It took two days for Drix and both the computer and AI departments to study the alien planetary computer and figure out how to hack into it. While they worked on modifying the artificial entity, John ordered probes launched to survey the entire planet. They found numerous cities and rural towns throughout and none showed any signs of damage. There was no indication that they were ever attacked. They verified the life forms they initially detected. What was interesting was the life signs seemed to be in concentrated groups in all the major cities.

Once the computer teams got the AI program’s modifications complete, John and the senior staff assembled in the board room. Waiting for them was the AI entity. It was displayed on the wall monitor.

Hello,” John said to the entity as he took his seat. They all noticed that the program’s humanoid grid appearance had been changed to match human proportions. It was something the computer techs elected to do.

Salutations, John Roberts of the human starship PHOENIX,” greeted the entity.

I provided some basic information about us and our mission,” explained Drix.

Yes,” replied the entity. “Your engineers have communicated your non-hostile intentions through PHOENIX’s data files they uploaded to my system.”

Good,” said John. “So do you have a name?”

You may address me as Vish.”

Vish, can you tell us what happened to the people on this planet?” asked John, getting right to the point.

The Senfo are the inhabitants of this world,” explained Vish. “Many of your time measured years ago, the planetary atmosphere was sabotaged, rendering it unable to support Senfo life.”

Who sabotaged the atmosphere?” asked Julie.

The race you designate as Screen.” Everyone looked at each other nervously. It was disconcerting to hear that the Screen was capable of committing an act on such a massive scale.

You know that for a fact?” asked Alex’sis.

Yes,” replied Vish. “They attempted to negotiate for Senfo gene technology, which was more advanced than the Screen. The Senfo Commonality refused the trade request. Eventually they cut off all ties with the Senfo. Several months later, a single Screen cruiser entered the system and detonated within the planet’s atmosphere. The explosion dispersed a dense particulate that interacted with the electromagnetic charges common to the planet. It created a cascade reaction that modified the atmosphere to a toxic composition.

The Senfo only had weeks to act. During that period the Screen reemerged and attacked our ships. Although we could repel them, their assaults prevented the Senfo from evacuating the planet. As a fallback, individuals were placed in suspension pods.”

The millions of life signs we detect on the planet,” said Kevin.

Yes,” repled Vish. “However, those who are in stasis represent only 21.6% of the population that could be saved. They could not build enough pods to accommodate the entire population.”

John could only imagine the large loss of life. “How...? How did they choose who went in the pods?”

It was decided the commonality needed to survive in order to have a functioning government entity intact. Any individual with vital skills to help rebuild the planet was selected,” explained Vish. “The leftover pods were then assigned based on a lottery system.” Everyone imagined the fear that must have gone through the population as they waited to see if they were selected.

What was your function?” asked Thresha.

I was created to maintain planetary operations, research a means to undo the Screen’s modification of the atmosphere, and protect the planet from invaders.”

Your defense of the planet leaves a lot to be desired,” commented Alex’sis.

Your statement is an assessment of my substandard duties regarding planetary defense,” said Vish. “I have been unable to keep up with the equipment degradation that has occurred. Approximately three of your years ago the primary adjunct network to main defense control was destroyed in a fire and I lost control of all defense systems. With no secondary network available, the systems powered down to standby.”

Drix spoke up. “You said you have been directed to find a means to undo the atmospheric posion. What is your progress on that?”

My research has been limited to data simulations,” replied Vish. “Access to the Senfo government science facility was disrupted eight of your years ago. As a result, I have been unable to conduct live tests of my theories.”

Alex’sis turned to John. “Captain, if we could get a hold of Vish’s research, we might be able to try and restore the planet’s atmosphere.”

I’m all for it,” replied John. He looked at Julie. “Have all the science departments focus their efforts on this. If we can save the Senfo from this catastrophe, let’s do it.”

I’ve already confirmed that we can operate in environmental suits on the planet,” explained Myers. “We should evaluate the stasis pods and determine how they operate before attempting to free any of them.”

Fine, I’ll leave you to it.” John couldn’t help but respond coldly to the doctor. He was still angry with him about not coming forward about Admiral Johnson’s dementia.

We should deploy our fighters to patrol the area,” recommended Alex’sis. “In case the Screen patrol this area of space.”

Good idea,” said John. “It sounds like we’re going to be here awhile. So I want a constant rotation of fighters doing patrols in the system.”

Captain,” said Donavin. “We’ve added a sub-routine to Vish that would allow it to control our bots. We should send some down to help with fixing any equipment that might help us.”

John nodded. “Agreed. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how many bots will be needed.” He looked around the board room. “If there’s nothing else, you’re all dismissed.”

Everyone got up and left. Alex’sis stayed behind and waited until she and the captain were alone. “So you want to tell me what’s going on with you and Myers?”

Nothing,” replied John as he reviewed some information on his DAT.

That’s a load of crap,” countered Alex’sis. “You obviously didn’t hear how nasty you sounded towards him. So what’s goin on?”

Nothing,” said John again.

Alex’sis realized she wasn’t going to get him to reveal anything. “Fine, but don’t be surprised when I serve you cheap table wine at dinner tonight.”

John waited for her to leave before rolling his eyes and shaking his head.