Hamed Markad

Preserved Lemons

Make preserved lemons with ripe, new-season fruit that have not been waxed. Store-bought lemons are usually coated with a wax, which has to be removed by scrubbing in warm water with a soft-bristle brush; even then it is very difficult to remove.


8–12 thin-skinned new-season lemons

rock salt

1–2 extra lemons

black peppercorns (optional)

bay leaves (optional)

To prepare a storage jar, preheat the oven to 120°C (235°F/Gas ½). Wash the jar and lid in hot soapy water and rinse with hot water. Put the jar in the oven for 20 minutes, or until fully dry. Do not dry with a tea towel (dish towel).

If the lemons are very firm, soak them in water for 3 days, changing the water daily. Wash the lemons if soaking is not required. Cut the lemons from the stem end into quarters almost through to the base. Insert 1 tablespoon rock salt into each lemon, close it up and place in a jar. Repeat until the jar is filled, sprinkling 1 tablespoon salt between the layers. Pack the lemons into the jar as tightly as possible. Add a bay leaf and a few peppercorns to each jar if desired.

Wash the extra lemons. Add the juice of 1 lemon to each jar. Fill with slightly cooled, boiled water. Put the washed skin from a squeezed-out lemon half on top so that if any white film forms on top (which is harmless), the skin can be discarded when the jar is opened. Seal the jars and store in a cool, dark place for 4 weeks, gently shaking the jars daily for the first week to dissolve the salt. The cloudy liquid clears in this time. The lemons will keep for 6 months or more. Once the jar is opened, store in the refrigerator.

To prepare for cooking, separate a lemon into quarters and rinse under running water. Remove and discard the pulp. Rinse the rind, pat dry with paper towel and use as directed in recipes.
