Chapter 6


Deborah was thrown across the cage as it lurched to one side. She grabbed hold of the bars, falling from side to side and trying desperately to steady herself. She peered through the rips in the tarpaulin and, as her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the North African sun, she saw the deck of the ship spinning below her as the cage was hoisted across to a dock. She clung to the bars until, with a sickening thud, the cage crashed heavily to the quayside.

The heat from the ground rose up into the covered cage, trapping itself beneath the tarpaulin, stifling her and making her feel faint and dizzy. She pushed her face against a rip in the heavy tarpaulin so that she could get some air but, when she breathed in, it was as hot and dry as the air around her and she choked as it seared her throat. Heavy, spicy smells filled her nostrils.

She heard the sounds of ships’ sirens, the clanking of winches and cranes and the clamorous shouting of men as they worked on the dockside. The sight of land filled her with renewed hope of escape. Perhaps she could attract someone’s attention, tell them the situation she was in and get them to go for help? Yes, surely now she could find a way of escaping.

She stared through the gap in the heavy material and saw Winston pulling Gross down a gangway from the ship and onto the dockside. Gross hung his head low as if he was afraid of being hit and, every time Winston pulled on his arm, he shied back and turned his face away.

A large, black car drew up and one of the rear doors opened. A woman’s leg, dangling from the slit in a long, red skirt, hung from the open door but no one got out. Winston dragged Gross to the door and Deborah heard shouting then she saw the flash of a shiny, gold bangle as the woman’s hand struck Gross hard across the face. He fell back, holding his hands across his cheek but Winston pulled him up and the woman struck him again viciously.

Gross fell back and crouched down by the side of the open door with his hands clasped together. The door closed and, as the car started to move off, the rear window was let down and Deborah saw Saab adjusting her dark glasses and smoothing her black hair behind her ears. Deborah squinted and saw the figure of a woman with long, black hair beside Saab. It was dark inside the car and Deborah could not see the woman’s face. Saab turned and kissed the woman fully on the lips and plunged her fingers deeply into the tangle of black hair that fell loosely around her shoulders.

Deborah felt a surge of anxiety in her stomach and looked away nervously. Suddenly, she fell sideways as the cage was lifted again. Arabs milled around, shouting and arguing and tugging on ropes until finally it was secured to the back of an open lorry. Winston pushed Gross up onto the lorry and he crouched down by the side of the covered cage.

Now, you’d better behave yourself. You heard what she said. You’ve had your last chance. Mess with the goods again and you’ll pay dearly. Got that? And don’t let her out of your sight, or else ...

Gross cowered against the ripped tarpaulin but, as his shoulder touched it, he pulled away and looked around anxiously.

Gross must not touch again. Never. No, Gross must never touch little slave again. Gross must obey Saab or he will be punished.

As the lorry drove off, Deborah felt the oppressive heat burning down on the tarpaulin and her nostrils filled again with the scented smells of spices and herbs. Every so often, as the lorry bumped over potholed roads, clouds of dust billowed around the cage and she choked as it flooded in around her and stuck to her skin.

The lorry stopped at a congested junction of narrow streets and straight away men started lifting the edge of the tarpaulin and peering in at Deborah. Some of them jumped up onto the back of the lorry and poked their hands between the bars.

Gross jumped up and tried to stop them.

Must not touch! Must not touch!

He rushed at them wildly but the men ignored him as more of them scrambled around the cage and ripped the tarpaulin away.

Gross pulled at them in a frenzy but they pushed him back and clamoured around the cage as Deborah shrunk back against the bars in fear. Some of them reached in and started pinching at her arms and legs.

Must not touch! Must not touch!

Gross panicked, rushed between the men and yanked the cage door open. He grabbed the chain between Deborah’s shackles, pulled her from the cage and, flailing his arms, he pushed the men aside and dragged her out.

Quickly! Deborah and Gross must get away. Gross must not let Deborah out of sight. Gross must not fail or else ...

She was terrified as he pulled her between the jostling men. She stumbled over the side of the lorry and he jumped down beside her. He looked around, unsure what to do then, gripping the chain tightly in his hands, he charged blindly into the crowd. He pushed the men aside and pulled her between them. He dragged her behind a wall and she pushed herself against it, panting for breath and looking around anxiously as the men shouted and called to each other angrily.

She looked around dazed then Gross yanked the chain and dragged her into a dark, narrow side street. Arabs pushed and bustled along the narrow alley, carrying heavy bundles, racks of clothing, carpets and pots of sweet-smelling food. As soon as they saw Deborah, naked except for her tattered and torn stockings held by the clasps of her white suspender belt, they turned around and started pointing and shouting indignantly.

