4: Understanding and Applying Police Directives, Procedures, and Regulations





The questions you will learn about in this chapter are closely related to the general reading comprehension questions discussed earlier, but they usually go one step further. While the ability to understand what you read is essential, you must also demonstrate your ability to apply what you read about specific police directives, procedures, and regulations to police-related situations.

A close examination of a police officer’s job reveals a need not only to read and understand written material, but also to apply that written material in new unsupervised situations. For example, a procedure might be implemented to provide for tighter control of evidence found at the scene of a crime. A police officer will be told of the new procedure, will read about it, and might even take a copy of the new procedure on patrol. When the officer first follows the procedure, he/she must apply it to the particular situation that exists at that time. Clearly, situations can be very different, and the actions mandated by the procedure may also have to differ based on the instant situation. Therefore, the questions in this chapter are designed to test your ability to apply written material in a variety of realistic police situations.


There are four question formats that test your ability to understand the written material involved and that require you to make judgments or decisions based on the contents of the writing. Listed below are explanations of each item type:

1.UNDERSTANDING PROCEDURES. In this item type you are given a police department procedure. Then, based solely on the information in that procedure, you will be asked to do such things as: identify accurate or inaccurate statements, choose the best example of the procedure, etc.


Police officers are prohibited from firing warning shots under any circumstances. Police officers are also not permitted to shoot at a moving vehicle unless the vehicle being shot at is being used in an assault attempt.

Based solely upon the information in the reading selection above, which one of the following statements is most accurate?

(A)When their lives are threatened, police are authorized to fire warning shots.

(B)Police officers are never allowed to shoot at moving vehicles.

(C)Police officers can shoot at moving vehicles only if a police officer’s life is threatened.

(D)Police officers can sometimes shoot at a moving vehicle.

Answer D

2.UNDERSTANDING NARRATIVE SITUATIONS. In this item type you are given a short narrative about a police incident and are then asked to choose a correct or incorrect statement about the narrative.


At about 3:30 P.M. on a weekday in June, an explosion took place in a private home in Elmhurst, Queens. Two police officers responded about ten minutes after the incident occurred, and observed two teenagers running away from the scene. Five people were seriously injured in the explosion, and one eventually died.

Based upon the information above, which of the following is a correct statement?

(A)The explosion took place on a Tuesday.

(B)A total of six people were injured in the explosion.

(C)The police responded at about 3:40 P.M.

(D)Teenagers were responsible for setting the explosion.

Answer C

NOTE: The two question types demonstrated above could very easily be categorized as straight reading comprehension items, covered in an earlier chapter. Nonetheless, we are including them in this chapter for two reasons: (1) we want you to be as familiar as possible with all types of question formats, and (2) we feel that the two application question formats explained below are best understood by reviewing the above formats first.

3.APPLYING PROCEDURES TO SITUATIONS. In this item type you are given a police procedure and a narrative describing a police situation. You are then asked to choose the correct (or incorrect) action that the officer has taken or should have taken in the situation.


In police terms a vehicle accident is one which occurs on a public highway; or on a street between building lines involving a vehicle including a parked vehicle, attended or unattended; or vehicles on private property to which the public has access.

On January 25, Officer Jones responds to the parking lot of the privately owned Bronxville Shopping Center. Upon arrival at the scene, Officer Jones observes over a hundred automobiles belonging to people who are shopping at the various stores in the shopping center. The officer further observes one parked vehicle as it rolls down a slight incline in the parking lot and strikes another parked vehicle, causing minor damage to both vehicles. The officer determines that a vehicle accident has occurred and follows the applicable procedures.

Based solely upon the information above, Officer Jones’s determination was

(A)proper, since the accident occurred on a street between building lines.

(B)improper, since neither car was attended at the time of the accident.

(C)proper, since the accident occurred on private property which is open to public access.

(D)improper, since the accident did not occur on a public highway.

Answer C

4.WHAT SHOULD THE OFFICER DO NEXT? A procedure in a prescribed order is given along with a narrative. The last action of the officer is described. You must then identify the correct next step.


When a police officer discovers someone who illegally possesses a firearm, he/she should, in the following order:

1. Confiscate the firearm,

2. Properly charge the person,

3. Complete a lab examination form,

4. Bring the firearm to the lab,

5. After lab examination, bring the firearm to the property clerk.

Officer Roe determines that Smith illegally possesses a firearm. After confiscating the firearm, what should Roe do next?

(A)Bring the firearm to the lab

(B)Bring the firearm to the property clerk

(C)Properly charge Smith

(D)Complete a lab examination form

Answer C


The strategy outlined for answering these question types is similar to the strategy suggested previously for answering general reading comprehension questions since both item types are similar.


Scan the procedure/narrative.

Scan the questions.

Read the procedure/narrative.

Create a mental picture.

Answer the questions.

1.SCAN THE POLICE PROCEDURE OR NARRATIVE. Get a quick idea of the substance of the procedure or narrative involved.

2.SCAN THE STEM OF THE QUESTION, OR QUESTIONS, INVOLVED. Most often, you will be asked one question per procedure or narrative, but sometimes more than one question will be asked about the same procedure or narrative. After scanning the written material, scan the stem of the question, or questions, pertaining to that material. The objective of this scanning is to get an idea on what areas of the written material you are being questioned. Also, quickly scan some of the choices for each question.

3.READ THE POLICE PROCEDURE, OR NARRATIVE, CAREFULLY. You now have a general idea of what the paragraph is about and on what area you will be questioned. Your task now is to read the paragraph carefully, remembering to concentrate as deeply as possible. Don’t forget to use your pencil to underline or circle key words or sentences. (Review the material in the reading comprehension chapter for a complete discussion of the use of your pencil when doing reading questions.)

4.QUESTION YOURSELF WHILE READING; DEVELOP A MENTAL PICTURE OF WHAT YOU ARE READING. Pause when reading to ask yourself questions. This will ensure that you are reading with the proper degree of concentration. You will also understand the written material more, especially if it is a narrative, if you try to create a mental picture of what you are reading.

