As family history research is such a popular hobby, there are hundreds of books available, both general and more specific. This is not an exhaustive list.

The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts 1806, found online via Google books

The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts 1818

Cunningham, Peter Handbook of London, John Murray, 1850

Kirwan, Daniel Joseph Palace and Hovel or Phases of London Life, Hartford, Belnap & Bliss 1870 palacehovel00kirw, description of London by an 1870s American tourist

Inglis, Lucy Georgian London, Into the Streets. Her blog and has articles on artisan and immigrant communities from 1660 to 1830; limited genealogical information

Mayhew, Henry London labour and the London Poor, published in serial form from1840s, Wordsworth, 2008

Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR), breakdowns of occupations from 1831

Taxation before 1689 explanation and sources at the National Archives Includes links to palaeography tutorials occupations breakdown 1851–71

Chapter 1

Barratt, Nick Who do you think you are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy, Harper Collins, 2008

Christian, Peter The Genealogist’s Internet, Bloomsbury, 2012

Clifford, David, J.H. My Ancestors were Congregationalists, Society of Genealogists, 1998

Fowler, Simon Poor Law Records for Family Historians, Family History Partnership, 2011

Gandy, Michael Tracing Nonconformist Ancestors, PRO, 2001

Gibson, Jeremy; Hampson, Elizabeth; Raymond, Stuart Marriage Indexes for Family Historians, Family History Partnership, 2008

Grannum, Karen; Taylor, Nigel Wills and Probate Records, National Archives, 2009

Heywood, Thomas If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody Part 2, play about the life of haberdashery apprentices and the founding of the Royal Exchange, London, 1605–06

McKie, David What’s in a Surname? A Journey from Abercrombie to Zwicker, Random House, 2013

Mortimer, Ian The Time Travellers’ Guide to Medieval England, Vintage, 2009, offers background and living conditions to, among others, guilds, wool industries, fishmongers, merchants and mercers. See also The Time Travellers’ Guide to Elizabethan England, 2013.

Paton, Chris Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, Pen and Sword, 2014

Raymond, Stuart A. Trades and Professions, Family History Partnership, 2011

Raymond, Stuart A. The Wills of our Ancestors, Pen and Sword, 2012

Chapter 2

City of London Livery Companies and Related Organisations, A Guide to their Archives in Guildhall Library 4th ed., 2010

The Guide to Greater London History Sources Volume 1, The City of London.

Leighton, W.A. The Guilds of Shrewsbury, 1881

Melling, John Kennedy London Guilds and Liveries, Shire, 2008

Selles, Maud (Ed.) The York Mercers and Merchant Adventurers 1356–1917, Andrews, 1918 mercersmerch00mercrich

Chapter 3

Crail, Mark Tracing your Labour Movement Ancestors, Pen and Sword, 2009

Dennis, Victoria Solt Discovering Friendly and Fraternal Societies, Their Badges and Regalia, Shire, 2005

Devon County Council description of apprenticeships, links to locating records and further reading

Harwood, Jeremy Holidays and Hard Times 1870s, Reader’s Digest, 2009

Kay, J.A.; Morris, C.N.; Jaffer, S.M.; Meadowcroft, S.A. The Regulation of Retail Trading Hours, The Institute for Fiscal Studies, 1984,, economic background to retailing before 1839

Loman, Roger An Introduction to Friendly Society Records, Federation of Family History Societies, 2000

Moffrey, Robert W. The Rise and Progress of the Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, 1810–1904 online at, 1904

Morley, Shaun (Ed.) Oxfordshire Friendly Societies, 1750–1918, Oxfordshire Record Society, Volume 68, 2011

Parliament and the history of UK legislation pivotal Acts of Parliament. Also and archives. is the official home of enacted UK legislation 1267 to present

Raymond, Stuart My Ancestor was an Apprentice, Society of Genealogists, 2010

Weinbren, Daniel The Oddfellows, 1810–2010, 200 Years of Making Friends and Helping People, Carnegie, 2010