As Gross hauled her along, they were jostled and pushed and a small group of Arabs gathered around and pawed at her and touched her breasts. A rowdy crowd began following them and Gross pulled her harder and started running to keep ahead of the shouting men. More appeared ahead and blocked their way and, as they pushed and grabbed at Deborah, Gross was jostled and knocked against her. His eyes widened with panic as the men around them shoved him closer to his terrified charge.

Gross must not touch! Must not touch!

He yelled in a high pitched, terror-stricken voice but the crowd pushed closer and he could not keep away from the trembling body of his frightened ward.

Gross must not touch! Saab will be angry. Gross’s last chance!

He twisted and turned, thrashing his arms around and trying to push the crowd back.

Keep away! Keep away! Gross must not touch little slave!

He lunged at them but they pushed closely around him, knocking him to the ground and breaking his grip on the chain between Deborah’s shackles. She felt the tension released as Gross fell at her feet and, for a moment, she saw his anguished face before she was hauled away by the shouting crowd and dragged into a dark alley.

Hands pawed all over her, pulling at her hair, feeling her breasts, running up her thighs and probing the crease between her buttocks. Dark faces peered at her and broken-toothed grins leered at her near-naked body as the sea of hands groped all over her. She tried to squirm away but everywhere she turned there were more hands and more ogling faces and the more she struggled the more it excited them and the more they grabbed at her.

Hands clasped across her mouth and she tried desperately to suck air between the dark, sweaty fingers. She felt fingers pinching her nipples and her hair was pulled painfully as she was lifted up and carried into a dark shop. They threw her down on the floor and she fell amongst leather saddles, whips and whole, tanned hides. The men crowded around her and, as she pulled her knees up and clasped her shackled wrists around the fronts of her calves to protect herself, she felt terror-stricken, wretched and alone.

Some of the men poked at her and pulled her hair and then they started chanting in heavily accented French.

Chienne! Chienne!

She shrunk back, trembling with fear as two of them pulled her legs wide and another thrust his head between her thighs.

Chienne! Chienne!

She felt his hot tongue licking against the naked edges of her widespread cunt and she struggled frantically to get away.

Chienne! Chienne!

He slurped around her outer labia but, as he thrust the tip of his tongue between them, he was pulled away and another took over. His bearded face scraped against the insides of her thighs as he bit the swollen, wet folds and she shrieked with pain.

Chienne! Chienne!

He poked his tongue deeply and stretched his hands up to her breasts, grabbing them roughly in his hands and squeezing her nipples viciously. She fought to escape but more hands pushed down on her shoulders and forced her back.

Let me go! Please let me go! Please, please ...

Her cries only made them laugh. The man stretched out her nipples between his thumbs and fingers and, as he drove his unshaven face harder between her legs, he pinched them hard and she yelled in agony.

Please, let me go. Please, please let me go!

He delved his tongue in deeper and sucked at her labia, pulling their distended folds into his mouth and biting on them with his broken teeth.

Help! Help! Please, someone help me!

The man was pulled away and another one started licking her. This one put his hands beneath her buttocks, lifted her hips high and probed the pointed end of his tongue at the tight muscle of her anus. He pressed it hard and drove it in and she yelled out in panic as she felt it delving deeply inside her.

Let me go, please ...

The man was pulled away and another licked her anus. She felt his fingers opening her cunt and then pushing up inside her. She reared up as he pressed them in hard and she felt her cunt widening painfully as he drove them in to the knuckles.

Deborah threw her head from side to side as she felt his hand forcing itself deeply into her cunt. Its width stretched her wide and she felt a surge of nausea spreading into her throat. He pushed again and she felt it going in deeper then, as her cunt throbbed with pain, she felt her stretched labia tightening around his wrist. She screamed in agony but he did not stop until he was dragged away and several of them started licking her again.

She stretched out her arms, hoping to grab hold of something and pull herself free then, clawing desperately, she caught hold of the pommel of a brown leather saddle and pulled with all her strength.

As the men licked her and pulled at her legs, she squirmed towards the saddle, holding the pommel with both hands and dragging herself across the ground towards it.

Chienne! Chienne!

She clung onto the saddle as they dragged her back by the ankles and pulled her through the shop and into a narrow, dusty alley. She got up onto her knees and managed to crawl forward but one of them pulled a dust-covered leather strap across her mouth and dragged her back. Two more pulled the saddle from her and threw it over her back, knocking the breath from her and sending her sprawling on the dusty ground.

