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101 California Street shooting
Abraham, Spencer
Abramoff, Jack
Adams, Kenny
Adkins, Robert
Aiken, Ann
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Alpert, Geoffrey
Al Qaeda
American Association for Justice
American Civil Liberties Union
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
Anuzis, Saul
appellate judges
Aquino, Benigno
Aquino, Corazon
Arthur, Scott
Aryan Nations
Weavers and
Ashcroft, John
ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms):
Swapp and
Weaver and
attorney-client relationship
Ayers, Steven
Bachman, L. Kent
Balaban, Eric
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore Sun
Bangerter, Norman
Bartko, John
Bataan Death March
Beam, Jack
Bergin, William
Bergman, Mary
Bergman, Tom
Berlin, Irving
Bill of Rights
First Amendment
Fourth Amendment
bin Laden, Osama
Black, Dean
Black, Shirley
Blumenthal, Richard
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo
Borman, Paul D.
Bradford, Charles
Branch Davidians
Breyer, Stephen
Bright, Beverly
Alligator and
Fingers and
Kenyon and
Bright, Beverly, trial for murder of
Campbell questioned by Spence in
Campbell questioned by Tschirgi in
Dovala questioned by Spence in
Dovala questioned by Tschirgi in
Fairbairn questioned by Spence in
Fairbairn questioned by Tschirgi in
Lee questioned by Spence in
Lee questioned by Tschirgi in
majority verdict in
McDougall questioned by Spence in
McDougall questioned by Tschirgi in
Peabody questioned by Tschirgi in
Spence’s final argument in
Spence’s opening statement in
Terry Bright questioned by Spence in
Terry Bright questioned by Tschirgi in
Thorpen questioned by Tschirgi in
Tschirgi’s final argument in
Tschirgi’s rebuttal argument in
Bright, Terry
Spence’s questioning of
and Spence’s questioning of Campbell
Tschirgi’s final argument and
Tschirgi’s questioning of
Broschay, Paul
Brown, Dan
Brown, Jackie J.
Brown, Michael, killed in Ferguson
Brown, Rene
Brown, Tony D.
Burke, Will
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
campaign contributions to
Engler and
Fieger case and
campaign contributions
to Bush
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and
to Edwards
Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Campbell, Robert
Dovala’s testimony and
McDougall’s testimony and
Spence’s final argument and
Spence’s questioning of
Tschirgi’s questioning of
Cantrell, Ed
Carter, Jimmy
Cassidy, Ben
Chemerinsky, Erwin
Cheney, Dick
Chicago Tribune
Christiansen, Terry
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, see Mormons, Mormon Church
CIA, Marcos and
Citizen’s Group
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
class evidence
Cline, Victor
Clinton, Bill
confessions, forced
ending of
of Hancock
FBI and
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act passed by
Weaver and
Connally, John
Bill of Rights
First Amendment to
Fourth Amendment to
freedom of religion guaranteed in
presumption of innocence under
rates of
Conyers, John
Cooper, Larry
Coulson, Danny
courthouse club
Cragan, John
criminal defense attorneys
courthouse club and
Crucible, The (Miller)
Daoud, Ouhnane
Darrow, Clarence
Davis, Girvies (Preacher Man)
Day, Kendall
death penalty and executions
Campaign to End the Death Penalty
lethal injection in
for Williams
de Blasio, Bill
DeCaria, Michael
Decker, Tom
defense attorneys
courthouse club and
Degan, Bill
death of
Harris and
Weaver and
delays in trials
Delo, Stacey
Democratic Party
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Justice, see Justice Department
Detroit Free Press
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Dixon, Richard
DNA evidence
Domestic Surveillance Program
Dovala, Dave
Spence’s final argument and
Spence’s questioning of
Tschirgi and
Tschirgi’s questioning of
Duke, Doris
Dumb and Dumber
Eder, Michele Longo
Edrington, Val
Edwards, John, Fieger’s handling of campaign contributions to
see also Fieger, Geoffrey
Eggen, Dan
Ellsworth, Maurice
Engler, John
hiding of
excited delirium
executions, see death penalty and executions
ex parte discussions
in Fieger case
in Singer case
Fairbairn, Robert
Congress and
Degan’s death and
Fieger and
fingerprints and
forensic unit of
Hostage Rescue Team of
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System of
Marcoses and
Mayfield arrested by
Mayfield family apologized to by
Mayfield family spied on by
Mayfield’s fingerprints and
Randy Weaver and, see Weaver, Randy
Ruby Ridge operations of
search requests of
Singer and
Swapp and
Vicki Weaver’s death and
Weaver family and
Weaver family monitored and harassed by
Weaver-Harris trial and
Federal Election Commission
Federalist Papers
federal law and state law
Ferguson killing
Fieger, Geoffrey
Bush and
campaign finance charges against
Engler and
FBI and
gubernatorial campaign of
IRS and
Kevorkian and
obstruction of justice charge and
prosecutors’ trial brief on
selective and vindictive prosecution of
Spence’s representation of
trial of
trial testimony of
Fieger, Keenie
Fine, Glenn A.
