Clare’s Acknowledgments

Comfort zones are strange things, aren’t they? I mean, in one way, they’re GREAT, because they’re dead comfy. But if you never move out of them, you’ll never experience anything new, you’ll never grow, and you’ll never be able to answer the question: what if?

When Harper first contacted me to ask if I fancied co-writing a book, my first thought was, “Are you bonkers? No!” Co-writing was for other authors, and it was way outside my comfort zone. However, I didn’t hit reply straight away. Instead, I thought about it, and realised this was SO outside my comfort zone, I should do it. So I said yes, with the proviso that I might cry. She told me that she might, too. From that moment on, we were in it together – and I’m so glad we did it!

I loved writing the story of Olivia and Rosie, but most of all, I loved having a partner in crime. Writing is a solitary job, but co-writing turns it into a swashbuckling adventure.

So first up, thanks to Harper for making it so easy. Thanks for cheering me on, for trusting in the story, and for pushing me out of my comfort zone. I jumped with my eyes closed, but the landing was expert! Thanks also to Caroline (her Mrs) for the fab cover and great title; and to Cheyenne for stellar Aussie-flavoured editing.

Gold stars all round to our first readers, Tammara and Sophie, who gave great feedback and assured us we’d written a good book. That was a relief to hear! Also, to my intrepid band of early readers for your enthusiasm and encouragement – you’re all fab!

As always, thanks to you for reading – I hope you enjoyed this royal romp! Having you in my corner means the world - so have a virtual hug from me.

Finally, much love to my wife, Yvonne, for being my biggest cheerleader every day – your constant support underpins my success. And it wasn’t as painful as you thought in the end, was it?