This is not a typical phenomenon.”

Gerry Miltoff agreed with the Quix’s statement. “Our scientists concur but they conclude it’s a normal occurrence in this part of space. He was talking with a Quix scientist over a communications link at the navigation station on the command deck along with Kevin. The three were going over readings from the sensors in the survey being conducted in the area PHOENIX was traveling through.

One would not expect to find such strong magnetic readings outside the proximity of a major stellar body,” said the Quix scientist, Proministaun. “Has it impacted the propulsion capability of your vessel?”

No,” replied Kevin. “But it’s distorting the location of local star systems. Plotting a route through this region has become pretty difficult. We dropped out of our jump as a precaution. We’re working to improve our sensor resolution to clear up the distortions. But so far we can’t seem to compensate for the magnetic influence.”

Given our location, it’s highly unlikely we’d impact a stellar body if we resumed our jump,” said Gerry. “But it’s strange that none of our modifications are reducing the sensor distortions. Some of the changes should have improved the sensors.”

I agree,” said Proministaun. “Have you consulted with your Cresorian? I understand he is well versed in sensor technology.”

Drix has tried everything but hasn’t been successful,” replied Kevin.

I have some computational schematics that may resolve this issue,” offered Proministaun.

Send them and we’ll implement them immediately,” said Gerry.


Down in Central, John was in the coilquin enjoying the soothing hums emanating throughout the Aldarian temple. He hadn’t come here in months, ever since he stopped having the nightmares about the Io. But he found he needed refuge from other things weighing on his mind.

John was certain that the Ni would have opened communication by now. Given everything they’ve uncovered about the Screen and their impact on other races, why wouldn’t the Ni want to help? But the gaseous aliens never replied to any of PHOENIX’s transmissions. The captain even had the Onixin and Quix send messages to the Ni homeworld but they also had no success in getting a reply. Were that Ni so xenophobic that they would ignore the threat the Screen posed, or was it possible the Screen may have already done something to them? Without any message, John couldn’t risk returning to the Ni star system. They had made it clear that PHOENIX could never return. John couldn’t risk their response if he returned the ship there.

Then there was the Screen. They hadn’t come across so much of a fighter in weeks. The last indication they had about Screen activity was their attack on the alien trading outpost. But that was weeks ago. Was the Screen monitoring the PHOENIX? Did they know of the ship’s dealings with the Onixins, Quix, and Senfo? It was the lack of knowledge that bothered John. What were they up to?

Hello, captain.” John looked up to see Thresha. “I have not seen you here in some time.”

John moved over so she could sit next to him. “I needed a place to clear my head.”

Is the serenity of the coilquin aiding you?”

Not really,” admitted John.

Perhaps meditating will help,” suggested Thresha.

I’m not one for meditating. I don’t have the patience for it.”

I would be willing to teach you,” offered Thresha.

John shook his head. “Thanks, but I’ll pass. Preoccupation with ship business comes with being captain.”

I was going to bring an issue to your attention,” said Thresha. “It is not important. I could discuss it with Commander Olson.”

No, it’s ok,” said John. “What is it?”

I have been advised of a romantic relationship that has developed between an Aldarian female and human male.”

That got John’s interest. He hadn’t heard of any Aldarians and humans dating. “Really!? Who?”

The Aldarian is Velenis. The human is Danny Dernell.”

He’s Valerie’s brother,” said John. They ran the grocery store in Central. “But I don’t know Velenis.”

She works on the farming deck,” said Thresha. “Her and Danny informed me of their relationship and the impasse they have reached.”

I hope it wasn’t a fight,” said John.

No,” replied Thresha. “They wish to further express their love but they do not know how to proceed.”

You mean sex?”

Thresha nodded. “That is one of the issues. Humans use sex as both a means to express love with one another and to propagate their species. Aldarians engage in physical consummation for the sole purpose of producing an offspring. We use our telepathy to communicate our love with a mate.”

The easiest answer would be finding some sort of common ground between how Aldarians and humans express love,” replied John. “But I’m not sure that would work. We don’t have telepathic abilities and Aldarian mind probes are unpleasant for us.”

Correct,” said Thresha. “And the process of producing an offspring is so sacred in Aldarian culture, Velenis could never bring herself to engage in an intimate physical act strictly for pleasure.”

I think it’s one of those things they’re going to have to figure out for themselves,” advised John. “On our world, people have learned to express their love in other manners due to a disability that prevents them from having sex. I’d recommend they research the ship’s database and get some ideas.”

A reasonable recommendation,” said Thresha. “Is there a particular subject they should research.”

John got embarrassed. He didn’t want to blurt out that the pair should be researching fetishes or bedroom fantasies. The Aldarians, although open minded, seemed a pretty prudish race. The captain didn’t want them to start learning about some more extreme fetishes some humans engaged in. It was already bad enough Drix was hooked on romance novels

John stuck with a simple answer. “Danny should know what to look for.”

I will communicate your advice to them,” said Thresha.

While we’re on the subject, how come none of the Aldarians have had kids on PHOENIX?” asked John.

