Captain Roberts! To what do I owe the honor?”

Hello, Professor Timilson,” as John entered the professor’s office.

Please, call me Fred. I hate titles,” as he motioned for the captain to sit down. “I was a little surprised when you contacted me. I thought the ship’s captain would have little need for a statistician.” Timilson was the only statistician on the ship and primarily functioned as a consultant with other departments on their projects that needed his analysis.

I’ve got something that’s right up your alley.” John sat down and handed the professor his DAT. “This was found encrypted in the main computer. The techs managed to unlock it and I’ve been going through the information the last couple of weeks. To be honest, this stuff is beyond my comprehension.”

Timilson looked over the information and quickly identified what it represented. “This looks like a study on human population growth. I don’t see who authored the study but the index shows it was commissioned at the EXODUS Project. My assumption is Admiral Johnson inititated it to be done.”

A reasonable assumption,” agreed John. “But I found it odd that there would be such a study done. Far as I know, the EXODUS Project was strictly focused on developing PHOENIX. This doesn’t fit in the project’s mandate.”

Agreed. I never heard of any such study going on in the project.” Timilson looked at the numbers and graphs in the report. “Some of these statistical equations are pretty advanced. I don’t even recognize a lot of these foundations.”

Can you interpret it?” asked John.

I believe I can,” replied Timilson. “But it’s going to take awhile. How soon do you need this?”

No rush, professor, I mean Fred,” said John. “Consult with other scientists if you need to. I’m just more curious than anything else.”

As am I,” said Timilson. “It’ll be nice to focus my attention on a project of my own.”

Command deck to Roberts,” came the voice of Julie over their pips.

Go ahead.”

Captain, sensors have picked up something. Can you come up here?”

On my way, commander.” John looked at Fred. “There’s one more thing. Did you have any extensive interaction with Admiral Johnson at the project?”

Not really,” replied Timilson. “I met him in Cardiff when he recruited me for the project. I talked to him once afterwards at one of the social parties in Central. But that was seven years ago. Why?”

Oh, nothing. I was just curious.” John had been asking some of the crew how well they knew Admiral Johnson. he wanted to know if any of them were aware of his dementia. But it seemed the admiral wasn’t very well known on a personal level. Any interaction he had with the crew was strictly business.

Far as I know, the senior staff had the most contact with the admiral,” said Timilson.

Thanks,” replied John. “And I look forward to what you uncover in that report.”


Down at The Lounge, Drix was helping Chris Anne put away glasses and getting ready for tonight as a couple of bots cleaned the tables and swept the floors.

I appreciate you helping me on such short notice, sweetie,” said Chris.

It is my pleasure to assist you,” said Drix. “Is Max going to be able to work tonight?”

Probably not,” replied Chris. “Doctor Howl has ordered one night of bed rest to ensure his bones have healed.” Max was an athlete and did whatever he could to stay active. Unfortunately, his activities were becoming more dangerous. He recently took to scaling the buildings in Central without safety ropes or an antigravity harness. Yesterday he slipped and fell two stories, breaking several bones. John put a stop to any further activity. Max initially protested but when John remarked the brig officers could use some company the bartender relented. He agreed to no more dangerous outings.

Who will work behind the bar?” asked Drix.

Me,” smiled Chris. “Lisa and Amber can cover for me during my performance,” referring to his two waitresses.

Can you not enlist the bots to help service patrons?” asked Drix.

I could,” said Chris. “But I don’t like using them as waiters. It’s too impersonal.” Chris’ attention was caught by the sight of John entering the bar. “Captain, what do we owe the pleasure?”

Hey Chris. The computer said Drix was down here.”

Is there something you need my assistance on?” asked Drix.

No,” said John. “I was just up on the command deck. They picked up a transponder signal from a ship. It’s Cresorian in origin.”

Drix stopped what he was doing hearing the news. “Are you sure it is Cresorian?”

John nodded. “We ran an analysis of the signal and verified it as genuine. We also checked the modulation. The ship’s piloted by a female and she’s available for mating.” Cresorian vessels modulated their ship transponders to provide a plethora of information: age of the pilot, their gender, etc.

Drix didn’t know what to say. He never expected to come across another Cresorian vessel so soon, let alone one piloted by a female.

Drix, this is good news,” said Chris. The senior staff were all aware of Drix’s hope to meet a female and engage in mating.

