‘The Coal Front: The great coal strike of 1949 and the issues it raised’ (Communist Party pamphlet, Sydney c.1950)

Australian Women’s Weekly, 9 July 1949

Sydney Morning Herald, August 22 1949

L.J. Louis, ‘The Cold/Class War and the jailing of Ted Roach’, Labor History, number 86, 2004


Troy Whitford and Don Boadle, ‘Australia’s Rural Reconstruction Commission,

1943–46: a reassessment’, Journal of Australian Politics and History, volume 54, issue 4, 2008

Siobhan McHugh, The Snowy: The people behind the power (Sydney 1995)

Margaret Unger, Voices From the Snowy (Sydney n.d.)

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1943–48, Online Archive of California, No XX288

Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, oral history interview with Henry van Zile Hyde, July 1975

Mark Aarons, Sanctuary! Nazi Fugitives in Australia (Melbourne 1989)

Michael Dugan and Joseph Szwarc, ‘There Goes the Neighbourhood!’: Australia’s migrant experience (Melbourne 1984)

IM/14, Statement by Arthur Calwell, Minister for Immigration,

When China goes Red

Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

Menzies, The Measure of the Years

Drew Cottle and Angela Keys, ‘Red-hunting in Sydney’s China Town’, JAS, issue 91, 2007


War and rumours of more

John Murphy, Imagining the Fifties: Private sentiment and political culture in

Menzies’ Australia (Sydney 2000)

Alan Renouf, The Frightened Country (Melbourne 1979)

Sir Robert Menzies, Afternoon Light (Melbourne 1967)

Menzies, The Measure of the Years

Martin, Robert Menzies

Hazelhurst, Menzies Observed

Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

Ben Chifley dies

Crisp, Ben Chifley

Day, Chifley

Martin, Robert Menzies

Daily Mirror, Sydney, 14 June 1951

The Golden 1950s

Chifley and Menzies biographies as for previous two sections

Murphy, Imagining the Fifties

Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People

Crisp, History of the Federal Labour Party

Renouf, The Frightened Country

David Lowe, Australia Between Empires: The life of Percy Spender (London 2010)

Vladimir enters

Vladimir and Evdokai Petrov, Empire of Fear (Melbourne 1956)

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

Menzies, The Measure of the Years

Nicholas Whitlam and John Stubbs, Nest of Traitors: The Petrov affair (Brisbane 1974)

Hazlehurst, Menzies Observed

Sydney Morning Herald, October 27 1954

NAA, Professor K.F. Bailey’s Papers on Royal Commission on Espionage, M1507

Assimilation and its rewards

Russell McGregor, ‘Avoiding Aborigines: Paul Hasluck and the Northern

Territory Welfare Ordinance, 1953’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, issue 4, December 2005

Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Bain Atwood and Andrew Markus, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights:

A documentary history (Sydney 1999)

Anthony Moran, ‘White Australia, settler nationalism and Aboriginal assimilation’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, number 2, June 2005

Old culture, new weapons

Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Atwood, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights

F. Stevens, Aborigines in the Northern Territory Cattle Industry (Canberra 1974)

Dorothy Hewett, ‘Clancey and Dooley and Don McLeod’, Collected Poems, 1940–95 (Perth 1995)

Frank Hardy, The Unlucky Australians (Sydney 1968)

Reynolds, North of Capricorn

The woman labours

Lesley Johnson and Justine Lloyd, Sentenced to Everyday Life: Feminism and the housewife (New York 2004)

Lake, Getting Equal

Zora Simic, ‘A new age? Australian feminism and the 1940s’, Hecate, volume 32, number 1, 2006

Those nasty books

Nicole Moore, The Censor’s Library: Uncovering the lost history of Australia’s banned books (Brisbane 2010)

Nicole Moore, ‘Obscene and over here: national sex and the “Love Me Sailor” obscenity case’, Australian Literary Studies, 20.4, 2002

Stephen Murray Smith, ‘Borstal Boy and the censors’, Overland, 15 July 1954

‘The Lady Chatterley case’, Overland, 19 December 1960


Hal Porter, The Actors: An image of the new Japan (Sydney 1968)

Sally Hone, ‘War and love’, Signals, 85, December 2008/February 2009

Catriona Elder, ‘Digger’s waifs: desire, anxiety and immigration in post 1945

Australia’, AHS, volume 38, issue 130, 2007

Julie Easton, ‘Japanese war brides in Western Australia: immigration and assimilation in the 1950s’, Studies in WA History Journal, number 16, 1995

Italian immigration

Susanna Iuliano, ‘Donne e Buoi dai Paesi Tuio (Choose women and oxen from your home village): Australian proxy marriages in post war Australia,’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, volume 34, issue 4, 1999