5.ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Using the strategy outlined in the Introduction, answer the questions. Remember that it is advisable to return to the procedure to verify the answers you select. Also keep in mind that the answers are to be based solely on the information contained within the written material.

Example—How to Use This Strategy

Using Example 1 to demonstrate, we will take you step by step through the recommended strategy.


A quick reading of this procedure informs you that the passage concerns itself with the circumstances under which police officers can and cannot fire their weapons.


A quick reading of the stem and some of the choices informs you that you will be asked to select an accurate statement as to when police officers are authorized to fire their weapons.


A careful reading of the paragraph will reveal that warning shots can never be fired, and that shooting at moving vehicles is prohibited unless someone is being assaulted by that vehicle.


An example of a question you might ask yourself is: “Can a police officer ever fire a warning shot?” Of course, the answer is “NO!” Words that you might underline are: “under any circumstances” and “unless.” Also, this is an ideal passage for creating a mental image. Can’t you see yourself as part of this story?


Choice A is incorrect because the police can never fire warning shots. Note that the examiner makes it very tempting to select this answer. After all, common sense indicates that officers should be able to fire a warning shot when lives are threatened. Nonetheless, the paragraph is quite clear; the choice is wrong and you should put an “X” through the letter “A,” indicating that it is incorrect.

Choice B is wrong because, under certain circumstances, police officers are allowed to fire at moving vehicles. Note the key word “never” in this choice. Put an “X” through choice B.

Choice C is another tempting selection. However, note the key word “only.” The paragraph indicates that a moving vehicle can be shot at when “someone” is being assaulted. The choice limits “someone” to a “police officer.” It is therefore incorrect, and the letter “C” should be crossed out.

Choice D is correct as stated. Verify it in the procedure, circle the letter “D,” and transpose it carefully on to your answer sheet.


Scan the procedure/policy.

Scan the narrative.

Scan the questions.

Reread the procedure/policy.

Read the narrative.

Answer the questions.


This question type has both police procedure (or policy) and a narrative describing some specific situation. These questions test your ability to understand the procedure or policy and apply it to an actual situation. Your approach to these questions should be as follows.

1.SCAN THE PROCEDURE (OR POLICY). Be sure you understand the procedure being described: its intent, to whom it applies, and when to apply it. If a sequence of steps is involved (as is often the case), make sure you are aware of it. Try to visualize the procedure. Use your pencil to emphasize key words and thoughts.

2.SCAN THE NARRATIVE. Get a quick idea of the situation described in the narrative. The major objective of this initial scanning is to see how the narrative relates to the procedure.

3. SCAN THE QUESTION(S). Scan the stem of the question, or questions, involved and the choices, just to get an idea of what you will be asked. This helps you focus on the pertinent material when rereading the procedure and narrative.

NOTE: Don’t waste time on Steps 1 through 3. All that is required is that you get a good idea of the procedure, a quick idea of the details of the narrative, and an awareness of the focus of the questions.

4.REREAD THE PROCEDURES. If you have used your pencil effectively in the first reading, the rereading should be easy. This time, however, be alert for information relating to the questions.

5.READ THE NARRATIVE. This time concentrate on the narrative. Use your pencil, ask yourself questions, and “put yourself into the story.” You already know what the procedures are and the focus of the questions, so you should be able to direct your attention to the most important parts of the story.

6.ANSWER THE QUESTION(S). Refer to the written material when answering the questions. However, you can save much time if you used your pencil effectively when initially reading the material. You should be able to refer immediately to the important parts of the procedure and the narrative. Remember to use the strategy that has been outlined for you earlier while answering the questions.

Example—How to Use This Strategy

Using Example 3 to demonstrate, we will take you step by step through the recommended strategy.


Remember, however, when dealing with procedures and policies, it is important to fully understand the distinction between the word “or” and the word “and,” as follows:

“Or” connotes the meaning that either of two alternatives is acceptable. If a vehicle accident occurs on a public highway or on a street between building lines, then either location is a possible site for a vehicle accident.

“And” connotes the meaning that more than one alternative is necessary. If a vehicle accident requires the element of a public highway or a street between building lines and the involvement of a vehicle, then you need both elements before you have a vehicle accident. In other words, if you are driving your vehicle on private property and run into a tree, it is not a vehicle accident since the element of a public highway or street is missing.

Therefore, according to the procedural statement in the above example question, a vehicle accident is one which requires more than one element. When reading these types of procedures, always underline the words “and” and “or” to draw your attention to them.


A scanning of the narrative in the sample question reveals that the situation involves a parked car rolling into another parked car in a private parking lot, where over a hundred cars are parked; and that the officer has determined that the incident is a vehicle accident. With that in mind, you now proceed to Step 3.


Reading the question makes it obvious that you must focus on whether Officer Jones acted properly or improperly in classifying the incident as a vehicle accident. Note that you must also provide a justification for your answer, for you must decide why you believe he acted properly or improperly.


This should be done quickly since you have already scanned the statement once and have highlighted the important parts with your pencil.


This time when you read the story, you know what you are looking for. Is the incident a vehicle accident in accordance with the official definition? Why? Does it matter if there is no driver in either car? Does the accident occur on private property and, if so, does the public have access to the private property? These are the questions you should ask yourself.


In this type of question the first item to answer is whether Officer Jones acted properly or improperly. Was it a vehicle accident, or not? The answer is that it was a vehicle accident since it occurred in a private parking lot which is open to the public, and it involved a vehicle. Having made this determination, cross out choices B and D as being wrong. Since the accident did not occur on a street between building lines, choice A is also incorrect, so cross it out. This leaves you with choice C. Make a quick review of the written material to verify your answer, circle choice C as the correct answer, and transpose it carefully to your answer sheet.


