Example 6. Oracle procedure return_hiredate

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE return_hiredate (pfirstname IN VARCHAR2, plastname IN VARCHAR2, pHiredate OUT DATE) IS lv_hiredate DATE;

BEGIN SELECT hiredate INTO lv_hiredate FROM instructors WHERE lastname = plastname AND firstname = pfirstname;

pHiredate:= lv_hiredate;

RETURN; END return_hiredate;

Call return_hiredate procedure with PHP


$query6=“BEGIN return_hiredate (:firstname,:lastname,:hiredate);





$stmt6=oci_parse ($myconn, $query6);

oci_bind_by_name ($stmt6,”: hiredate”, $hiredate,20);

oci_bind_by_name ($stmt6, ":lastname”, $lastname);

oci_bind_by_name ($stmt6,”: firstname”, $firstname);

$er6=oci_execute ($stmt6);

if (!$er6)


$e = oci_error ($stmt6); echo $e [‘message’];


$ret6=oci_commit ($myconn);

echo “Hire date=”. $hiredate.”<br>”;



Example 7. Oracle procedure delete_instructor

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_instructor (plastname IN OUT VARCHAR2, pfirstname IN VARCHAR2) IS lv_lastname VARCHAR2 (20);

BEGIN DELETE FROM instructors WHERE lastname=plastname AND firstname=pfirstname returning lastname INTO lv_lastname; plastname:=lv_lastname; RETURN; END delete_instructor;

Call delete_instructor procedure with PHP


$sql7=“BEGIN delete_instructor (:last_name,:first_name);


$istmt7 = oci_parse ($myconn, $sql7); $last_name=“Barry’;


oci_bind_by_name ($istmt7, ":last_name”, $last_name);

oci_bind_by_name ($istmt7, ":first_name”, $first_name);

$er7=oci_execute ($istmt7);

if (!$er7) {

$e = oci_error ($stmt7);

echo $e [‘message’];


$ret7=oci_commit ($myconn);

echo “last name=”. $last_name.”<br>”;


Example 8. Oracle procedure get_instructors

This procedure returns a cursor that can hold multiple records and fields.


BEGIN OPEN mycurs FOR SELECT lastname, firstname, email, phone, hiredate, rate, street, city, STATE, zip FROM instructors WHERE lastname=plastname; END get_instructors;

Call get_instructors procedure with PHP

<?php ………

$curs = oci_new_cursor ($myconn); $lastname=“Willams”;

$query8=“BEGIN get_instructors (:lastname,:curs);


$stmt8 = oci_parse ($myconn, $query8);

oci_bind_by_name ($stmt8, ":lastname”, $lastname); oci_bind_by_name ($stmt8, ":curs”, $curs, -1,


oci_execute ($stmt8);

oci_execute ($curs);

echo “Instructors Records: <br>”;

while ($row = oci_fetch_array ($curs, OCI_NUM)) {$last_name=$row [0];

$first_name=$row [1];

$email=$row [2];

$phone=$row [3];

$hiredate=$row [4];

$rate=$row [5];

$street=$row [6];

$city=$row [7];

$state=$row [8];

$zip=$row [9];

echo $last_name.””. $first_name.””. $email.””. $phone.””. $hiredate.””. $rate.””. $street.””. $city.””. $state.””. $zip.”<br>';} oci_free_statement ($stmt8);

oci_free_statement ($curs);

oci_close ($myconn);


Example 9. Oracle procedure delete_instructor2


BEGIN OPEN my_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM instructors WHERE lastname=plastname; DELETE FROM instructors WHERE lastname=plastname; RETURN my_cursor;

END delete_instructor2;

Call delete_instructor2 function with PHP


$p_curs = oci_new_cursor ($myconn); $lastname=“Tom”;

$query9=“BEGIN: curs:= delete_instructor2 (:lastname); end;”;

$stmt9 = oci_parse ($myconn, $query9);

oci_bind_by_name ($stmt9, ":lastname”, $lastname); oci_bind_by_name ($stmt9, ':curs’, $p_curs, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR);

// Execute Statement

oci_execute ($stmt9);

oci_execute ($p_curs, OCI_DEFAULT);

echo “Deleted Records: <br>”;

while ($row = oci_fetch_array ($p_curs, OCI_NUM)) {$last_name=$row [0];

$first_name=$row [1];

$email=$row [2];

$phone=$row [3];