Helen Andreoni, ‘Olive or white? The colour of Italians in Australia’, JAS, issue 77, 2003


The long shadow of Menzies

Menzies works and biographies as above

Frank Bongiorno, ‘The price of nostalgia: Menzies the “Liberal” tradition and

Australian foreign policy’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, issue 3, 2005

Donald Horne, The Lucky Country (Melbourne 1964)

Lowe, Australia between Empires

Dr Sandra Penrose, ‘Percy Spender and the origins of ANZUS’, refereed paper,

University of Adelaide, 29 September–1 October 2004

Pam Maclean, ‘An almost universal scheme of national service in Australia in the 1950s’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 52, issue 3, 2006

The Canal

Menzies biographies as above

Menzies, Afternoon Light

Lowe, Australia between Empires

Alan Renouf, The Frightened Country

Penose, ‘Percy Spender and the Origins of ANZUS’

Timothy Benson, ‘Suez 1956’, History Today, volume 56, issue 11, 2006

Again, our ice

Klaus Dodds and Alan D. Hemmings, ‘Frontier Vigilantism? Australian and contemporary representations of Australian Antarctic Territory’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 55, issue 4, 2009

David Day, Antarctica

NAA, ‘Australian Antarctic Discovery and Research’, Fact Sheet 94, with reference to papers on 1957 International Geophysical Year and 1959 Antarctic Treaty

Australian art and its friends

Smith, Australian Painting

Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come

Sarah Scott, ‘Imagining a nation: Australia’s representation at the Venice Biennale, 1958’, JAS, volume 27, issue 79, 2003

Martin, Robert Menzies

Fission, fusion and Australia

J.L. Symonds, A History of British Atomic Tests in Australia (Canberra 1985)

Robert Milliken, No Conceivable Injury: The story of Britain and Australia’s atomic cover up (Melbourne 1986)

Roger Cross, Fallout: Hedley Marston and the British bomb tests in Australia (Adelaide 2001)

Wayne Reynolds, ‘Loyal to the end: the fourth British Empire, Australia and the bomb, 1943–57’, AHS, volume 33, issue 119, 2002

Report of Royal Commission, Volume 2 12.4, Operation Totem, Royal Commission, NAA, A6450

‘Oliphant, Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin (1901–2000)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online edition

J.O. Newton, ‘Ernest William Titterton, 1916–90’, Historical Records of Australian Science, volume 9, number 2, 1992

Andrew Sinclair, The Red and the Blue: Cambridge, treason and intelligence (Boston 1982)


As for previous section and especially Milliken, No Conceivable Injury
NAA, Report of Royal Commission
Cross, Fallout: Hedley Marston and the British bomb tests in Australia

Meeting Soviet man

John McNair, ‘Visiting the future: Australian (fellow-) travellers in Soviet

Russia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 46, issue 4, 2000

Mark McKenna, An Eye for Eternity: The life of Manning Clark (Melbourne 2011)

Katharine Susannah Prichard, The Real Russia (1934)

Betty Roland, Caviar for Breakfast (Sydney 1989)

Geoffrey Blainey, Across a Red World (Melbourne 1968)



David Ramsland and Christopher Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes:

Struggle, identity and the media (Melbourne, 2006)

Smith, Australian Painting

Tim Rouse, ‘Assimilation and after’ in Anne Curthoys, A.W. Martin, Tim Rowse (eds), Australians from 1939 (Sydney 1987)

Joyce D. Batty, Albert Namatjira: Wanderer between two worlds (Adelaide 1963)

David Unaipon

Ramsland and Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes

David Unaipon, edited and introduced by Stephen Muecke and Adam

Shoemaker, Legendary Tales of the Australian Aborigines (Melbourne 2006)

Adam Shoemaker, Black Words, White Page (Brisbane 1989)

The Movement

Bruce Duncan, Conspiracy or Crusade? Catholics and the anti-Communist struggle in Australia (Sydney 2001)

Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

John Warhurst, ‘The Australian Labor Party (anti-Communist) in South

Australia, November–December, 1955: “Molotov” labour versus “coffee-shop”

labour’, Labour History, number 32, May 1977

Rodney Cavalier, ‘The great Labor Movement split in New South Wales: what makes a split happen?’, Labour History, number 68, May 1995

Braidon Ellem, The Great Labour Split in New South Wales: Inside stories (Sydney 1994)

James McAuley, Collected Poems, 1936–70 (Sydney 1971)

Pure sport in a fraught world

Paul Halsall (ed.), The Warsaw Pact of 1955, Treaty of Friendship,

Cooperation and Mutual Assistance’, Internet Mordern History Sourcebook (Fordham University 1998)

NAA, A6122, 1251 and 1252, ‘Soviet and Eastern Bloc Olympic Teams—Hungary’