This question type gives you a procedure that officers must follow in a prescribed order, step by step. You are also given a narrative describing a situation to which the procedure applies. Also described in the narrative are the actions an officer has taken so far. Your task is to identify in the narrative the last action the officer has taken, find it in the given procedure, and determine what action the officer should take next according to the procedure. To accomplish this, you should do the following:

1.SCAN THE PROCEDURE. Your intent is to get a sense of what the procedure is dealing with. Does it deal with an arrest, a bomb scare, an accident, and so on?

2.SCAN THE NARRATIVE. Determine the last action the officer took regarding the situation being described.

3.GO BACK TO THE PROCEDURE. Locate the action that matches the officer’s last action.

4.IDENTIFY THE NEXT PRESCRIBED ACTION. It is right there in the procedure.

5.GO TO THE ANSWER CHOICES. Find that next prescribed action in the answer choices.

6.SELECT THAT CHOICE. Select that choice as your answer which once again represents what the officer should do next according to the given procedure.

Admittedly, of the four formats used by examiners to test “Understanding and Applying Police Directives, Procedures, and Regulations,” this seems to be the easiest format to deal with. More good news for test takers is that it is used quite extensively.

Example—How to Use This Strategy

Using Example 4 to demonstrate, we will take you step by step through the recommended strategy.


You should immediately become aware that the procedure directs what officers should do in a prescribed order when discovering that someone illegally possesses a firearm.


You should see that the officer’s last action was confiscating an illegally possessed firearm.


You now return to the procedure and locate the action that matches what the officer did last, namely confiscating an illegally possessed firearm.


Now, while still closely examining the procedure, you determine what action is mandated to come next. In this case it is to properly charge the person, who in this instance is Smith.


You easily see it is choice C (Properly charge Smith).


Select choice C as your answer.


Group One

20 Minute Time Limit

Directions: Following are practice questions. Each question in this group is to be answered solely on the basis of the information in the passage preceding it.

Answer questions 1 through 3 based solely on the following:

There is a specific procedure that must be followed to report damage to a department property other than department automobiles. The member of the service who discovers the damaged property must make an entry in his memo book and report the information to the station house clerk. The clerk then prepares an original and three copies of a report on official letterhead, which must include the following information in the sequential order indicated below:

Date and time of occurrence


Department property involved

Damage to other property

Owner of other property

Action taken by discovering officer


Brief description of injury, if any

The ranking officer in command of the precinct of occurrence must investigate the facts and endorse the report.

The captain of the precinct of occurrence then files the original of the report and forwards the three copies to the appropriate unit, as follows:



a. Booths, buildings

Building Maintenance Section

b. Horses

Mounted District

c. Aircraft, launches

Emergency Service District

d. Telephone signal boxes, illuminated telephone signs

Communications Division

e. Any other property

Deputy Commissioner Administration

1.Which of the following statements about reporting damaged department property is true?

(A)All damaged department property must be reported on official letterhead.

(B)The member of the service who discovers the damaged property must prepare an original and three copies of a report.

(C)The station house supervisor must endorse the reports and forward them as required.

(D)The ranking officer in command of the precinct of occurrence must investigate the facts.


2.Police Officer Jay Gold discovers damage to a department portable radio. He then makes the appropriate entry in his memo book. Which of the following best describes his next step?

(A)Inform the Deputy Commissioner Administration through proper channels.

(B)Notify the Communication Division.

(C)Prepare a written report on official letterhead.

(D)Report the information to the station house clerk.


3.A department launch assigned to the Harbor Patrol has been damaged. Debris from a bridge that was undergoing repairs accidently fell onto the deck of the boat causing damage to the boat’s steering mechanisms. Officer Donna Green acting as the station house supervisor investigates the facts surrounding the incident. She then prepares a report concerning the investigation, files one copy and then forwards three copies of the report to the Emergency Service District. Her actions were

(A)proper, mainly because she forwarded the correct number of copies of the properly investigated report to the Emergency Service District.

(B)improper, mainly because she is not the member of the department charged with the responsibility of preparing the report.

(C)proper, mainly because she filed one copy of the properly investigated report.

(D)improper, mainly because she neglected to make a telephone notification to the Emergency Service District.


4.At about 9:20 P.M., June 25, a three-car accident occurred on the Grand Central Parkway, in Queens. One of the cars in the accident caught on fire after the collision, and the driver and both passengers were severely burned. The driver that caused the accident escaped injury when she was thrown from her car and landed safely on the grass alongside of the parkway. Nothing is known about the four occupants of the third car since that vehicle left the scene of the accident without stopping.

Based upon the information above, which of the following is a correct statement?

(A)A total of three people were injured in the accident.

(B)Only one car was damaged in the accident.

(C)There were three people in the car that caught on fire.

(D)The police did not respond to the accident.


5.On July 15, shortly after midnight, three armed men and one unarmed female held up Joe’s Bar and Grill located at 30-85 61st Road, in Astoria, Queens. The female had bright red hair and extremely long fingernails that were painted green. One of the males stuttered when he talked, and wore a stocking over his head. The second male walked with a limp and wore a black baseball jacket with gold trim. The third male wore a Halloween-type mask and carried a stiletto and handgun. No shots were fired during the robbery, but on the way out of the premises, the male with the stiletto accidentally stabbed the female perpetrator in the right leg.

Based upon the above information, the most useful item in apprehending the perpetrators is that

(A)one of the males in the group stuttered.

(B)the second male walked with a limp.

(C)the female was stabbed in the right leg.

(D)the female had long fingernails and bright red hair.


Answer questions 6 through 8 solely on the basis of the following:

To assist members of the service, the following procedure should be used in the order given upon observing a person commit an offense punishable by a summons:

1.Inform the violator of the offense committed.

2.Request the violator to show proof of identity and residence.

a. In traffic cases, examine the driver’s license, the vehicle registration and, when appropriate, the insurance identification card for New York State registered vehicles only.

b. Take the violator to the station house for investigation if doubt exists concerning identity.

3.Issue summonses in numerical order.

4.Use a ballpoint pen to legibly print information in block letters.

5.Enter all available information required by captions on the summons.

6.Enter only one offense on each summons.

7.Use a separate summons for each additional offense.