FBI and
Mayfield and
reputation of analysis of
terrorists and
First Amendment
First Canary, The (Brown and Brown)
FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)
FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court)
Fishman, Steve
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Ford, Gerald
Ford Heights Four
pardoning of
Williams, see Williams, Dennis
Fourth Amendment
Fox, James
Freedom of Information Act
freedom of religion
free speech
Gacy, John Wayne
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garner, Eric
Garrett, Brandon L.
Genito, Andres
Genovic, Lou
Germany, Nazi, see Nazi Germany
Gharibian, Shant
Gilman, Gary
Girvies Davis Clemency Committee
Giuliani, Rudy
Goggin, Michael
Goldstein, Stephanie
Gonzalez, Alberto R.
Graham, J. Wallace
grand juries
Gray, Freddie
Gray, Paula
Grider, William
Gritz, Bo
guilty pleas
by innocent people
Gunderson, Ron
Haas, Harl
hair identification
in Williams case
Hamilton, George
Hancock, Albert
confession of
Dovala and, see Dovala, Dave
Fairbairn and
Spence’s representation of
Hancock, Albert, trial of
Campbell questioned by Spence in
Campbell questioned by Tschirgi in
Dovala questioned by Spence in
Dovala questioned by Tschirgi in
Fairbairn questioned by Spence in
Fairbairn questioned by Tschirgi in
Lee questioned by Spence in
Lee questioned by Tschirgi in
majority verdict in
McDougall questioned by Spence in
McDougall questioned by Tschirgi in
Peabody questioned by Tschirgi in
Spence’s final argument in
Spence’s opening statement in
Terry Bright questioned by Spence in
Terry Bright questioned by Tschirgi in
Thorpen questioned by Tschirgi in
Tschirgi’s final argument in
Tschirgi’s rebuttal argument in
Hancock, Jeff
death of
Hancock, Patricia
Hanni, Glenn
Hansen, Robert B.
Harper’s Magazine
Harrington, Jim
Harris, Kevin
Degan shot by
jailing of
trial of
wounding of
Harvard Law School
Harvey, Paul
Helland, Lynn
Henning, Peter
High Uintahs Academy, Inc.
Hillman, Noel
Hitler, Adolf
Homeland Security
Bergman family and
Singer family and
Hopkinson, Mark
Horiuchi, Lon
Hostage Rescue Team
House, Fred
Howen, Ron
Humphrey, Eric
Hunt, David
IAFIS (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System)
immunized hearings
In Doubt (Simon)
innocence, presumption of
insurance companies
IRS, Fieger and
jailhouse snitches
Jenkins, Bruce
Jenner & Block
Jerusalem Enterprises
Jimerson, Verneal
Johnson, Dennis
Johnson, Ira
Johnson, Lloyd
Johnson, Mike
Johnson, Ven
Jolley, Lewis
Jones, Sandy
courthouse club and
drafting for limited terms
immunized hearings before
overcharging and
politics and
power of
“tough on criminals” reputations of
withheld evidence and
Judson, Jane
evidence hidden from
selection of
Justice Department
Fieger case and
Kaady, Fouad
death of
Gerry Spence in case of
Kent Spence in case of
Tasering of
Kaady, Mrs.
