4 Mary Campbell, “History’s coldest winter wrote top story for ’77,” Lima News, December 27, 1977.

5 United Press International, “Italian Leftists Continue Their Reign of Terror,” El Paso Herald-Post, October 26, 1977.

6 Associated Press, “Schleyer Found Dead,” Danville Register, October 20, 1977.

1 Associated Press, “Extremists Protest Deaths of 3 German Prisoners,” Amarillo Globe Times, October 19, 1977.

2 United Press International, “Leftist Terrorists Vow to Foul German Economy,” Coshocton Tribune, October 22, 1977.

3 United Press International, “Deaths of W. German Terrorists Protested with Bombings, Student Riot,” Valley News, October 21, 1977.

4 Associated Press, “Industrialist’s Killers Sought,” Wisconsin State Journal, October 21, 1977.

5 United Press International, “Terrorists Bomb German Property,” Ruston Daily Leader, October 24, 1977.

6 United Press International, “Leftists Continue Terror Reign,” Salina-Journal, October 24, 1977.

7 United Press International, “Leftist terrorists vow to foul German economy.”

8 United Press International, “Terrorists Bomb German Property.”

9 United Press International, “Protests Sweep Three Nations,” Valley News, October 27, 1977.

10 United Press International, “Italian Radicals Say Suicide Squad Will Kill West German Ambassador,” Galveston Daily News, October 26, 1977.

11 Ibid.

12 United Press International, “Deaths of W. German Terrorists Protested with Bombings, Student Riot.”

13 United Press International, “Protests Sweep Three Nations.”

14 United Press International, “Gang Kidnaps Dutch Millionaire,” Kingsport Times News, October 29, 1977.

15 United Press International, “Caransa Released After Ransom Paid,” Coshocton Times, November 2, 1977.

16 Bridgeport Telegram, “Large ransom frees Viennese millionaire,” Nov. 14, 1977.

1 George Jackson Brigade, “You Can Kill a Revolutionary But You Can’t Kill the Revolution,” November 1, 1977. http://www.gjbip.org/comm_teeth.htm.

2 Associated Press, “Lufthansa Airlines Flying Anti-Missile Patterns,” Florence Morning News, November 15, 1977.

3 Vittorfranco S. Pisano, “Terrorism in Italy, March 27, 1978,” Heritage Foundation, http://www.heritage.org/Research/Europe/bg56.cfm.

4 Kingsport-Times, “West Germans Take Seriously Terrorist Threat on Schmidt,” October 22, 1977.

5 United Press International, “Terrorist Bomb Blasts Building in W. Germany,” Ogden Standard-Examiner, October 31, 1977.

6 Associated Press, “Bonn: terrorist death was suicide,” Modesto Bee, November 14, 1977.

7 United Press International, “Crusade against terrorism urged,” Newport Daily News, October 25, 1977.

8 Hanshew, 29-30

9 Associated Press, “German Leftists, Police Battle after Paper Raided,” Waterloo Courier, October 24, 1977.

1 François Dosse, History of Structuralism (Minneapolis: University of Minnestota Press, 1998), 337.

2 Bakker Schut, Stammheim, 533-534.

3 Libération, “1000 croissants pour un avocat,” October 10, 1977.

4 Libération, “Klaus Croissant et la raison d’État,” October 10, 1977.

5 Bakker Schut, Stammheim, 532-533.

6 United Press International, “Germans Ask Japan Help Tracking Killers,” Newport (R.I.) Daily News, November 12, 1977.

7 In 1988, RAF prisoners Knut Folkerts, Rolf Heissler, Sieglinde Hofmann, Christian Klar, Christine Kuby, Roland Mayer, Brigitte Mohnhaupt, Adelheid Schulz, GÜnter Sonnenberg, and Rolf Clemens Wagner signed a joint declaration about Boock, his drug habit and his lies. They explained that when he joined the guerilla he claimed to have been diagnosed with intestinal cancer, and that he only had a short while to live. He explained away his drug use, insisting it was to deal with the pain from his cancer. It was only when he was examined by doctors in Yugoslavia in mid-1978 that it came to light that he had never had cancer, he was simply a junkie lying to manipulate his friends into getting him dope. [Boock’s Lies (August 1988). This text will appear in our second volume, The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume II: Dancing with Imperialism: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.]