NOTE: If the violator commits multiple offenses arising out of a single traffic incident and one offense is returnable to criminal court, make all related summonses returnable to criminal court.

8.Give the violator the part of the Universal Summons designated for the agency to which it is returnable.

9.Enter information concerning the summons on the Certification of Summonses Served form.

10.Enter complete details in the memo/patrol officer’s log.

11.Deliver the remaining three parts of the Universal Summons intact, to the precinct of occurrence at the end of tour, or as directed by the commanding officer.

12.Place the summons in the appropriate receptacle at the desk according to the returnable agency.

6.On April 11, at 1:55 A.M., Police Officer Maria Ruiz observed a Ford, bearing New Jersey Plate AWD 242, proceed through a red light at the intersection of Green Avenue and 48th Street in the borough of Queens. One block later, the same Ford made an illegal U-turn, and sped off at a rate of speed far in excess of the legal limit. Officer Ruiz pursued the vehicle in her police car and forced it to the side about four blocks from the place of the illegal U-turn. The officer examined the driver’s license of the operator of the Ford, and asked to see the vehicle registration and insurance identification card covering the vehicle. Officer Ruiz became suspicious because the description on the driver’s license did not match that of the operator of the car, so she brought the violator to the station house for purposes of identification.

All of the following actions of Officer Ruiz were in accordance with the department procedure except that of

(A)asking to see the vehicle registration.

(B)asking to see the insurance identification card.

(C)bringing the violator to the station house.

(D)examining the driver’s license of the operator of the car.


7.Police Officer Harry Smith works out of the Grand Central Parkway Precinct in the Bronx. His assignment is to patrol the limited access highways within the confines of the 92nd, 95th, 97th, and 99th Precincts. On June 4, he observed a vehicle entering the highway in the 95th Precinct by going the wrong way on the exit ramp. Officer Smith gave chase to the subject vehicle. The chase route included streets within the 95th and 97th Precincts, with the violating vehicle finally being apprehended in the 99th Precinct. Officer Smith issued the operator a summons for traveling the wrong way on a one-way street. Then he resumed patrol.

At the end of his tour, Officer Smith should deliver the three parts of the Universal Summons to

(A)the Grand Central Parkway Precinct.

(B)the 99th Precinct.

(C)any of the precincts involved except the 92nd Precinct.

(D)the 95th Precinct.


8.While on traffic enforcement patrol, Officer Singh observes the driver of a vehicle with New York State license plates disobey a traffic control device, which is a violation of the vehicle and traffic laws. Singh pulls the vehicle over and approaches the driver. Singh’s next action should be to

(A)request the violator to show proof of identity and residence.

(B)issue a summons, ensuring that he issues the summons in numerical order.

(C)ask for the insurance identification card since the vehicle has New York State license plates.

(D)inform the violator of the offense committed.


Answer questions 9 and 10 based solely on the following:

An arrest is defined as taking a person into custody to answer for an offense. A pick-up arrest is an arrest for an offense or delinquency not previously reported. Upon arresting a person for an offense, the following procedure must be followed by the arresting officer and by the station house supervisor in the order given.

Arresting Officer

1.Inform the individual being arrested of your authority.

2.Advise the prisoner of the cause of the arrest except when:

a. Arrested in the actual commission of an offense, or

b. Pursued immediately after an escape.

3.Handcuff the prisoner when circumstances require.

4.Search the prisoner for weapons, evidence, or contraband.

5.Advise the prisoner of his/her rights before questioning.

6.Take the prisoner to the station house of the Precinct of arrest.

a. Request a patrol wagon, if necessary.

b. Safeguard apparatus operated by the prisoner before removing him/her to the station house.

7.Bring the prisoner before the station house supervisor and inform him/her of the charge.

Station House Supervisor

8.Direct the arresting officer to make a thorough search of the prisoner in your presence. However,

a. Female prisoners are to be searched by a female police officer in all possible privacy.

9.Have property removed from the prisoner which is:

a. Unlawfully carried.

b. Required as evidence.

c. Lawfully carried, but would be dangerous to life or would aid in escape.

d. Can be used to damage or deface property.

e. Personal, except clothing, if prisoner is intoxicated or unconscious.

9.Alerted by calls for help, Officer Norwicki, in plainclothes anticrime patrol, responds to the hallway of an apartment house to find a man beating a woman with his fists and shouting, “Give me the money, now!” Officer Norwicki identifies himself as a police officer and arrests the man after a brief struggle, during which the man tried to assault Officer Norwicki. The next action that should be taken by the officer is to

(A) handcuff the prisoner.

(B)request a patrol wagon, if necessary.

(C)search the prisoner for weapons, evidence, or contraband.

(D)take the prisoner to the station house of the Precinct of arrest.


10.On Friday evening, June 22, at 9:45 P.M., Officer Green observed a lone male attempting to burglarize the supermarket on the corner of 74th and Keyster Road, which is within the confines of the 47th Precinct. Officer Green approached the suspect and identified himself as a police officer. A struggle ensued during which the criminal was knocked unconscious. Moments later, the prisoner regained consciousness but was extremely weak and groggy. The officer brought the prisoner into the 47th Precinct station house without handcuffing him.

Based upon the above information, which of the following statements about the actions of Officer Green is correct?

(A)The officer was wrong because he did not advise the prisoner of his rights.

(B)The officer should have handcuffed the prisoner before bringing him into the station house.

(C)The officer should have searched the prisoner before bringing him into the station house.

(D)The officer should have advised the prisoner of the cause of arrest.


Group Two

15 Minute Time Limit

Directions: Following are practice questions. Each question in this group is to be answered solely on the basis of the information in the passage preceding it.

11.Early in the morning of October 22, three customers were having breakfast at John’s Diner when two masked gunmen entered and announced a stickup. While one gunman kept everyone under armed surveillance, the other removed $148 from the cash register and $500 from John. All four customers were searched, with the thieves removing a total of $355 from them. As the perpetrators were leaving, a well-dressed couple entered the diner. The two robbers then removed $200 from them, as well as two watches worth $450 each and a diamond ring valued at $2,500.

