Chapter 10 Analysis and Reflection
1. How do you define justice? After reading this chapter, is your understanding of justice more complicated? Is justice in relation to the Holocaust possible?
2. What purpose did the Nuremberg trials serve? Who or what did they benefit? What difference did the trials make? What were they unable to achieve?
3. What objections did people make to the Nuremberg trials? What complicated the task of achieving justice? How did Allied leaders and others involved in the trials respond to those challenges?
4. Which readings in this chapter complicated your thinking about who was responsible for what happened during the Holocaust? Which readings complicated your thinking about human behavior?
5. What role does “moral luck” play in influencing the choices that individuals make in specific times and places? Does considering the idea of “moral luck” affect how you judge the actions of others, especially those who lived in the past? Does it affect how you evaluate your own choices and your own potential for good or evil?