Wigley, John The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Sunday, Manchester University, 1980

Chapter 4

Baxter, Ian A. Baxter’s Guide, Biographical Sources in the East India Office, 3rd ed, Families in British India Society, 2004

The Grocer 1862 onwards; prices of foodstuffs together, reports of bankrupts, small ads for wide variety of companies not just grocers

Coal Merchants

Brown, R.S. Digging for History in the Coal Merchants’ Archives: the history of the Society of Coal Merchants, Society of Coal Merchants, 1988

Edington, Robert A Treatise on the Coal Trade, London, 1813, explains charters, taxes and cost of shipping. Online at several sites including;view=1up;seq=1.

Elliott, Brian Tracing your Coal Mining Ancestors, Pen and Sword, 2014

Nef, J.U. The Rise of the British Coal Industry Vol 1 and 2, Routledge, 1932

Simon Grant-Jones, blacksmith

Coffee, Chocolate and Tea Merchants

Masset, Claire Tea and Tea Drinking, Shire, 2010

UK Tea Council East India Company, tea trade, smuggling, history of adding milk etc.

UK Tea & Infusions Association (UKTIA)


Jefferson, Lisa Medieval Accounts Books of the Mercers of London, An Edition and Translation, Ashgate 2008

Tobacconists and Tobacco

Tobacco timeline

Apperson, G.L. The Social History of Smoking, London, 1914

Cessford, Craig The Archaeology of the Clay Pipe and the Study of Smoking, 2001, issue 6 Assemblage

Edwards, Lloyd J. Tyneside Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacconists in Newcastle and Gateshead until c.1800,, Durham University, 1986


Charleton, Walter The Vintner’s Mystery Display’d, Or The Whole Art of the Wine Trade Laid Open, circa 1700–05

Fowler, Simon Researching Brewery and Publican Ancestors, Family History Partnership, 2009

Gibson Jeremy; Hunter Judith Victuallers’ Licences, Records for Family and Local Historians, Family History Partnership, 2009

Hurst, Donald; Mynard, Dennis One More for the Road, The history of Newport Pagnell’s Inns and Public Houses, Newport Pagnell Historical Society, 1999

Chapter 5

Ackermann The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufacturers, Fashions and Politics, London, 1809–1829 online via Google books and

Horn, Pamela Behind the Counter; shop lives from market stall to supermarket, Sutton, 2006

Masset, Claire Department Stores, Shire, 2010

Mawer, Brian Sugar Bakers, from Sweat to Sweetness, AGFHS, 2011; database and website of Sugar Bakers and Sugar Refiners at

O’Day, Rosemary The Routledge Companion to the Tudor Age, Routledge, 2010

Smith, Colin Stephen The Market Place and the Market’s Place in London c1660–1840, PhD thesis University College London, 1999

Whitbourn, Frank Mr Lock of St James’s Street, his Continuing Life and Changing Times, 1971

White, Jerry London in the Eighteenth Century, A Great and Monstrous Thing, Bodley Head, 2012

Wilkinson, Philip Turn Back Time, The High Street, Quercus, 2010

Winstanley, Michael (Ed.) A Traditional Grocer, T.D Smith’s of Lancaster, 1858–1981, Centre for North West Regional Studies, 1991

Winstanley, Michael J. The Shopkeeper’s World 1830–1914, Manchester University, 1983

Chapter 6


Chapman, D.H. The Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute, A Short History, London, 1970

Bricklayers and Brickmaking

Brick Directory history of bricks

British Brick Society


Baty, Patrick A history of the house painting trade in London ca.1660–1850

Salaman, R.A. Dictionary of tools used in the woodworking and allied trades c1700–1970, George Allen, 1975