Based upon the information above, which of the following is a true statement?

(A)The total value of the cash and property lost in the holdup was $4,153.

(B)The value of the property lost in the holdup was $2,950.

(C)The value of the cash and property lost by the well-dressed couple was $3,600.

(D)The total amount of cash lost in the holdup was $1,003.


Answer questions 12 through 16 based solely on the following:

According to the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, the police must take the fingerprints of certain arrested persons. The purpose of taking fingerprints in these cases is to establish positive identification and to provide the arraignment court with prior criminal records.

Arresting officers are to take the fingerprints of all arrested persons charged with:

a. A felony, or

b. A misdemeanor defined in the Penal Law, or

c. A misdemeanor defined outside the Penal Law which would constitute a felony if the arrested person had a previous conviction for a crime, or

d. Loitering, as defined in the Penal Law.

Arresting officers shall also fingerprint all arrested persons:

a. Whose identity cannot be ascertained, or

b. Who arouse reasonable suspicion that the identification given is not accurate, or

c. Who arouse reasonable suspicion that they are being sought by law enforcement officials for the commission of some other offense.

NOTE: Whenever fingerprints are required, photographs and palmprints may also be taken.

12.One of the purposes of taking fingerprints is to

(A)provide the grand jury with prior criminal records.

(B)verify positive identification of arrested persons.

(C)obtain information for the purpose of setting bail.

(D)supply the judge at arraignment with prior criminal records.


13.The mandate for the police to take the fingerprints of certain arrested persons comes from

(A)the courts.

(B)the Penal Law.

(C)the Criminal Procedure Law.

(D)police rules and regulations.


14.Based upon the above information, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

(A)The person arrested for a felony must be photographed.

(B)The decision to photograph arrested persons depends solely on the seriousness of the offense.

(C)Every person who is fingerprinted must also be palmprinted.

(D)Whether an arrested person is photographed sometimes depends on the suspicions of the arresting officer.


15.On May 31st, Officer Ann Jones arrested a male, white, for a misdemeanor defined outside of the Penal Law. The officer brought her prisoner to the 116th Precinct for the purpose of identification and booking. The prisoner identified himself as Henry Adams and presented a driver’s license, an automobile registration, and a number of credit cards to substantiate his identity. Nothing unusual was uncovered during the questioning of her prisoner, but Officer Jones had a hunch that the prisoner was being sought by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Therefore, she arranged to have him fingerprinted and photographed.

Based upon the above, Officer Jones’s decision to have her prisoner fingerprinted and photographed was

(A)proper, since the prisoner was arrested for a misdemeanor.

(B)improper, since a hunch does not constitute reasonable suspicion.

(C)proper, since the charge might become a felony.

(D)improper, since persons arrested for misdemeanors are never photographed.


16.Taking a person’s palmprints

(A)is prohibited.

(B)is done every time a person is fingerprinted.

(C)can be done only if a person is also fingerprinted.

(D)is always accompanied by the taking of photographs.


Answer questions 17 through 20 based solely on the following:

The patrol precinct is the hub of all police department patrol operations. According to the management principle of “unity of command,” everyone in the precinct should know how they fit into the overall organization and to whom they report. For these reasons, it is important for everyone who works in a precinct to understand its organization. An organization chart for a police precinct is shown below.


Source: New York City Police Department

17.Based upon the above information, the station house officer reports directly to the

(A)Station house supervisor.

(B)Operations officer.

(C)Executive officer.

(D)Station house clerk.


18.Based upon the above information, the clerical staff is under the supervision of the:

(A)Unit training sergeant.

(B)Planning sergeant.

(C)Administrative lieutenant.

(D)Operations officer.


19.Based upon the above information, how many people report directly to the Executive Officer?






20.Listed below is a partial assignment roster for the 117th Precinct.



Maria Grossman

Telephone switchboard operator

Sergeant David Murphy

Patrol supervisor

Captain Wayne Talleir

Precinct commanding officer

Lieutenant Robert McWilliams

Operations officer

Sergeant Robert Crass

Unit training sergeant

Detective Mike Corcoran

Anti-crime team

Police Officer John Roe

Patrol force

Roscoe Myers


Based solely on the above information and organizational chart, which of the following members of the 117th Precinct is reporting improperly?

(A)Roscoe Myers reporting to the station house supervisor

(B)Sergeant Murphy reporting to Lieutenant McWilliams

(C)Detective Corcoran reporting to Sergeant Crass

(D)Police Officer Roe reporting to Sergeant Murphy


Group Three

15 Minute Time Limit

Directions: Following are practice questions. Each question in this group is to be answered solely on the basis of the information in the passage preceding it.

Answer questions 21 through 25 based solely on the following:

Police departments are semi-military organizations and require strict adherence to a code of conduct. All sworn members of the department must be disciplined if they engage in prohibited conduct. Listed below are specific examples of prohibited conduct for sworn members of police departments.

1.Consuming intoxicants while in uniform.

2.Entering a premise that serves intoxicants, except for a meal or in the performance of duty.

3.Carrying a package, umbrella, cane, etc., while in uniform, except in the performance of duty.

4.Recommending the use of any particular business, professional, or commercial services to any person except when transacting personal affairs.

5.Steering business, professional, or commercial persons to a prospective client who might require services, except when transacting personal affairs.

6.Consenting to payment by anyone to regain lost or stolen property, or advising such payment.

7.Riding in any vehicle other than a department vehicle to which assigned while in uniform, except when authorized or in an emergency (sergeants and police officers only).

8.Using department logo unless specifically authorized by the police commissioner.

9.Divulging or discussing official department business.

10.Engaging in conduct prejudicial to good order, efficiency, or discipline of the department.

11.Making a recommendation for, or concerning, any person or premises to any government agency in connection with the issuance, revocation, or suspension of any license or permit, except when required in the performance of duty.

12.Campaigning for a candidate for public office or being a member of a political club.