8 Spiegel 44, 2007, 70.

1 Associated Press, “West German Terrorists Lose Shootout,” Brainerd Daily, November 11, 1970.

2 Jan-Eric Lindner, “Es begann wie ein Routine-Einsatz - dann fielen SchÜsse,” Hamburger Abendblatt [online], March 3, 2006.

3 Braunthal, 159-160.

4 Bakker Schut, Stammheim, 532-537.

5 Oliver Tolmein, “Beharren: Freundfeind”, Freitag 17 [online], April 19, 2002.

6 Bakker Schut, 534.

7 Spiegel 44, 2007.

8 Time Magazine [online], “Closing in on an elusive enemy,” October 9, 1978.

9 United Press International, “Cops ambush terror courier,” Newport Daily News, September 25, 1978.

1 Goettle, “Die Praxis der Galaxie.”

2 Friends of Astrid Proll.

3 “ai-168” http://www.nadir.org/nadir/periodika/angehoerigen_info/ai-168.html.

4 Associated Press, “Nab murder suspect in Frankfurt,” Pacific Stars and Stripes, June 12, 1979.

5 J. Kumagai, “The German Solution,” IEEE Spectrum, April 11, 2003.

6 Ibid.

1 Margit Mayer, “The German October of 1977,” New German Critique 13 (Winter 1978): 155.

2 Hockenos, 124.

3 Rolf Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories and Political Significance. Translated by Michael Robertson (Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1994), 656. Fittingly enough, it was revealed within a year of these accusations that several weeks after the war, while sitting in a British internment camp, Filbinger had acted in his capacity as a judge to sentence a sailor to death for calling an officer a “Nazi pig.” After briefly denying the story and accusing his accusers of being terrorist sympathizers, Filbinger admitted it was true, but defended himself saying that “What was right in the Third Reich cannot be wrong today.” [Jeffrey Herf, “The ‘Holocaust’ Reception in West Germany: Right, Center and Left,” New German Critique 19, special issue, Germans and Jews (Winter, 1980): 34]

4 Heinrich Böll, interviewed by Gert Heidenreich (Bavarian Radio), September 28, 1977, “This Type of Cheap Propaganda is Extremely Danegrous,” translated by Martin Black, in Stories, Political Writings and Autobiographical Works, Martin Black (ed.), (New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006), 293.

5 Associated Press, “Wife of seized industrialist pleas for terrorists’ trade,” Modesto Bee, September 12, 1977.

6 Braunthal, 162.

7 Ibid., 174.

8 Christian Klar’s Statement Regarding 77. This text will appear in our second volume, The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume II: Dancing with Imperialism: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

1 Wellington Long, “Germany has second Rommel,” Sunday Sun, April 16, 1978.

2 Böll, 295.

3 Anonymous, “Buback: In Memoriam,” semiotext(e) 4, no. 2, the German Issue, (1982): 129.

4 Mayer, 156; Hanshew, 33.

5 Jacobs, 170-171.

6 The Verfassungsschutz.

7 Ibid., 166-167.

1 Hilke Schlaeger, “West German Women’s Movement,” New German Critique 13 (Winter 1978): 64.

2 Katsiaficas, 78-9.

3 Ute Kätzel, “Die Mädchen fielen aus ihrer Rolle,” die tageszeitung [online], October 25-26, 1997.

4 Françoise D’Eaubonne, Feminismus und “Terror,” (Munich: Trikont, 1978) quoted in Sibylle Plogstedt, “Has Violence Arrived in the Women’s Movement,” in German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature, ed. Edith Hoshino Altbach (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1984), 337.

1 The Maoist party, not to be confused with the pro-Soviet party of the 1950s.

2 Hanshew, 37.

3 Michael Sontheimer, “Soziale Bewegungen Auf zum Strand von Tunix!” Spiegel [online], January 25, 2008.

4 Geronimo.

5 Estimates for the number of people who attended range from 5,000 (Michael Sontheimer, “Soziale Bewegungen Auf zum Strand von Tunix!”) to 20,000 (Katsiaficas, 65).

6 Geronimo.

7 Michael Sontheimer, interviewed by Rainer Berthold Schossig, “25 Jahre taz” Deutschlandradio [online], April 12, 2004.

8 Katsiaficas,179.

1 Claus Christian Malzahn, “Happy 25th Birthday Greens. What’s the Plan Now?” Spiegel [online], January 13, 2005.