Chapter 7


McDougall, David, L. The Country Blacksmith, Shire, 2013

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths

Grimwade, Arthur G. London Goldsmiths 1697–1837, Faber and Faber 1976 has hallmarks and dates including biographical dictionary

Jefferson, Lisa (Ed.) Wardens’ Accounts and Court Minute Books of the Goldsmiths’ Mistery of London 1334–1446, Boydell, 2003

Reddaway T.F.; Walker, Lorna E.M. The Early History of the Goldsmiths’ Company 1327–1509, Edward Arnold, 1975

Jewellers and Watch/Clockmakers

Baillie, G.H. Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, Mowbray, 1947, also on Ancestry

Clutton, Cecil; Baillie, G.H.; Ilbert, C.A. (Eds) Britten’s Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers, Methuen 1894 & 1899, republished 1982

Saunier, Claudius Watchmaker’s Handbook, Tripplin, London, 1881 online at 00tripgoog

Sobel, Dava Longitude, Harper Perennial, 2005, novel about quest and solution for calculating longitude

Chapter 8

Magazines such as Shoe and Leather News, Boot and Shoe Trade Journals and St Crispin

Anon, Toilers in London; or Inquiries concerning Female Labour in the Metropolis, Chapter 23, Boot and Shoe Makers, 1889

Historical Survey of Shoe Making, British United Shoe Machinery Co. Ltd, Union Works, Leicester, 1932

Blair, John; Ramsey, Nigel (Eds), English Medieval Industries, Hambledon, 1991 chapter by John Cherry on leather working including tanning, curriers, making leather bottles, buckets, saddles, gloves etc.

Brown, Cynthia Northampton 1835–1985, Shoe town, New Town, Phillimore/Northampton Borough Council, 1990

Clarks shoes information on their history

Doyle, Arthur Conan The Debatable Case of Mrs. Emsley, Walter Emm’s murder trial http://gutenbergnet/au/ebooks06/ 060441h.html

Dr Martens history

Holmes, Ken Two Centuries of Shoemaking: Start-rite, 1792–1992, 1992

Ledger, Florence E. Put Your Foot Down, A Treatise on the History of Shoes, Uffington, 1985

Liberty Shoe factory, Leicester University;

Riello, Giorgio; McNeil, Peter (Eds) Shoes, A History from Sandals to Sneakers, Berg, 2006

Sparks, W.L. Shoemaking in Norwich, National Institute of the Boot and Shoe Industry, 1949

Sutton, George Barry C & J Clark, 1833–1903, A History of Shoemaking in Street, Somerset, William Sessions 1979

Swann, June Shoemaking, Shire, 1986

Virtual Shoe Museum


Bata-ville: We Are Not Afraid of the Future, documentary written and directed by Karen Guthrie & Nina Pope

Bates, H.E. The Feast of July, novel including references to small shoemaking factories in 1890s Northampton

Bates, H.E. The Vanished World, autobiography including 1890s footwear factories

Brighouse, Harold Hobson’s Choice, 1916, play about a Salford shoemaker and his daughters

Kinky Boots, film about Northampton shoemaking, director Julian Jarrold, 2005

Chapter 9

Burnette, Joyce Gender, Work and Wages in Industrial Revolution Britain, Cambridge University, 2011

Davies, Clarice Stella (Ed.) A History of Macclesfield, University of Manchester, 1961

Waggett, Ralph W. A History of the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London, Phillimore, 2000

Tailors and Seamstresses

Mayhew, Henry Letter VI, harrowing description of 1849–50 sweatshops and slopshops professions/sloptrade.htm


Beck, William Gloves, Their Annals and Associations, Hamilton, Adams, 1883

Dent, Allcroft and Co. and other glove companies

Waggett, Ralph A History of the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London, Phillimore 2nd Ed, 2007

Wood, Mrs Henry Mrs Halliburton’s Troubles, London, 1862 explanation of glove trade including their manufacture. or

Hat Making

Christys Hats

Hertfordshire Genealogy, straw hat information

Stockport Heritage Magazine articles on Stockport hatting industry. Index on CD. Back issues and CD bought via

Bunker, Stephen; Holgate, Robin; Nichols, Marian The Changing Face of Luton, Book Castle, 1993

Inwards, Harry, Straw Hats, their History and Manufacture, Pitman, 1922, republished Hard Press Publishing. Online

Jones, Diana Hats Off! The story of George Carter and Sons, BPR, 2008

McKnight, Penny Stockport Hatting, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, 2000.