13.Being a candidate for election or serving as a member of a school board, if the school district is located within the city limits.

14.Accepting an additional position of “public trust or civil emolument” without retiring or resigning his position in the police department, except as specifically provided in Section 443, of the City Charter, concerning leave of absence without pay.

15.Smoking in public view while in uniform.

16.Occupying a seat in a public conveyance while in uniform, to the exclusion of a paying passenger.

17.Using a personal card describing police business, address, telephone number, or title except as authorized by the Department Manual.

18.Rendering any service for private interest which interferes with the proper performance of duty.

21.Based upon the above information, which of the following is a true statement?

(A)A police officer cannot consume intoxicating beverages while on duty.

(B)A police officer in uniform cannot enter a premise which serves intoxicating beverages.

(C)A police officer in uniform cannot consume alcohol, even when on meal in a licensed premise.

(D)A police officer can never consume alcohol to the point where he becomes intoxicated.


22.Based upon the above information, which of the following actions is prohibited at all times?

(A)Divulging official department business

(B)Smoking in uniform

(C)Using the department logo

(D)Using a personal card


23.Based upon the above information, which of the following is not always a prohibited action for a police officer?

(A)Being a member of a political club

(B)Serving as a member of a school board

(C)Campaigning for a candidate for public office

(D)Encouraging friends to vote for the incumbent mayor in the mayoral election


24.Sergeant Henry Adams is a twenty-year veteran of the police department and works in the department’s legal bureau. A member of his family has just been arrested and has asked Sergeant Adams to recommend a lawyer to represent him in court. Sergeant Adams gives him the name and telephone number of a highly respected defense attorney.

Based upon the above information, Sergeant Adams acted

(A)properly, since he was dealing with a member of his family.

(B)improperly, since department regulations specifically prohibit the making of such recommendations.

(C)properly, since Sergeant Adams is assigned to the legal bureau.

(D)improperly, since it is a very definite conflict of interest for Sergeant Adams, considering his assignment to the legal bureau.


25.Police Officer Mary Smith is at home on her vacation. She receives a phone call from her brother, who tells her that his apartment was recently burglarized and his stamp collection was stolen. He further explains that he now has an opportunity to get his stamp collection back by making a payment to a party representing the burglars. Officer Smith advises her brother to make the payment to get his property back since it is highly unlikely that the police will get it back for him.

Based upon the above information, Officer Smith acted

(A)properly, since she was not on duty when she gave her brother the advice.

(B)improperly, since department regulations prohibit this type of conduct in all situations.

(C)properly, since she was advising her brother in the course of conducting her own personal affairs, which are not the concern of the department.

(D)improperly, since there is always a chance that the police will get the property back for her brother.


Answer questions 26 and 27 based solely on the following procedure:

The purpose of this procedure is to assist parents in determining if a substance found in the possession of their children is, in fact, a narcotic/controlled substance. Persons using this program shall remain anonymous, and no criminal charges or investigation will be instituted against them unless it is evident that the program is being used to circumvent the law.

When a person indicates to a police officer on patrol a desire to participate in the program, the officer shall:

1.Direct the person to call the precinct station house and comply with the directions of the officer assigned as the desk officer.

The officer assigned as the desk officer shall take the following steps in the order given:

1.Ascertain from the caller immediately the amount of the suspected controlled substance involved.

2.Give the caller a code phrase in the following order consisting of

a. the post designation (such as 11 for Post 11) and

b. any letter of the alphabet randomly selected and

c. a four-digit number.

An example of a resulting code phrase could be 11–X–5748.

3.Instruct the caller to record and carry the code phrase on his or her person while en route to the station house. Note that the purpose of the code phrase is to protect the caller who may become the subject of a search while en route to the station house.

4.Inform the person that the code phrase will expire in one (1) hour.

5.Dispatch a patrol car to a location agreed upon by the caller and have the caller transported to the station house, if there is a reason to believe that a felony amount of controlled substance is involved.

26.An officer on radio motor patrol duty is approached by Mrs. Hart, a mother of a 13-year-old girl, and informs the officer that she has found a powdery substance in her daughter’s bedroom. Mrs. Hart suspects that it is narcotics. The officer directs Mrs. Hart to call the station house and comply with the directions of the desk officer. Mrs. Hart calls the station house and has a phone conversation with Officer Ted Lowe who is assigned as the desk officer. Officer Lowe immediately gives her a code phrase. In this situation, Officer Lowe acted

(A)improperly, since he failed to immediately verify her identity.

(B)properly, in order to create a case number to be used in any future actions.

(C)improperly, since he should have first found out how much suspected controlled substance was involved.

(D)properly, in order to protect her if she becomes the subject of a search while bringing the suspected substance to the police.


27.A certain desk officer receives a call from a male parent who has discovered what he believes is a narcotic substance in the backpack of his 14-year-old son. The desk officer correctly follows the appropriate procedure and is about to give the male parent a code phrase as mandated by the procedure involved. He then gives the male parent a code phrase consisting of three parts. After giving the male parent the first part of the code phrase, what should the desk officer give next?

(A)The precinct number

(B)The post number

(C)Any letter of the alphabet randomly selected

(D)A four-digit number


28.On September 13, Officers John Smith and Mary Jones went to the home of Derrick Walker and arrested him for raping a 14-year-old school child on May 19. The officers were in possession of an arrest warrant for Walker. The warrant was issued on June 3, after a grand jury investigation determined there was reasonable cause to believe that Walker had committed the crime. The rape was originally reported by the parents of the young girl on May 25.

Based upon the above information, which of the following is not a true statement?

(A)About seven months elapsed from the time of the commission of the rape to the arrest of the suspect.

(B)The grand jury considered the case before the arrest was made.

(C)The arrest was made on the authority of a warrant.

(D)There were three witnesses to the commission of the crime.


Answer questions 29 and 30 based solely on the following procedure:

To prevent persons from jumping from structures, an officer shall do the following, in this order:

Upon arriving at a location where a person is threatening to jump from a structure, an officer shall

1.notify the radio dispatcher and request a life net.