Her mouth filled with sandy soil and she started choking and tried to squirm away but the leash yanked tightly between her teeth and she was pulled up onto all-fours. They tied the heavy, leather saddle roughly around her waist and dragged her along the dusty alley, taunting her and jeering at her as she struggled to move under its weight.

Chienne! Chienne! they kept chanting as they poked at her and kicked out at her as she was dragged past them.

The leash was pulled tighter in her mouth and one of them lifted her buttocks until her legs were straight. She strained to stop herself falling sideways as one of the men straddled her and sat on the saddle. He pressed his weight against it and she buckled under the strain.

Rampez! Rampez! he screamed.

She did not know what he meant but she tried to get upright and managed to get her legs straight again.

Rampez! Rampez!

The leash was yanked viciously and she was made to crawl forward as the man straddled her back, bending his legs and dropping his weight on her whenever she slowed or stopped.

They drove her along the alley then turned her and drove her back. The crowd of men shouted and taunted her, spitting at her and tugging at her hair as she was ridden past them and kicking out at her if she did not go fast enough.

Her eyes filled with dust and she coughed and choked as they forced her on, different men riding her one after another, pulling her backwards or thrashing her with leather thongs and sticks when they were dissatisfied.

They fought each other to hold the leash between her teeth, pulling at it and snatching her from side to side as they struggled to take control of her. A young man straddled her and dug his knees into her sides as another stood behind her and held her taut buttocks. He opened them and pressed his finger against the rim of her anus. It sent a shock through her and she felt a stinging shiver of heat as he probed it inside. He held it there while they dragged her along the alley again and when he took it out another came and put his finger in.

She crawled along with her legs held stiffly, gasping against the strain of the man on her back and, all the time, with one of the men’s fingers pressed deeply into her anus. The pressure of holding her buttocks so high squeezed the insides of her thighs together and she felt the edges of her cunt swelling and the heat of her engorging clitoris burning at the front of her naked slit. Even though she felt terrified and shamed she wanted it filled and she arched her back as much as she could, opening her buttocks wide and exposing the swollen folds of her now wet cunt.

Another finger thrust into her anus then, as the man was pushed aside, she felt his finger replaced by the throbbing end of a cock. She raised her buttocks higher, sensing the strain of the man on her back and pulling hard against the leash. Her suffering was inflaming her and she yearned for more. She gasped and bit into the leash as the cock forced her anus wide and she drove herself back against it to take it in. She felt the throbbing veins along its shaft as it entered and she felt the pulsating tip pressing deeply inside her rectum as he pushed it in as deeply as he could.

She felt the heat of her orgasm building up inside her but she knew she was not ready yet. The humiliation alone was not enough to liberate it. She needed to be forced to let it go. She wanted beating and thrashing until the pain was so great that it burned her climax from her. She coughed and yelled as bubbles of spit foamed from the edges of her gagged mouth as her need for escape was replaced with a desperate yearning for suffering and pain.

More! More!

The cock thrust deeply inside her and she bore down on it. She felt it hardening and expanding along its length and, as its spunk flowed along it, she felt its tip swelling against her innards. She drove herself back onto it as its veiny shaft hardened painfully against her anal ring then she felt the wet heat of his spunk as it spurted into her. He thrust her hard as he finished and she lifted her buttocks higher to suck out every drop. But still it was not enough. She needed thrashing and punishing and violating with pain before she could be satisfied.

Another man thrust his cock into her still dripping anus. It was thicker and longer and she took it in deeply, hoping for the thrashing sting of a whip and the burning pain that would give her satisfaction. He thrust at her wildly until he finished and when he pulled his throbbing cock out his semen dribbled in sticky bubbles down the insides of her straining thighs. She pulled her chin onto her chest to feel the tension of the leash in her mouth and she smelled the tangy sweetness of his semen as her nostrils flared and she gulped and choked.

Her body shook with the pressure inside her and she felt it running through her veins in heavy, pulsating throbs.

More! More! she cried desperately but, as she was fucked again and ridden by them all, still she was not able to release her pent up orgasm.

More! Please more! Whip me! Beat me! Thrash me! Please!

The heat boiled inside her and her head spun as she screamed and shouted and twisted her body against the thrusting cocks but still it was not enough.

More! Give me more! I must have more! she screamed but they only jeered at her, pulling the saddle from her back and rolling her in the dust as they wanked over her face and into her hair.

