GABRIELLE STOOD AT THE WINDOW IN HER CHAMBER and watched a group of boys fighting with wooden swords. She heard one of them yell that it was his turn to play Laird MacHugh, and she soon learned that meant he got to win. There were always two winners on their pretend battlefield, Colm and Liam. She wondered if the laird and his brother knew how much they were admired by their clan.
The mischief-makers, Ethan and Tom, stood on the sidelines begging to be allowed to join in, but the older boys kept pushing them back and ignoring them. She was surprised the little ones gave up so easily. They put their heads together, giggled loudly, and then took off running around the side of the castle. They had already moved on to their next adventure.
Hearing the children’s laughter lightened Gabrielle’s mood. She had been so melancholy since Colm left, and he had been gone such a long time. Was he safe? Please God, keep him safe.
She knew what evil MacKenna was capable of, for there was proof that he had plotted Liam’s torture and murder. In the last few days she had heard numerous stories about Laird MacKenna, and each one painted a picture of a tyrant who used others to carry out his sadistic plans. His loyalty to his clan went only as far as the benefit he received personally. If his followers displeased him, they were expelled, or worse, killed. He even used women and children as shields against hostile neighboring clans. Housing them near the fortress walls, he made sure any laird who dared attack the MacKenna holding knew they were first killing these deterrents.
As Gabrielle listened to each horrendous tale, she thought back to the man she had met at Arbane Abbey. Laird MacKenna’s generosity to the monks had no doubt been part of his scheme. The abbot had been deceived, and so had she. At his introduction, Gabrielle had thought the man amiable and attractive, and now that she knew the truth, she admonished herself for making judgments based on appearance. She had been wrong about him, and she had been wrong about Colm as well. Had she only looked at Colm’s rough exterior, she would never have seen the heart of the man.
She tried not to think about MacKenna and what must be happening, but late at night when she was huddled under the covers, sleep would elude her, and her imagination would run rampant. All sorts of horrible images would come into her mind. She would imagine Colm lying injured, all alone, with no one to help him.
The possibility that he might die was too unbearable to consider. His clan needed him.
Shoving one worry from her mind, it settled on another. Why hadn’t she heard from her father? There had been enough time for him to have gotten word to her or to the Buchanans. The longer she waited to hear, the more convinced she became that Wellingshire was under siege and that King John’s soldiers had taken him captive. Gabrielle knew her father would never surrender.
So many were suffering now…and all because of a lie. Gabrielle hoped that one day she would know why the woman had said such heinous things about her. How could she so blithely destroy someone she didn’t know? Where was her conscience? Had Isla felt any remorse? Or had she, like so many others, discovered a way to justify her evil deeds?
Gabrielle didn’t have any answers. She knew only that fear could paralyze her if she allowed it. She needed to keep busy. If she worked hard enough and moved fast enough, there would be no time to worry.
Now, as she straightened up her chamber, she said another prayer that God would watch over her father and Colm.
Feeling a chill in the air, she went to the window to lower the tapestry. Before the heavy fabric fell into place, she glanced once again at the boys playing below. Something caught her eye and she quickly pushed the curtain back.
“Oh, dear Lord.”
She picked up her skirts, threw the door open, and ran as fast as she could. She nearly broke her neck flying down the stairs.
Liam was in the hall when he heard her shout. He kicked a chair out of his way as he came running. “Gabrielle, what’s wrong?” He caught her as she tried to run past him.
“Ethan…Tom…with swords,” she gasped.
“Yes, I saw the boys playing outside, but what—”
“Real swords,” she stammered. “They’ve got real—”
She didn’t have to continue. Liam understood what she was trying to tell him. He was much faster than she was and had already vanished down the second set of stairs. Gabrielle pushed a clump of hair out of her eyes and took a deep breath, then picked up her skirts again and chased after him.
There weren’t any blood-curdling screams, which was a good indication the boys hadn’t cut themselves. Still, she wanted to make certain they were all right. By the time she reached the first floor, she had picked up a good amount of speed. The door was just closing as she ran outside. It struck her on the hip, knocking her off balance and sending her spinning down the steps into the courtyard. She might have been able to save herself from falling on her face if her legs hadn’t gotten caught up in her gown. She tripped over her own feet and once again went flying through the air, though this time she was sure to land on her head.
Colm saved her from breaking her neck. He had Tom wrapped firmly in one arm when he saw her. Tossing the boy to Christien, he grabbed for Gabrielle and she landed against his chest with a thud.
