The blind man loves you with his eyes, the deaf man with his music. The hospital, the battlefield, the torture room, serve you with numberless petitions. On this most ordinary night, so bearable, so plentiful in grave distractions, touch this worthless ink, this work of shame. Inform me from the great height of your beauty.


Inform me from the great height of your beauty.

I discovered the genesis of this lovely melody on pages 2–4 of the Challenge Duplicate Book, scribbled in Germany sometime during the winter of 1972:

My official life

has become extensive

First of all

I only sing official songs

at official concerts

and I play

my official Ramírez guitar

for official audiences

In Stockholm a female official

serving drinks at the Crazy Horse

porno bar infected me

with a disease

diagnosed officially as gonoreahia (sic)

cured by an official and monstrous

needle in Berlin

My phone conversations are all official

even the most casual

Iris is officially unavailable

She told me that at the jukebox

which was undergoing my official


Her beauty was official blonde Botticelli

emerging among the pizzas in Munich

on my official visit to the student section

The “official” song is abandoned here at the bottom of page 2 (unlined). On page 4 (unlined) we find the articulation of the “seed desire” which is the energy behind the original entry and its evolution into PETITIONS:

Only to have Iris

smile on me

from the great height

of her beauty