Kafka, Franz
Kane, Billy
Kane, Pauline
Kastigar letter
Keenan, John
Kennedy, John F.
Kennelly, Matthew
Kenyon, John
Kerr-McGee Corporation
Kevorkian, Jack
Khadafy, Moammar
of Marcoses
Kilpatrick, Kwame
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Peter
LaBella, Charles
Larson, John Farr
Law & Order
Laxalt, Paul
Lee, Larry
Lewis, Sinclair
Lindquist, Kim
Lionberg, Larry
Livingston, Debra
Llamos, Paul
Lodge, Edward
Los Angeles Times
Lunnen, Larry
MacArthur, Douglas
Madrid bombings (2004)
Mayfield’s arrest and trial for
Mayfield’s fingerprints and
Manual for Election Crimes
Marcos, Ferdinand
CIA and
death of
FBI and
Imelda’s marriage to
Imelda’s nervous breakdown and
kidnapped by U.S.
martial law declared by
New York real estate purchased by
racketeering charges against
secret funds of
Marcos, Ferdinand, Jr. (“Bongbong”)
Marcos, Imelda
background of
Duke and
FBI and
Ferdinand’s marriage to
Hamilton and
jewelry of
kidnapped by U.S.
nervous breakdown of
projects and good works of
racketeering charges against
return to Philippines
shoes of
Spence’s representation of
Markman, Stephen
Marrero, Victor
Marshall, Lawrence
Matheson, Scott
Mathews, Robert
Matthews, Ellie
Mayfield, Brandon
arrest and trial of
fingerprints of
Muslim associations of
Patriot Act and
Spence’s representation of
Mayfield, Mona
Mayfield, Shane
Mayfield, Sharia
Mayfield family
FBI’s apology to
FBI’s break-ins and surveillance of
McCain, John
McCraney, Charles
McCullock, Mrs.
McCutcheon v. FEC
McDougall, C. A. “Peewee”
death of
Dovala’s testimony and
Spence’s final argument and
Spence’s questioning of
Tschirgi’s questioning of
McIntosh, Rosemary
McVeigh, Timothy
Meagher, Stephen
Miller, Arthur
miscegenation laws
Mondale, Walter
Morehouse, Mary
Moriarity, Eddie
Hancock case and
Mormons, Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; LDS)
fundamental (polygamous)
Mother Teresa
murder, first degree
Murphy, Stephen
Muslims, Mayfield and
Nance, George
National Academy of Science
National Guard
National Registry of Exonerations
National Security Agency (NSA)
Nazi Germany
Singer in
Nevin, David
New York Times
Niggers by the Pound
9/11 attacks
1984 (Orwell)
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize
Northwestern University School of Law
obstruction of justice
in Fieger case
Oklahoma City bombing
O’Neal, William D.
opening statements
Orton, Robert F.
Orwell, George
Patriot Act
Mayfield case and
Peabody, Judy
Pearl Harbor
person of interest
Peterson, Chuck
Philippine National Bank
Commission on Good Government in
Laurel-Langley trade agreement and
Marcoses in, see Marcos, Ferdinand; Marcos, Imelda
martial law in
People Power Revolution in
typhoon in
Plumhoff v. Rickard
citizens’ commission to oversee conduct of
courthouse club and
interrogations by
militarization of
professional status for
psychological testing of candidates
training of
videotaping of
police culture
politics, in judiciary
Preacher Man (Girvies Davis)
presumption of innocence
probable cause
Promise of Justice, A (Protess and Warden)
courthouse club and
grand juries and
hiding of evidence by
overcharging by
Protess, David
Pryor, Richard
public defenders
Raines, Willie
Reagan, Ronald
Rees, Jeffrey
Reid, Robert J.
religion, freedom of
Republican Party
Rice, Tamir
RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act):
charges against Ferdinand Marcos
charges against Imelda Marcos
Rieman, Barbara
Riggs, Bill
Rivera, Geraldo
Roberts, Don
Robinson, Arthur “Red”
Robinson, Ron
Rock, Tania
Roderick, Art
Rodriguez, Juan “Johnnie”
Rogers, Buck
Rosenthal, Elden
Rove, Karl
Ruby Ridge
see also Weaver family; specific family members
Rules of Engagement
Ryan, George H.
