With the help of the Onixin and Quix scientists, PHOENIX located all seventeen Screen satellites hidden inside the nebula. John contacted the Onixin and Senfo homeworlds and alerted them of recent events at the nebula. The Quix military commander, or cadri, R’nixnifira presented the findings to the Quix queen. Surprisingly, the queen chose to speak on behalf of her people at the meeting. This was unheard of in Quix society. There were layers of bureaucrats and servants authorized to speak on her behalf as she was so revered that no one could speak directly to her. To have an audience directly with the queen was a rare privilege.

John, Julie, Drix, Thresha, and the Onixin scientists were assembled in the board room. When the transmission from Forn came through, they were greeted with a display of the queen and R’nixnifira standing beside her. She was almost double the size of him and quite an imposing figure.

My queen,” greeted John. “We are honored by the gift of your presence.” R’nixnifira had coached him on protocols relating to conversing with the queen. One was that she had no formal name. Any female who was selected as queen lost her name as it represented the casting away of her past life. Everyone simply referred to her as ‘my queen.’

Your queen is grateful for the rare privilege of seeing such strange looking creatures for the first time,” she said in the typical Quix shrill voice as her body vibrated. “My protector has told me all that you have done for us. You have managed to achieve what my stewards could not and have given us a chance to explore the stars.”

Thank you, my queen,” replied John. “But our success could not have been made without the assistance of our allies, the Onixins,” as he motioned to Calbo and Nueista.

The collaboration between the humans, Onixins, and Quix is what allowed us to identify how you have been contained,” said Nueista. “Each of us contributed our expertise to uncover the mystery.”

My predecessor had fond memories of the brief contact the Quix shared with the Onixins,” said the queen. “It is my intention to renew the relationship she started. It is also the intention of the Quix to join your effort in locating those responsible for trapping us.”

The queen pointed to someone off screen. “Let it be recorded on this dartna that John Roberts, captain of the human vessel designated PHOENIX, served in the cause of the Quix. His bravery reflects the strength expected of the protectorate.” She looked back at John. “Therefore, you and your crew have earned the right to be treated as a member of the protectorate. Any request by you will be answered as if you were one of our own. What we possess is now yours. Your mission to find the Screen has now become ours.”

John was certain that this was the queen’s way of offering an alliance. He could hardly believe their good fortune “Words cannot express our gratitude for your offering. Thank you, my queen.”

My offer extends to the Onixins as well,” said the queen. “As already stated, it was the combined efforts of all parties that revealed the Screen treachery.”

We will communicate your generous offer to the Onixin council, my queen,” replied Calbo.

It is regrettable that none of your fellow protectorate can join you in your journey at this time,” lamented the queen. She wasn’t the only one. What John learned about Quix military ships was that they were large and very powerful. They would be a vital asset in combating the Screen.

Although we must leave, both my ship and the Onixins will remain in contact with the protectorate,” assured John. “We’ll also apprise the Senfo about you. When they’re ready, I’ll have them make contact with you.”

We will provide you our technological specs for transmission analyzation,” said R’nixnifira. “You have mentioned the difficulty you have encountered decrypting the computer of the Screen fighter you possess. This may aid in your efforts.”

John was grateful for the offer. “We appreciate it.”

A decree will be sent to you and the protectorate announcing our unification,” said the queen. “And when we have extinguished the threat of the Screen, we will meet again on the sands of Forn. Safe travels.”

My queen,” nodded John as the transmission ended.

Julie was elated at how the meeting went. “That went very well.”

An alliance with the Quix will be beneficial,” said Drix. “Unfortunately, we will not see any benefit so long as they remain trapped in the nebula.”

It is still a win for both our peoples,” said Nueista. “Once the Quix and Senfo can fully participate in our alliance, we will be formidable against the Screen.”

What is the status of the Senfo?” asked Calbo.

They are diligently working to wake their people,” replied Thresha. She had been designated as the ship’s liaison to the Senfo. “I have communicated our progress with them. Their leader Danuo has expressed interest in aiding us in our search for the Screen. But it will be some time before they can send any ships out from their system.”

We should try contacting the Ni again,” suggested Julie. “Maybe they’d be willing to join us when we tell them about our progress.”

It’s worth a try,” agreed John. Despite their xenophophic nature, the captain hadn’t given up on them yet. “In the meantime, we’ll head out of here. I don’t want our presence to lure the Screen back to the nebula while the Quix are destroying the energy net.” John looked at the Onixins. “We’ve contacted your homeworld and they’ve dispatched a ship to pick you up. Your efforts here have pleased them so much that they’re sending one of their newly built cruisers to pick you up.”

Despite having no visible mouths, the look of pleasure on their faces was evident. So far, the cruisers the Onixins built had remained in their star system to protect the homeworld. For the council to allow one to leave was a milestone.


The Onixins spent their last night on PHOENIX socializing with the crew in Central. The night happened to be the senior staff’s poker night. Julie skipped the game to spend it with the Onixins. With her accommodating the scientists, John was able to go to the game.

He was running late because of some unforeseen ship business he needed to attend to. He was in his quarters getting changed when the door chime rang.

Come in,” he yelled from the bedroom. “Just give me a sec to finish changing.” When he emerged, John found Fred Timilson in the living room holding a DAT.