$hiredate=$row [4];

$rate=$row [5];

$street=$row [6];

$city=$row [7];

$state=$row [8];

$zip=$row [9];

echo $last_name.””. $first_name.””. $email.””. $phone.””. $hiredate.””. $rate.””. $street.””. $city.””. $state.””. $zip.”<br>”;


oci_commit ($myconn);

oci_free_statement ($stmt9);

oci_free_statement ($p_curs);

oci_close ($myconn);

Appendix 1: Installation of Apache and PHP

Download Apache 2.2.22 web server for Windows from http://httpd.apache.org

Be certain to select binaries for Windows and not a source code. There are two kinds of files to choose from, one with openssl and one with no-ssl. Select the one having no-ssl, download and save it to your desktop, and click to start it running. The Open File-security Warning dialog is opened. Click the Run button.

Figure 28. Apache installation.

On the next window enter your server information.

Click the Next button.

Figure 29. the server information input.

The Typical option in the Select Type window is selected by default. This is OK. Click the Next button.

Figure 30. Selecting the installation type.

It is very important that you change the destination folder to C:\Apache2.2.

Figure 30. Changing the location.

Click the Next button and the Finish installation window is displayed. Click the Finish button and you’re done. If it asks permission to restart your computer, please allow.

Open any browser and type the address http://localhost and hit enter. The It Works text is displayed in the browser. I recommend that you use the last version of Firefox as your default browser for learning PHP programming.

Figure 31. Running a default webpage on the localhost.

Installation of the PHP on Windows

Download PHP from http://windows.php.net/download

At the time of editing this book, the last PHP version is 7.2.4.

Read “Which version do I choose?” on the download page.

Select the Thread Safe and choose a zip file option.

Save it on your desktop and extract files to the C:\php folder.

Figure 32. The PHP directory after installation

Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer and open the Apache2.2 folder.

Open the conf folder and open the httpd.conf file in notepad, textpad, or in notepad ++.

In the httpd.conf file, find the line beginning with “LoadModulo” and add the following lines of text as follows:

LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll

ScriptAlias /php/ “c:/php/”

AddType application/x-httpd-php. html. phtml

AddType application/x-httpd-php. php4

AddType application/x-httpd-php. php

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

Save the above httpd.conf file.

Open the C:\php folder and php.ini. recommended file in the notepad. Find the following line, and set it to your extension directory:

;Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.

extension_dir =”. /”

It appears in the following manner on my PC:

extension_dir = “C:\php\ext”

Find the line:

;upload_tmp_dir =

Type the directory to which your user will be permitted to upload files.

On my PC it is the following:

upload_tmp_dir = “c:\Apache2\htdocs\upload”


# php.MySQL. dll

If you want to use a short open php tag like "<?” instead of "<?php” Set “short_open_tag” to On.

short_open_tag = On

By default, it is set to Off in the PHP.INI file. In the event the hosting server does not support the short open tag, it is recommended you use the "<?php” tag.

Make sure that the following extensions are uncommented in the PHP.INI file. By default, they are commented, preceded by a semicolon as in the following:

;extension=php_curl. dll

To uncomment the line, delete leading semicolon.

extension=php_curl. dll


extension=php_gettext. dll

extension=php_imap. dll

extension=php_mbstring. dll

extension=php_mcrypt. dll

extension=php_mysql. dll

extension=php_mysqli. dll

extension=php_pdo. dll

extension=php_pdo_mysql. dll

extension=php_pdo_sqlite. dll

extension=php_xmlrpc. dll

extension=php_zip. dll

Rename the php.ini. dist file to php.ini and copy it to the Windows\system32 directory.

Copy php5ts. dll from “C:\php” to “C:\Apache2.2/bin”.

Create a test directory in C:\Apache2\htdocs directory.

Open notepad and type a php script:


phpinfo ();


Save file as phpInfo.php in the test directory.

Start the Apache web server from the Windows start up menu.

Open your Internet Explorer and type in the following URL address:


If Apache installed and configured correctly, the Apache home page displays.

To test php installation and configuration, type the following URL address in the browser: http:/localhost/test/phpinfo.php and hit enter.

The following page is displayed:

Figure 33. PHP info page.

If the PHP code is displayed in the browser, restart your computer. If the code still appears, reread the instructions to check for what you may have missed.

Each time you modify the PHP.INI file, you must restart Apache so that changes take effect.