JOAN D. VINGE is the author of The Snow Queen, which won the Hugo Award for Best SF Novel, and its sequels World’s End, The Summer Queen (a Hugo Award finalist), and Tangled Up in Blue, as well as three novels about the character Cat—Psion, Catspaw, and Dreamfall, and the novel Heaven Chronicles. She also has written a number of shorter works, and her stories, including her Hugo Award–winning novelette, “Eyes of Amber,” have appeared in major SF magazines and anthologies. Her short fiction has been collected in two books, Eyes of Amber and Phoenix in the Ashes. Ms. Vinge is also the author of a number of film adaptations, including novelizations such as Ladyhawke, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Willow, and the film Lost in Space, as well as The Return of the Jedi Storybook, which was a huge bestseller.
She also is the author of The Random House Book of Greek Myths, a book for young readers, with illustrations by Oren Sherman; and for several years was the manga and anime critic for the anthology series The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow and Kelly Link & Gavin Grant. She is currently working on Ladysmith, the first in a series of “prehistorical” novels set in Bronze Age Western Europe, which will make good use of her degree in anthropology. Visit her at www.sff.net/people/JDVinge/.