Fred, I didn’t expect it to be you.”

Sorry, captain. I was going to wait until tomorrow. But this can’t wait.” His somber tone indicated something was wrong.

Is everything alright?” asked John.

I finished analyzing that population study you asked me to review,” as he handed John the DAT.

John read over the summary Timilson put together. He couldn’t believe what the data was saying. “This…this can’t be right.”

I rechecked the figures and conferred with several people. We all came to the same conclusion. The numbers aren’t concrete but there’s no escaping the end result.”

John took a seat on the couch as he reviewed the summary report again. “Could the conclusion be off? You did say the equations were highly complex.”

Very complex, revolutionary even,” said Timilson. “But the science behind them is sound. I broke down the numbers and concluded the margin of error is minimal. I had others check some of my work.”

Damn.” It was all John could say. He didn’t know how else to respond.

I’m sorry, captain,” said Timilson.

Don’t be,” replied John. “You’re just reporting the information as you see it but do me a favor. Keep this to yourself. This is something the crew shouldn’t know about.”

I understand the sensitivity,” said Timilson. “I’ve already ask the same thing from the individuals I consulted with. They all promised to remain quiet.”


It was Alex’sis’ turn to host the poker game. Kevin, Chief Davers, Chris Anne, and Drix had shown up. The group decided to begin playing without the captain when they waited for him long enough.

It’s too bad Calbo and Nueista decided not to join us,” remarked Kevin.

They’re both too in love with Central to pass up spending another night down there,” said Alex’sis.

I thought you were giving them a farewell performance,” Davers said to Chris Anne.

Please, sweetie. Not when there’s a poker game to be played,” as Chris shuffled the deck.

The door chime rang. “Come in,” said Alex’sis. “Well, glad you finally decided to join us sir,” as the captain walked in.

I got caught up in something,” said John.

Why you holding a DAT?” asked Chris. “You know the rules. No work during a game.”

I’m sorry to spoil your fun but as the senior staff I need to inform you of something.” John sat down and put the DAT in the middle of the table.

Alex’sis saw the grave look on his face. She knew whatever the news was, it wasn’t good. “What’s happened?”

A while ago I found a scientific study in the encrypted data block. It was on human population growth. I didn’t understand the numbers or scientific jargon so I had Professor Timilson review it. He stopped by my quarters a few minutes ago to deliver his findings.” John was trying to find the right words to explain it. He knew there was no way to ease the blow.

Alex’sis took the DAT and read the report. She was stunned. “This can’t be right.”

Unfortunately, it is,” replied John.

Captain, please just tell us,” said Chris.

The study has concluded that the human race is dying.”

Silence filled the room as this was something none of them expected to hear. Everyone looked at one another, not sure how to respond.

And before you ask, Timilson had the information verified by several other scientists,” explained John. “They all agreed with him.”

How can humanity be dying off?” asked Kevin.

The report concludes that as people with genetic disorders from the Holocaust continue to mingle with those with unaffected genes, it’s slowly polluting the gene pool. With so many defects spreading throughout the successive generations, procreating viable successive offspring will be reduced. We’ll reach a point where we’re no longer able to breed.”

Alex’sis, like everyone else, was trying to wrap her head around this news. “You’re saying that a catastrophe that happened a century ago is killing us? That’s impossible.”

Not according to this,” as Davers passed the DAT over to Kevin. He looked at John. “You wouldn’t be telling us this if you didn’t think it was true.”

What about the Population Bureau?” asked Kevin. “If this was happening, wouldn’t they have announced it? Or at least institute measures to correct it?”

I doubt it,” said Chris. “They probably think making this public would plunge our society into utter chaos. Better to keep quiet about it.”

That’s insane,” said Kevin.

Chris shrugged his shoulders. “That’s politics for you.”

That doesn’t mean they’re not working behind the scenes on this problem,” said Alex’sis.

One would hope, sweetie,” said Chris. “But don’t hold your breath.”

Does the report say how long before humanity becomes extinct?” asked Davers.

It’s not a concrete number but the study estimates about four hundred years,” revealed John. “Timilson believes the timeframe’s pretty accurate.”

And I thought we were having a good day,” as Kevin tossed the DAT back on the table.

I’m sorry,” said John. “I want to keep this from the crew but thought the senior staff should at least know.”

Should we include this in our next transmission to Earth?” asked Kevin.

No,” replied Alex’sis. “Chris is right. If this got out to the public it might create a huge panic.”

We’ve got to tell someone,” insisted Kevin. “What happens if we don’t make it back home?”

Nice attitude,” as Chris rolled his eyes.

We’ve got to be realistic and can’t assume we will get back,” said Kevin. “This report would be lost if something happened to us.”

I agree this should go to the government,” said John. “But right now we don’t have the means to communicate with anyone in authority.”

Billy and David could do it,” offered Kevin. “They could pass along the message to someone in the government.”

The captain shook his head. “No, I won’t put them in any more danger then they’re probably in now.”

For all we know they might have already been caught distributing our transmissions,” said Alex’sis. “Transmitting this back to Earth is no guarantee.”

Kevin was upset. “So we’re just going to sit on this information and do nothing?”

We don’t have any other option right now,” said John. “But it makes our mission finding the Screen even more important. Now we have another reason why we need to complete our mission and get back home.”