WHILE GELROY HAD BEEN WORKING UP THE COURAGE to make the trip to inform Liam’s family of his whereabouts, Gabrielle had been filling her days with social obligations and preparations for the wedding. In the late of night she would leave her chamber to look in on Liam while he slept. Her guards stood watch at his door. Father Franklin explained to his patient when he finally opened his eyes that, even though the abbey was a sanctuary and was therefore considered holy ground by all good, God-fearing men and women, he wasn’t going to take any chances that a heathen might sneak in and do Liam further injury. He told Liam that Lady Gabrielle had arrived for her wedding with a contingent of guards, and he had asked for their help. In his weakened condition, Liam didn’t protest. He was aware that they were watching over him, but he didn’t speak to them, and when they spoke to one another, it was in a language that Liam had never heard and couldn’t understand.
ONCE LIAM WAS CONSCIOUS, Father Gelroy announced that he would be leaving to deliver his message, and he set out the following dawn. He returned at nightfall. When he knocked on Gabrielle’s door, she was happy to see him, but she was surprised that he had returned from his important errand so quickly. She made him comfortable in a chair on the balcony, offered him refreshment, and then took her seat across from him.
“You are well, Father?” she asked.
“I am,” he replied. “And you, milady?”
“I am most well,” she replied, “but I am quite curious. May I ask, how were you able to complete your errand in such a short time?”
“I rode hard and fast,” he boasted.
A servant stood in the doorway with a tray. Gabrielle motioned to her, and she offered a goblet of cool water to the priest. Father Gelroy thanked her with a smile and a nod and then took a hefty drink.
“Was Laird MacHugh overjoyed with the news about his brother? Was he relieved?”
“I imagine he was overjoyed and relieved,” he answered. “You see, I didn’t go to the MacHugh holding. I thought it would be more prudent…yes, prudent,” he repeated, “to go to the Buchanan holding and give Laird Buchanan the news so that he could have the honor of telling Laird MacHugh. The Buchanans are allies of the MacHughs, and their holding is much closer to the abbey.”
“I see.” Gabrielle folded her hands in her lap and asked, “And was Laird Buchanan overjoyed and relieved with the news?”
“I imagine he was,” he said a bit sheepishly.
“You don’t know?” she asked, thoroughly confused.
He cleared his throat. “As it turned out, I didn’t need to go all the way to the Buchanan holding. Your father was just leaving their land by the only safe route, and I was able to intercept the baron and give him the joyful news. I’m certain he was happy to tell Laird Buchanan.”
It seemed to Gabrielle that the priest had made a simple errand quite complicated. His fear of Laird MacHugh was most unreasonable. After all, the priest had good news to relay to the laird. Why would he worry that the man would do him harm?
“Yes, I’m certain he was,” she said.
“Your father should be here soon now,” he remarked.
“I’ll be happy to see him. Perhaps he will go riding with me in the countryside. I don’t wish to complain, but I would love to leave the abbey for a little while.”
“The countryside is crowded these days,” he said. “There are envoys from many countries who have arrived for the wedding. Several barons from England have set up camp here. And as you know, when they travel, they bring all the comforts of home. I have heard that one tent is as big as our church. Your wedding to Laird Monroe promises to be a grand occasion.”
“I’m amazed they would travel this long distance for the ceremony,” she said.
“This is an important event for many people,” he explained.
Father Franklin interrupted with a hard knock on the door. As soon as the servant bid him enter, the priest rushed into the chamber. When he saw Gelroy, he came to a quick stop and motioned for him to join him.
“It appears Franklin’s wanting a private word with me. I think I know what this is about. I missed noon prayers,” he explained. “And I imagine he’s wanting to give me a good lecture.”
A moment later the two priests were in deep discussion, whispering back and forth. Gabrielle’s attention was drawn to the commons below. She leaned over the railing and saw a priest running and shouting to two others coming out of the chapel, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. The commons quickly filled with men, and all of them seemed highly agitated, waving their arms and shaking their heads. A few priests made the sign of the cross, knelt down, and began to pray.
Something terrible had happened.
“Lady Gabrielle?”
Father Gelroy begged her attention. The look on his face didn’t leave any doubt. The news was bad.
Her mind raced with dark possibilities. Was it her father? Had something happened to him? Dear God, please, no.
She forced a serene expression and waited for one of the priests to explain.
Gelroy nudged Franklin. “You tell her.”
“It’s Laird Monroe, milady. He cannot marry you.”
“Of course he can’t marry her,” Franklin muttered.
“He cannot?” she asked, trying to understand.
“No, milady, he cannot,” Gelroy blurted. “He’s dead.”