2.attempt to persuade or prevent the person from jumping.

3.seek assistance from the person’s relatives, friends, and clergyman.

4.confine the person to the side of the building facing the street, if possible, so that life nets may be used more effectively.

5.rope off the area below and prevent persons from entering the area.

29.Officer May Rizzo assigned to radio motor patrol receives a call regarding a distraught male perched on the roof of a four-story building while threatening to jump. Officer Rizzo arrives at the scene and exits her vehicle. Her next action should be to

(A)attempt to persuade the male from jumping.

(B)seek assistance from the male’s relatives.

(C)notify the radio dispatcher and request a life net.

(D)rope off the area.


30.A situation exists where an officer has responded to the scene of a person threatening to jump from a tall building. One of the actions taken by the officer is to confine that person to the side of the building that does not face the street. According to procedure the officer acted

(A)improperly, mainly because it makes the use of a life net less effective.

(B)properly, mainly because innocent bystanders could be injured if the male jumped and landed on them.

(C)improperly, mainly because the public has a right to observe the activities of the police to prevent police misconduct.

(D)properly, mainly because the size of the crowd of onlookers will be reduced.


Group Four

15 Minute Time Limit

Directions: Following are practice questions. Each question in this group is to be answered solely on the basis of the information in the passage preceding it.

Answer questions 31 through 37 based solely on the following:

Most police departments throughout the country use the military method of telling time. The major advantage of the military method of determining time is that it uses a twenty-four hour clock, which means that it is not necessary to distinguish between A.M. and P.M. Under the standard (or civilian) method of telling time, which uses a twelve-hour clock, the same numbers appear in the time twice a day and are distinguished by adding either A.M. or P.M. For example, under the civilian method, it is eleven o’clock twice during each day, in the morning when it is 11 A.M. and at night when it is 11 P.M. Since the military method utilizes a twenty-four-hour clock, the same numbers never appear in the time more than once a day. For example, at 11:00 A.M. in the civilian method, it is 1100 hours in the military method; and at 11:00 P.M., it is 2300 hours. Noon in the military method is represented by 1200 hours, and midnight is represented by 2400 hours. The time between midnight and noon is fairly easy to remember in the military system since it is similar to the civilian method. For example, when it is 3:00 A.M. civilian time it is 0300 hours military time; when it is 4:30 A.M. it is 0430 hours. It is the time after noon that becomes a little difficult to determine under the military system. The rule to follow is to add 12 hours to the civilian time to determine the military time during the second half of the day. For example, when it is 2:25 P.M. in civilian time it is 1425 hours in military time (2:25 hours plus 12 hours because it is P.M.).

31.Based upon the above information, the major advantage of using military time is that

(A)it is less confusing.

(B)it is more accurate.

(C)the same numbers never appear in the time more than once a day.

(D)it is a better way to distinguish between A.M. and P.M.


32.Based upon the above information, which of the following is a true statement?

(A)Civilian time is less accurate than military time.

(B)All police departments in the country use military time.

(C)Military time was devised by the United States Army.

(D)Military time uses a twenty-four-hour clock.


33.Based upon the above information, the military time equivalent of 3:28 P.M. is

(A)0328 hours.

(B)1528 hours.

(C)1828 hours.

(D)2028 hours.


34.Based upon the above information, at 35 minutes after noon, it is

(A)12:35 A.M. and 0035 hours.

(B)12:35 P.M. and 0035 hours.

(C)12:35 A.M. and 1235 hours.

(D)12:35 P.M. and 1235 hours.


35.Based upon the above information, the correct military time when it is 4:45 P.M. civilian time is

(A)0445 hours.

(B)0045 hours.

(C)1445 hours.

(D)1645 hours.


36.Based upon the above information, when it is 20 minutes after midnight, it is

(A)0020 hours and 12:20 A.M.

(B)2420 hours and 12:20 A.M.

(C)1220 hours and 12:20 A.M.

(D)2020 hours and 12:20 A.M.


37.Based upon the above information, which of the following is a true statement concerning the initials A.M.?

(A)They stand for “after midnight.”

(B)They stand for “ante meridiem.”

(C)They stand for “après minuit.”

(D)It is not known.


Answer questions 38 through 40 based solely on the paragraph below and the following information:

On August 3, at fifty minutes after midnight, an explosion took place in front of the Transylvania Embassy in Brooklyn. One hour and ten minutes prior to the explosion, a bearded man was observed loitering in front of the embassy. Fifty-five minutes after the explosion a telephone call was received at police headquarters stating that the explosion was the responsibility of the Anti-Vampire League. At 1:45 P.M. on the same day, a rock was thrown through the embassy window injuring two diplomats. Fifty minutes prior to the rock-throwing incident, the same bearded man was observed in front of the embassy. At 8:35 P.M., the bearded man was arrested by Police Officer Maureen Williams when he once again returned to the embassy.

38.At what time was the bearded man first observed in the vicinity of the Transylvania Embassy?

(A)0050 hours

(B)2340 hours

(C)0210 hours

(D)0010 hours


39.At what time was the telephone call made to police headquarters, claiming responsibility for the explosion?

(A)0135 hours

(B)0055 hours

(C)0435 hours

(D)0145 hours


40.At what time was the bearded man arrested?

(A)2035 hours

(B)0835 hours

(C)1435 hours

(D)1345 hours


Group Five

20 Minute Time Limit

Directions: Following are practice questions. Each question in this group is to be answered solely on the basis of the information in the passage preceding it.

Answer questions 41 through 43 based solely on the following information:

When a police officer issues a summons, he or she has to be aware of the agency that has jurisdiction over the offense for which the summons was issued. Listed below are various agencies which have jurisdiction over the most common summonsable offenses:



Stopping, standing, and parking offenses.

N.Y.C. Transportation Administration, Parking Violations Bureau

Traffic infractions (other than Stopping, Standing, and Parking), and:

N.Y.S. Department of Motor Vehicles Administrative Adjudication Bureau

a. Unlicensed operator,


b. Unregistered vehicle,


c. No insurance identification card.