A young man pulled at her shackles, dragging them forward against her hands and exposing the silver identity bracelet on her wrist. He looked at it inquisitively then stared down at her with pity. She fell back, her body still throbbing with frustrated desire but her mind clearing as she saw the sympathetic look in the man’s face. A sudden wave of renewed hope spread across her.

The noise around her abated as the other men backed away. Perhaps, at last, this was someone that would help her? Perhaps, at last, she could escape from her terrible ordeal? She held her wrist up and let the man run the bracelet through his fingers.

Yes, my name is Deborah. Look, look at the engraving. My name, my address. Please, can you help me?

At first, he did not seem to understand then he spoke in broken English.

Deborah ... Address ... Help ... Yes ... Yes ...

Her heart leapt.

Take it! Take my bracelet! Get help! Please, get help!

Yes ... Deborah ... Get help ... Yes ... Get help ...

He snatched at the bracelet and it broke free. He looked down at her silently then, holding the bracelet up in his hands and fending off the grasping hands of the others, he ran off shouting.

Get help ... Deborah ... Get help ...

Suddenly, there was a commotion and the men started running and shouting in panic. A huge horse charged between them and reared up in a billowing cloud of dust. Deborah looked up through her bleary eyes and saw a hand reaching down towards her. She lifted her arms, raising the heavy chain between her wrists, and was snatched to her feet. Another yank and she was lifted bodily against the sweating side of the horse. She scrambled up in a panic and fell forwards across its heavily maned neck, straddling the front of the hot, leather saddle with her stocking-covered legs and gripping desperately to its greasy bridle.

The horse charged down the dusty alley, knocking the men sprawling. She felt the rider’s arm wrapping around her hips and lifting her buttocks onto the pommel of the saddle. She tried to turn around but it was impossible, the man held her bottom high and she could hardly hold onto the horse’s mane with her heavily shackled hands. She gripped the muscular shoulders of the galloping horse with her thighs as the man shouted to her.

You’re a fine prize to be sure. I think I’ll get a good price for you my little bitch. He stopped his horse at the end of the alley and it reared up on its hind legs. You have a lot of admirers my little chienne. Are you still in need of their attention?

Deborah gasped as the horse dropped its front hooves back to the ground. Her trembling body was seething with frustration and, as the man turned the horse, she looked back eagerly at the chasing men.

I need ...

Yes bitch? What do you need?

I ... I ...

She could not speak. Every time she tried she was flung against the huge horse and the breath was knocked from her.

Tell me bitch! Tell your new master, Jabari!

I ... I want ...

Tell me bitch!

Jabari lifted her buttocks higher and she struggled breathlessly to hold on as he pulled them back and dropped her down onto the hard, rounded pommel of the saddle. She felt the pressure of its thickened end against her soft flesh and she tried to lift herself away but she could not keep her balance. She fought with all her strength to grip the horse’s shoulders with her straining thighs but the thumping pressure of its galloping hooves pounding on the sandy ground threw her around too much and she fell forcefully back onto the tall, embossed pommel.

Jabari grasped her hips and pushed them down against the unyielding pommel and she felt its wide end forcing apart the soft edges of her cunt. It was thick and hard and, as her cunt distended to its shape, its heavily tooled surface pressed against the entrance to her vagina. She tried to scream but all that came out were gasps of air bursting from her breathless lungs.

Tell me bitch! Tell me!

She tightened her chest and screamed.

I ... I ... I want more ...

He pressed her hips down harder and the end of the pommel went further into her cunt. She felt the entrance to her vagina opening for it and she gasped and tightened her body as she felt it prising her wide. The horse galloped fiercely and, every time its pounding hooves struck the ground, the jarring pressure passed through its muscles and into her splayed-out cunt. She felt its every movement deep inside her and she was filled with its power. When he pulled her hips down again she did not resist. She wanted more, she wanted it deep and she wanted to feel the pounding of the horse’s hooves against her tight-pulled flesh. She tightened her chest again in an effort to control her breathing.

I want more. They did not give me enough. I could not finish. I needed more ...

Needed more what?

She braced herself and drew in another breath.

Pain! I needed more pain!

He thrust her down onto the pommel and she screamed loudly. Its thick end forced deeply inside her vagina and she felt the front of the saddle pressed hard against the splayed-out edges of her cunt. The smooth leather caressed her open labia and she drove herself down onto the pommel in a frenzy. The pounding of the horse sent penetrating shudders through her and she gasped and reared back every time its hooves hit the ground. It was as though the horse itself was fucking her with its heavy, muscular movements yet still she wanted more.

