
Frances Weller Bailey supplied a thirty-ninth year of undeviatingly devoted marital support as well as inspired tech assistance without which Peter J. could never have completed his co-editorial tasks.

Sam would like to thank students who have worked with him at Vanderbilt including Evan Blaire Garlock, Stephanie Page Hoskins, Aldea Marine Meary-Miller, Merrill Hendrickson, and Deann Valrae Armstrong. Special thanks goes to Cynthia Lucia for her outstanding advice. Mark L. Schoenfield, chair of the Department of English at Vanderbilt, has been a source of steady support and assistance. Calista Marie Doll of the department also was a great help. As always, the greatest thanks for support and inspiration goes to Scottie Girgus whose help grows even greater as the years grow longer.

Sam B. and Peter J. very gratefully acknowledge the hard work and the collegial, thoroughly companionable efforts of our 26 contributors, and the professionally rewarding relationships we have enjoyed with Wiley executive editor Jayne Fargnoli and copyeditor Helen Kemp. We express our gratitude as well for the many, many films of Woody Allen, without which they and their contributors would have had, quite literally, nothing to say.