Nevell, Michael; Grimsditch, Brian; Hradil, Ivan Denton and the archaeology of the Felt Hatting Industry, Volume 7 Archaeology of Tameside series, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, 2007

Reeve, Amy J. Practical Home Millinery, Longmans, Green & Co., 1903

Lace making

Browne, Clare Lace from the Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A, 2004

Channer, Catherine C.; Roberts, M.E. Lace Making in the Midlands Past and Present, 1900

Goldenberg, Samuel L. Lace, its Origin and History, 1904 via Project Gutenberg

Gray, Kirsty Tracing your West Country Ancestors, Pen and Sword, 2013, Chapter 7.

The Lace Guild; information on lacemaking and history in Stourbridge; lace making in Nottingham

Newport Pagnell Historic Town Assessment Report, English Heritage, September 2010

Industrial Museum, Wollaton Hall, Nottingham Industrial Museum, lace making machines

Button Making

Dorset Button Makers

Hammond Turner & Sons

Johns, Thelma Dorset Buttons, Hand stitched in Dorset for over 300 Years, Natula, 2012

Peacock, Primrose Discovering Old Buttons, Shire, 2008

Chapter 10

Felix, Paul; Siân Ellis; Quinn, Tom The Book of Forgotten Crafts, David and Charles, 2011


Guinness archive fact sheet on cooperage

Kilby, Kenneth Coopers and Coopering, Shire, 2004

Rootsweb page on coopers

Saddle and Harness Makers

Cawthorne, Nancy George Emm & Son, Saddlers and Harness Makers of Paulton, Five Arches, journal of Radstock, Midsomer Norton & District Museum Society, Issue 27 Requiem for a Saddler, Issue 68, Summer 2010

Stationers, Printers and Bookbinders

Dagnall, Harry The Taxation of Paper in Great Britain 1643–1861: A History and Documentation, BAPH, 1988

Duff, Gordon E. A Century of the English Book Trade, Bibliographical Society, 1905, printers, stationers and bookbinders from 1457 to 1557 online duffuoft

Hills, Richard L. Papermaking in Britain 1488–1988: A Short History, Athlone, 1988

Packer, Maurice Bookbinders of Victorian London, British Library, 1991

Plomer, H.R. (England); Bushnell, G.H. (Scotland); McDix, E.R. (Ireland) A Dictionary of printers and booksellers 1726–1775, OUP, 1932

Plomer, Henry R. Wills of English Printers and Stationers 1492–1630, 1903 Ramsden, Charles Bookbinders of the United Kingdom outside London, 1780–1840, Batsford, 1954

Ramsden, Charles London Bookbinders, 1780–1840, Batsford, 1956

Wheelwrights, Carriage and Coachbuilders

Bampton, Daphne Bamptons 1933–1979 A History in the Evolution of the Coachbuilding and Repairing Industry, Bampton Bros, 1973

Burgess, James W. A practical treatise on coach-building, historical and descriptive: containing full information on the various trades and processes involved, with hints on the proper keeping of carriages, &c, Crosby, Lockwood and Co., London, 1881,

Georgano, Nick (Ed.) The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile: Coachbuilding, Routledge, 2001

Mynard, Dennis C. Salmons and Sons, The Tickford Coachbuilders, Phillimore, 2007

Wood, Jonathan Coachbuilding: The Hand-crafted Car Body, Shire, 2008