Pedestrian offenses and traffic misdemeanors except unlicensed operator, unregistered vehicle, and no insurance identification card.

N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 5

Garages and parking lots.

N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 6

All other summonsable offenses.

N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 7

41.Based upon the above information, a summons that would not be processed in N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 7, is

(A)uncovered garbage can.

(B)parking by a fire hydrant.

(C)unleashed dog.



42.A summons for unregistered vehicles comes under the jurisdiction of the

(A)N.Y.S. Department of Motor Vehicles, Administrative Adjudication Bureau.

(B)N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 5.

(C)N.Y.C. Transportation Administration, Parking Violations Bureau.

(D)N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 6.


43.Offenses involving garages and parking lots come under the jurisdiction of the

(A)N.Y.S. Criminal Court, Part 6.

(B)N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 7.

(C)N.Y.S. Criminal Court, Part 5.

(D)N.Y.C. Criminal Court, Part 6.


Answer questions 44 through 50 based solely on the following information:

Certain summons cases require the police officer issuing the summons to follow special procedures, as follows:



U.S. Mail Trucks

1. Serve summons for moving traffic violations only.

2. Report all traffic offenses to commanding officer, giving: operator’s name, time and place of occurrence, whether summons was served.

NOTE: Government vehicles do not require registration plates.

Violation of the Administrative Code relating to Bingo, occurring when a representative of the State Lottery Control Commission is present

1. Obtain name and title of representative.

2. Request representative to appear in court to sign corroborating affidavit.

3. Report facts, including representative’s name and title, to commanding officer.

Violation of Administrative Code Criminal and Civil Penalty

1. Serve summons.

2. Prepare Administrative Code Violation Notice (PD372-151).

Premises licensed by State Liquor Authority

Report any summons served on premises to station house supervisor.

Report facts to commanding officer.

Sale of alcoholic beverages during prohibited hours

1. Check time by radio, telephone, or other official media.

2. Seize beverage as evidence.

3. Secure other evidence such as proof of sale, identity of persons served, identity and job title of persons on premises, number of persons entering during prohibited hours.

4. Deliver evidence to crime laboratory for analysis.

5. Report facts to commanding officer.

Violation of Noise Control Code

1. Serve summons.

2. Prepare Administrative Code Violation Notice (PD372-151).

Purchase of alcoholic beverages by fraudulent proof of age

If violator is over 16 years of age, make summons returnable to Part 7 of Criminal Court (under 16—juvenile report). Report facts to commanding officer.

Public Service Commission Certificate—Violation of Section 61, subdivision 14, Public Service Law

Make summons returnable to Criminal Court, Part 7. Report facts to commanding officer.

Garages and Parking Lots

Offenses returnable to Part 6, Criminal Court, except Richmond, Part 1. Report facts to commanding officer.


Circle speed when 25 MPH or more over speed limit.

Unleashed dog in park

Serve summons for violation of Health Code (Section 161.05).

Summons served by Highway Patrol District member for offense not personally observed

Draw line through statement on summons that reads: “I personally observed the commission of the offense charged above.”

Traffic offense observed, unable to serve summons

Report circumstances to commanding officer, who may direct applying for court summons.

Missing Meter Number

Determine number from numbers of adjoining meters.

Overtime Parking

Enter time of observation.

44.Based upon the above information, when is a “Garages and Parking Lots” summons returnable in Part 1 of the Criminal Court?


(B)When it is issued in Richmond

(C)When it is so directed by the commanding officer

(D)All of the time


45.Based upon the above information, Section 161.05 of the Health Code deals with

(A)missing parking meter numbers.

(B)unleashed dogs in a park.

(C)noise control.

(D)overtime parking.


46.Based upon the above information, when is a summons issued for “Purchase of alcoholic beverages by fraudulent proof of age” returnable to Part 7 of the Criminal Court?

(A)All of the time


(C)When the violator is under 16 years of age

(D)When the violator is over 16 years of age


47.Based upon the above information, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

(A)When a speeding summons is issued for speeds of 25 MPH or more, the speed is circled on the summons.

(B)In cases of missing meter numbers, the officer is to get the meter number involved from the numbers of adjoining meters.

(C)Any summons case involving alcoholic beverages requires the seizing of the alcoholic beverage as evidence.

(D)Summonses are not served for violations of the Noise Control Code.


48.While on routine patrol on August 23, Officer Carole Jones observed a U.S. mail truck without license plates or a valid inspection stamp proceed through a red light at the intersection of 31st Road and Broad-way in the Borough of Richmond. Officer Jones pulled the vehicle over to the side of the road and issued the driver two summonses: one for going through the red light, the other for driving a vehicle without license plates.

Based upon the above information, the officer’s action was

(A)proper, since the summonses issued were for moving violations only.

(B)improper, since the driver of a U.S. mail truck is immune from summonses.

(C)proper, since the driver of a U.S. mail truck is eligible to receive moving and parking summonses.

(D)improper, since U.S. mail trucks are not required to have registration plates.


49.On July 15, Police Officer Clarence Williams observed a Dodge, registration number SWE 337, traveling well over the speed limit in a school zone posted for 35 miles per hour. Officer Williams was on foot patrol so he could not pursue the vehicle to serve a summons. Instead, Officer Williams went directly to court and applied for a court summons.

Based upon the above information, Officer Williams acted

(A)properly, since the violation was such a serious one.

(B)improperly, since there is no provision for such a procedure to be followed.

(C)properly, since the safety of so many children was endangered.

(D)improperly, since Officer Williams should have first reported to his commanding officer.


50.Based upon the above information, which of the following instances does not require a notification to an officer’s commanding officer?

(A)A situation involving illegal sale of alcoholic beverages

(B)A situation involving a summons served in a parking lot

(C)A situation involving purchase of alcoholic beverages by fraudulent proof of age

(D)A situation involving a summons served in a premises licensed by the State Liquor Authority