We are simply following the example of your people,” replied Thresha. “Only one of your crew members has had a child on the ship.”

The crew doesn’t need to have kids,” said John. “There are millions of humans back home. But there are only three hundred Aldarians left. Your people are at risk of becoming extinct.”

If we are to have offspring who can truly learn what it is to be Aldarian, they have to be raised on our homeworld, surrounded by the things our ancestors created.”

John understood where she was coming from. “Humans were worried that children raised on Luna and Mars would somehow forget what it meant to be human. It was one of the arguments against establishing the colonies. We may have originated on Earth but our identity as a people hasn’t wavered. No matter how far we are from Earth or where we choose to live, we never forget our origins.”

Your people have shown to have a strong unified identity, despite your differences,” said Thresha.

This ship can hold over fifty-thousand people,” continued John. “It’s not like we wouldn’t have the room if you’re people wanted to raise kids.”

You present an interesting train of thought,” admitted Thresha. “One would think that humans, who thrive on differences, would be unable to have a singular identity. But there is truth in your words.”

Command deck to Captain Roberts,” said Julie over John’s and Thresha’s pips.

Go ahead,” said John.

Could you come up here? We’ve come across something pretty huge.”

On my way,” said John. He looked at Thresha. “Care to join me and see what they’ve discovered?”

Thresha smiled. “I would.”


John and Thresha arrived to the command deck where they found Julie, Alex’sis, Drix, Kevin, and Gerry Miltoff around the operations table. A holographic image of Proministaun was displayed over the table.

As the pair approached the group, everyone looked up at them except for Drix. The Cresorian’s eyes were glued to a display on the table.

Captain,” said Julie. “We were able to modify the sensors and clean up the distortions created by the magnetic field.”

What’d you find?” asked John.

We have discovered your sensors were being tricked,” replied Proministaun. “The magnetic field does not exist.”

He’s right, captain,” added Gerry. “As soon as Proministaun analyzed the data, he found the field was nothing more than a false projection.”

How can someone create an elaborate mirage in the middle of space?” asked John. “The distortion covers a huge area.”

The technology to achieve such trickery would have to be advanced,” explained Proministaun.

What purpose would it serve?” asked Thresha.

Lieutenant Brandus brought up a display of the local area of space and highlighted a specific star system. “To hide this. When we compared the unaffected sensor data to the distorted data, the computer identified a discrepancy. This star system did not show up before.”

The field was hiding that star system from our sensors,” added Kevin.

And probably from other ships traveling through the area,” concluded Julie.

There’s more,” continued Alex’sis. “There’s a concentrated energy source coming from the inner most planet of the system. Proministaun is certain the source of the false magnetic field projection is coming from there. And…,” She hesitated to say anything more, looking at Drix.

What?” asked John.

The energy source contains wave patterns consistent with Cresorian technology,” revealed Julie.

John looked to Drix, who was still reviewing the sensor data.

Is it true?” John asked Drix.

The conclusion is sound,” replied Drix. He seemed to show no significant emotion about the news. “I have analyzed the data. It does appear whatever is projecting the field is of Cresorian origin.”

Is it possible some of your people settled on the planet?” asked Thresha.

The mandate in the Cresorian database is clear,” said Drix. “My people were to remain in space until such time we were recalled to our homeworld.”

Maybe a Cresorian crashed landed on the planet,” speculated John. “We can’t assume this is your homeworld.”

The equipment needed to display such a field would be significant,” explained Proministaun. “If Cresorian ships are similar, they would not have the means or resources to build such a device.”

Perhaps multiple vessels landed there,” suggested Thresha.

It was clear to John what they had to do. “We’ll have to go to the system and investigate the planet. Drix, are there any protocols outlined in your ship’s database regarding returning to your homeworld, if this is the place?”

There is nothing specific,” replied Drix. “It only states that when homeworld was ready we would be contacted. Captain, if this is the Cresorian homeworld, we have to contact the other Cresorians in space.”

One step at a time, Drix,” said John. Anyhow, the captain wasn’t sure how to begin contacting Cresorians in space. The only way would be to send a wide beam transmission. He didn’t want to do that and accidently alert the Screen of this location. “We need to make sure this is your people’s homeworld. If it is, we need to determine if it’s even habitable.”

The captain’s right,” said Julie. “Whatever’s emitting the field could have been turned on when your people left.”

Will we have any problem jumping to the system?” asked John.

We’ve made all the modifications Proministaun recommended,” answered Kevin. “We should be ok.”

Then set a course and let’s go in,” ordered John.

As they went to their stations to prepare for the jump, Thresha approached Drix and placed her hand on his arm. “You are worried what you may find.”

There is no record to explain why we were forced to leave,” said Drix. “If this is homeworld, what will we find?”

John overheard Drix’s comment and ran through all the possibilities in his head. He wasn’t so worried about what they would find as the thought of Drix leaving PHOENIX. Whatever the state of the planet, John realized there was a good possibility Drix would leave the ship for good if this was the Cresorian homeworld.