KEY WORDS  Forgiveness, inclusion, regeneration of hope, unity with the Higher Self, soul retrieval, rejuvenation, metanoia
CHAKRA  Heart (4th)
ELEMENTS  Earth, Water, Storm
PHYSICAL  Facilitates rejuvenation of the body through emotional and spiritual healing
EMOTIONAL  Helps heal emotional pathology created by self-judgment and fragmentation, encourages forgiveness and reconciliation
SPIRITUAL  Helps one reintegrate the fragmented self, allowing for spiritual wholeness and union with the Higher Self and the Divine

MANI STONE is a black-and-white jasper from the American Southwest. It is a microcrystalline variety of quartz with a hardness of 7. It was named Mani Stone after the third-century mystic teacher Mani.

The energies of Mani Stone encourage forgiveness, inclusion and the regeneration of hope. These energies go first to the core of the self, revealing wounds and fragmentation brought on by shame and self-judgment. Mani Stone dissolves these dysfunctional patterns and facilitates the process by which we bring our “lost parts” out of exile and back into ourselves. It is thus an excellent stone helper for doing Soul Retrieval work. As one recovers one’s wholeness, one’s sense of compassion for others is increased, and one can be effective in helping them on the path of self-forgiveness and wholeness.

As Mani Stone facilitates unity of self and union with the Higher Self, it is a stone of mystical awakening. It can even kindle metanoia, in which in which one’s personal identity merges with the Divine. In metanoia, one is free to fly to spiritual heights or descend to the deepest corridors of the heart. In both places, one will discover the loving face of the Divine Self smiling to oneself, mirror-to-mirror.

Mani Stone works in synergy with Rosophia, Brookite, Shaman Stones, the original black-and-white Merlinite and Black Merlinite.