Miles Corwin, ‘Blood in the water at the 1956 Olympics’, Smithsonian, August 1, 2008

International Olympic Committee, ‘Melbourne 1956’,

Richard Cashman (ed.), Australian Sport Through Time (Sydney 1997)


Alan Seymour, The One Day of the Year, premiered 1960

Horne, The Lucky Country

Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds with Mark McKenna and Joy Damousi, What’s Wrong with Anzac? The militarisation of Australian history (Sydney 2010)

The millionth

Sara Wills, ‘When good neighbours become good friends’, AHS, volume 124, 2004

Murphy, Imagining the Fifties

Unnumbered others

Neville Kirk, ‘Traditionalists and progressives: labour, race, and immigration in post-World War II Australia and Britain’, AHS, number 39, 2008

Jan Rath, ‘Australia: cosmopolitan capitalists Down Under’ in Robert Cloosterman (ed.), Australian Immigration (New York, 2003)

James Jupp, From White Australia to Wollongong: The story of Australian immigration (New York 2002)

Andreoni, ‘Olive or White?’

Jack Collins, ‘Immigrant families in Australia’, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, volume 24, issue 2, 1993

Anne Howard, C’Mon Over: Voluntary child migrants from Tilbury to Sydney, 1921–65 (Dangar Island 2002)

Aboriginal voting

Murray Goot, ‘The Aboriginal franchise and its consequences’, Journal of Australian Politics and History, volume 52, issue 4, 2006

Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Broome, Aboriginal Victorians

‘Tasmania’ in Helen Irving (ed.), The Centenary Companion to Australian Federation (Cambridge 1999)

Bane Attwood, Telling the Truth About Aboriginal History (Sydney 2005)

Atwood and Markus, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights

President Kennedy’s coffin

Jennifer Clark, ‘Our President too: Australians and the death of John Kennedy’,

AHS, volume 110, 1998

Campion, Rockchoppers

Menzies, Afternoon Light

White Australia’s last decade

Renouf, Frightened Country

Reynolds, ‘Loyal to the End’

Jan Maskey, ‘Britain and the West New Guinea Dispute, 1949–62,’ Australian

Journal of Politics and History, volume 55, issue 3, 2009

Neville Kirk, ‘Traditionalists and progressives’

Keith Windshuttle, The White Australia Policy (Sydney 2004)

Fallen girls

Murphy, Imagining the Fifties

Rebecca M. Albury, The Politics of Reproduction: Beyond the slogans (Sydney 1999)

Chris McGillion, A Long Way from Rome: Why the Australian Catholic Church is in crisis (Sydney 2003)

Allan Barcan, Sociological Theory and Educational Reality: Education and society in Australia since 1949 (Sydney 1993)

Freedom rides

‘1965, Freedom Ride’, The Koori History Website, online

Attwood and Markus, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights

Broome, Aboriginal Australians

Ann Curthoys, Freedom Ride: A freedom rider remembers (Sydney 2002)


Patricia Grimshaw, Marilyn Lake, Ann McGrath and Marian Quartly, Creating a Nation (Perth 1994)

Attwood and Markus, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights

Robin Hughes (ed.), Australian Lives: Stories of twentieth century Australians (Sydney 1996)

Murray Goot, ‘The Aboriginal franchise and its consequences’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, December 2006

Referendum document, NAA, A4940

The good life

Alistair Thomson, ‘Good migration: place, meaning and identity in audio letters from Australia, 1963–65’, JAS, number 105, 2001

Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage

Australia’s frontline

Menzies biographies as mentioned previously

Renouf, The Frightened Country

Paul Ham, Vietnam: The Australian war (Sydney 2007)

G. Henderson, Menzies’ Child (Sydney 1994)

Garry Woodard, ‘Asian alternatives: going to war in the 1960s’, public lecture, NAA, 30 May 2003

The Vietnam divide

Peter Edwards, The Official History of Australia’s Involvement in South East

Asian Conflicts, 1948–75, Volume 6, A Nation at War: Australian politics, society and diplomacy the Vietnam War (Sydney 1997)

Ham, Vietnam

Les Dalton, Politics of the Australian Peace Movement 1930s to 1960s, Latrobe University Centre for Dialogue, Working Paper, 2011–1

Main, Conscription

Woodard, ‘Asian alternatives’

In the hands of these clowns

Paul Ham, Vietnam, The Australian War (Sydney 2007)

Ian McNeill, The Official History of Australia’s Involvement in Southeast

Asian Conflicts 1948–75, Volume 2, To Long Tan: The Australian Army and the Vietnam War, 1950–66 (Sydney 1993)

The golden boy

D. Whitington, Twelfth Man (Brisbane 1972)

Henderson, Menzies Child

McCallum, The Good, The Bad and the Unlikely
Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After
Edwards, The Nation at War