Gabrielle uttered an unladylike expletive she hoped no one heard, looked up, and only then realized she was in Colm’s arms. She was so happy to see him, she kissed him. He hadn’t shaved, and she felt the bristles of his beard against her cheek. He squeezed her just enough to let her know he was happy to see her, too. At least that is what she wanted to believe.
She stepped back. “You are well?”
“And the battle?”
“And the outcome?”
“As expected.”
She knew he wasn’t going to tell her anything more, and though she thought he could have been a little less rude about it, she was too happy to see him to let it irritate her.
Liam walked past them with Ethan tucked under his arm. The boy was yelling for Liam to put him down so that he could get his sword. With Tom in tow, Christien followed them inside. The child chattered away and didn’t seem to mind that the guard paid no attention.
For a moment Gabrielle and Colm were alone. “I have missed you,” she said.
She hoped he would tell her that he had also missed her, but he only gave her a quick nod. And then he broke her heart.
“Gabrielle, I know I told you I would marry you in six months’ time…” he began.
“Yes, and a month almost has already passed.”
“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. I can no longer keep my promise.”
Willa stopped him from saying more. “Laird, begging a minute of your time…” she called as she approached, wiping her hands on her apron. “Those little imps have been at it again. They’ve gotten into the pens in the back and terrorized my poor hens, and now they won’t lay their eggs. I swear I saw one of them hide when Ethan and Tom ran past. I’m afraid you’re going to have to ban them from the yard.”
“All right, Willa. I’ll take care of it,” he answered.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw others coming—the stonemason holding yet another shredded rope in his hands, the smith with the new sword blade ready to be inspected, the young soldier—all with immediate problems to be solved.
He answered several questions and then motioned to everyone else to wait so that he could finish explaining to Gabrielle what he planned to do. She was nowhere in sight.
“What the…Gabrielle!” he shouted.
“Begging your indulgence, Laird, but I think your lady is making her way to the stables,” the soldier said.
“I saw her guards following,” another volunteered.
“Ah, hell.” She was at it again. The woman was forever trying to leave him.
Calling for Braeden to take over and answer the remaining questions, Colm headed for the stables.
Gabrielle had disappeared before he finished his statement, and therefore she did not understand what he had been trying to tell her—that there would be no marriage in five months because he could not wait five months to bed her, and that the last month had been torture and he couldn’t continue this way. He couldn’t be in the same room with her without thinking about what he wanted to do to her. It was getting ridiculous. She would walk up the stairs; he would walk down. She walked into a room; he walked out. She had no idea the power she held over him, and so he had done everything he could to stay away from her.
Since she was so innocent, she couldn’t possibly know how her touch affected him. But after they were married, he would take his time showing her how crazed she could make him.
He caught up with her as she was opening Rogue’s stall. He reached around her and kicked the gate shut, then ordered her guards to leave. Without questioning, they filed outside and waited at the stable doors.
Colm wasn’t gentle as he forced her to turn around and face him. There were tears in her eyes.
“You are not leaving,” he told her.
“As you say.”
“No, you are not leaving me.”
“But Colm—”
“You are not leaving me.” His voice shook with emotion.
She pushed against his chest, but she couldn’t budge him. “I cannot stay here,” she cried out. “I can’t. I won’t be able to stop chasing you and kissing you and demanding your attention. I know you think you can keep avoiding me, but you can’t, Colm. I can be relentless when it’s something I want.” She took a breath and whispered, “And I want you.”
And there it was, out in the open for him to accept or reject. She looked up at him. He’d gone completely still. She wasn’t even sure if he was still breathing. She knew she’d shocked him by pouring her heart out to him. It was unseemly for a lady to admit she felt passion, but it was too late to take the words back, and Gabrielle wouldn’t have wanted to anyway.
“You say you cannot marry me, and I will accept your decision,” she said. “But if I stayed, it wouldn’t matter if we were married or not. I would still chase you, and eventually I would wear you down. You could not get away from me.”
He stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand as he struggled to find the words to give her. “There are times I don’t know what to think of you. You constantly astound me. You save my brother’s life, and ask nothing in return. I offer you marriage, and you worry that I will ruin my life. You have been dragged through Hell, and you show only kindness. Now you think I reject you, and you open your heart to me. I don’t know how this miracle came to pass, but I cannot imagine living the rest of my life without you. I want you, Gabrielle, and I will not wait five months to have you. We will marry now.”