It is,” said Drix. “I am just overwhelmed by the news. How far is the vessel from us?”

A little over two and a half light years from this system,” said John. “It’s currently holding position in open space. We were scheduled to head over to the Trubar nebula but I’m putting that off so we can rendezvous with the Cresorian ship.” As part of their newly formed alliance, the Onixins provided PHOENIX with their star charts. On it was a nebula they called Trubar that they explored decades ago. Apparently, they made contact with a sentient species who lives within the nebula. However, no further expeditions were done after the Screen began contact with the Onixins. John wanted to visit the nebula in hopes of contacting the race that resided there.

Your offer is appreciated but PHOENIX cannot go,” said Drix. “There is a high probability the Cresorian has not heard about PHOENIX and may flee at the site of a large starship approaching it. I will have to make the journey alone.”

Hell no!” interjected Chris. “It’s too dangerous to go out there by yourself.”

I spent most of my entire life living in space alone,” explained Drix. “I can take care of myself.”

None of us would be comfortable if we let you take off on your own,” said John.

Your mission is too important to deviate on another side errand,” insisted Drix.

What about if you had an escort accompany you?” offered John. “A pile-driver and fighter group could go with you while PHOENIX continues on to the nebula.”

That’s a little overkill, isn’t it?” asked Chris. “And the Interceptors don’t even have hyper drives.”

I could modify the tractor beam on my vessel to hold all the fighters,” explained Drix. “The beam would provide additional structural support that would allow the fighters to safely transverse faster than light travel.”

Sounds like you’re agreeing to the escort,” smiled John.

I am,” said Drix. “Thank you for the offer.”

Then it’s settled,” said John. “Drix, you and the escort group will head towards the Cresorian ship and PHOENIX will head to the Trubar nebula.”

Captain, if it’s alright with you, I’d like to go with Drix,” said Chris. “To provide moral support.”

It’s your call,” John said to Drix.

I would welcome your company on this journey,” as Drix bowed slightly to Chris.

We’ll hold off leaving until tomorrow,” said John. “That’ll give you enough time to prepare for the trip.”

Good, because I need to pick out what to wear,” said Chris.


John returned to the command deck to inform the staff of the plan. He was nervous about sending Drix and some of the crew out on their own but he knew there would be times where missions would preclude the presence of PHOENIX.

So that’s the plan,” explained John at the operations table. “Opinions?”

You think it’s wise sending a small group of ships out like that?” asked Julie.

Drix is concerned that the Cresorian might get scared off by the sight of PHOENIX,” replied John.

Makes sense,” said Alex’sis. “We don’t know how much word about us has gotten around this part of space. But I’d like to request joining the team on Drix’s mission.”

Why?” asked John.

I’ve been working with him researching the Cresorian database,” revealed Alex’sis. “And we’ve been working with our geneticists trying to come up with an explanation for his behavior towards the Screen. I’ve learned a lot about him in that time. This is going to be the most important event in his life. I want to be there for him.”

What about the mission to the nebula?” asked Julie.

Private Mallison can easily handle my duties,” replied Alex’sis.

John didn’t have a problem with Alex’sis going. “If it’s that important to you, then ok. If there’s any sign of the Screen, you hightail it back to us.”

Alex’sis nodded. “Understood.” She headed off the command deck to prepare for the mission.

Julie waited for her to leave the pit before speaking up. “You know there’s a possibility Drix may choose to remain with the female.”

Cresorian culture dictates they only come together for mating,” explained John. “As soon as they’re done, they’re to part ways in order to maximize the survival of the Cresorian race.”

I know but Drix’s spent all this time with us. He’s observed how humans engage in love. He’s made comments to me on more than one occasion how he would like to experience something similar to what we have.”

John sighed. Julie did have a point. Spending this long of a time on PHOENIX, Drix would undoubtedly be influenced by human and Aldarian cultures. What if he decided to remain with the female? John wouldn’t even have a chance to say good-bye, unless the female agreed to return to PHOENIX. But that was a long shot.

Drix has to do what’s right for himself,” said John. “I don’t want to lose him, but he has to lead his own life, whatever that may be.” But the captain secretly hoped Drix would come back to PHOENIX. He was part of the crew. It wouldn’t seem right if he didn’t return.