More! More!

She felt the rider’s hands between her buttocks and his finger pressing against her anus. Every time she was thrown down by the pounding horse his finger went deeper. He pressed it in hard and she felt his knuckle against the outer edges of her distended, muscular ring.

More! More!

She felt desperate. The pommel thrust her like a gigantic cock but the finger was not enough.

More! More!

She twisted herself higher and he pulled his finger out. She clung onto the horse’s mane and held up her buttocks in front of Jabari, opening them wide and inviting him to fill her anus with more.

More! More!

Suddenly, as she was tossed back, she felt the end of his cock pressing against it. She felt its heat and its throbbing glans and she lifted herself higher, grasping the horse’s mane and pulling herself up on the thrusting pommel.

More! More!

She dropped back and took his cock in. The throbbing glans pushed past the dilating muscle and drove deeply inside. She felt its pulsating shaft and the engorged veins that stood up along its length and she twisted herself down onto it wildly until she had it in up to its base. Tightening her anus around it, she pushed her cunt back onto the pommel and forced herself down, taking them both as deeply as she could.

She clung to the long mane of the horse and pulled her face against his sweating neck. She breathed in its hot scent as its heavy pounding kept driving the pommel ever deeper into her cunt and the cock further into her anus. She wanted to scream out and finish but the heat of her orgasm was still trapped inside. The fucking was not enough. Still she needed pain.

More! Beat me! Beat me like a disobedient mare! Thrash me like an animal. More! More!

She bore down onto his cock as hard as she could and waited for her punishment. She tensed her buttocks, desperate for the lashes of his whip and the pain it would bestow. She tightened her muscles against his throbbing cock, craving the searing pain of the whip and the release it would provide. She clenched her teeth and held her breath as spit flew from her mouth. She hung onto the coarse hair of the horse’s mane, desperate to feel the vicious lashing of Jabari’s whip, hoping he would release her from her torment, then, at last it came.


A heavy blow cut across her buttocks. The pain went deep, she released her breath in a gurgling explosion and she drove herself back for more.


The searing pain burned deeply inside her and, as waves of heat scorched through her, again she saw herself crawling in the dusty alley being taunted by the men.


The muscles of her buttocks tensed in agonizing delight as another blow fell. More pictures were stirred up in her mind. Again, she saw the faces of the jeering men, she heard their taunting and felt their hot spit running down her face. She felt the weight of the saddle they had thrown on her back and their legs clenched tightly around her waist and she felt the heat of their thrusting cocks as they drove them, one after another, deeply into her burning anus.


She felt the filthy dust on her face and the humiliation of her nakedness. She sensed how she had abandoned herself like an animal and she slobbered spit from her mouth in gasping, frothing bursts. She felt her hopelessness and degradation and the surges of heat inside her grew stronger, but still she wanted more.


Her cunt was filled completely with the pommel and her anus was sore and burning as the cock thrust roughly up and down it. She clung to the horse’s mane and saw herself being flailed and racked and branded and pulled on a leash until she passed out. She imagined herself being fucked by hundreds of men, day after day as she lay bound in a dusty arena. She pictured herself tied out by the wrists and ankles between horses who were trained to stretch her wide whenever she had to serve. She saw herself falling unconscious as the ordeal went on and she saw herself being doused with water to bring her around. She saw herself being passed around the watching crowd, being felt and violated and wanked on and bitten and fucked until finally she was taken back to the arena and tied between the horses again.

More! More!

Whack! Whack! Whack!

As the blows fell and the images in her mind exploded uncontrollably, she felt the massive surge of her orgasm bursting to escape from the prison inside her. Every pounding of the horse’s hooves opened another chink, as its scorching beams radiated from deep inside and sweated out like lava from her burning pores. Her head spun giddily as her muscles tightened and she felt every vein on his thrusting cock and every engrained line on the wide leather pommel as she tightened on them both, held her breath and submitted to a massive, convulsive orgasm.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

He kept beating her but she welcomed the continuing pain. The punishing blows drove her orgasm through every part of her as she stared down at the dusty ground and the frightening pounding of the horse’s galloping hooves.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

She did not breathe as her climax ran through her, shocking her body and making her rear and dive involuntarily in overpowering seizures of pleasure and satisfaction. The images continued flashing in her mind and the punishing whip burned deeply as she rode the leather pommel and drove herself back as hard as possible against the stiff cock until, finally, it swelled and spurted spunk deeply inside her throbbing rectum.