Sanchez, Ed
Sandner, SueEllen
Sandoval, Edgar
Scanlon, John
Schmal, Carol
Schuster, Bob
Schwartz, Michael Alan
Scott, Paul
Scott, Walter
selective and vindictive prosecution
in Fieger case
self-defense, killing in
retreat and
Weaver case and
September 11 attacks
Shields, Donald
Siemasko, Corky
Silkwood, Karen
Simon, Dan
Simon, Seymour
Simpson, Marvin
Singer, Benjamin
Singer, Charlotte
Singer, Harald
Singer, Heidi
Singer, John
arrest and release of
death of
ex parte discussions and
as homeschooler
legal case in death of
marriage to second wife
as messiah
plan to arrest
Swapp and
Singer, John Timothy
Singer, Joseph
Singer, Suzanne
Singer, Timothy
Singer, Vickie
arrest orders for
as homeschooler
jailing of
prison sentence of
Spence’s letter from
Spence’s representation of
Singer family
Smith, Joseph
Spain, bombings in, see Madrid bombings
Spanish National Police
speech, freedom of
Spence, Gerry:
in Fieger case
in Kaady case
in Marcos case
in Mayfield case
in Singer case
in Weaver case
in Williams case
Spence, Gerry, in Hancock case
Campbell questioned by
Dovala questioned by
Fairbairn questioned by
final argument of
McDougall questioned by
opening statement of
Lee questioned by
majority verdict and
Terry Bright questioned by
Thorpen questioned by
Spence, Imaging
Spence, Kent
in Kaady case
Spitz, Werner
state law and federal law
Sullivan, Laura
Supreme Court
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
McCutcheon v. FEC
Plumhoff v. Rickard
Preacher Man case and
Singer case and
Swapp, Addam
Swapp, Charlotte Singer
Swapp, Heidi Singer
Swapp, Jonathan
Talbot, Walter D.
Tantoco, Gliceria
TASER International
deaths from
used on Kaady
Taylor, Flint
Taylor, Samuel
Ter Molen, Mark
terror, war on
Mayfields and
testimony of jailhouse snitches
Thompson, Richard
Thornlimb, Elaine
Thorpen, James
Trial, The (Kafka)
Trial Lawyers College
Truman, Vaughn
Trump, Donald
Trump, Ivana
Tschirgi, Arnold
Tschirgi, Arnold, in Hancock trial
Campbell questioned by
Dovala and
Dovala questioned by
Fairbairn questioned by
final argument of
Lee questioned by
majority verdict and
McDougall questioned by
Peabody questioned by
rebuttal argument of
Terry Bright questioned by
Thorpen questioned by
United Nations (UN)
University of Michigan Law School
Vanick, Howard
videotaping of police
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Waco siege
Wadman, Robert
Warden, Rob
war on terror
Mayfields and
Washington, George
Washington Post
Watan, Officer
Weaver, Elisheba
Weaver, Rachel
Weaver, Randy
arrest of
court appearance ordered for
Degan’s death and
false history created for
Gritz and
jailing of
military service of
Spence’s defense of
surrender of
trial of
weapons of
wounding of
Weaver, Sammy
death of
Weaver, Sara
Weaver, Vicki
death of
Weaver family
Aryan Nations and
dog of
Horiuchi and
FBI’s monitoring and harassment of
Webster, Mike
Weglarz, Todd
West, Henrietta June
Weston, Archie
White, Wensdy
Willard, David
Williams, Dennis
death of
death sentence of
first trial of
pardoning of
Preacher Man and
in prison
second trial of
Spence’s representation of
Winder, David
World War II
Wyoming State Training School