THE PRO (1973)

Lost my voice in New York City

never heard it again after sixty-seven

Now I talk like you

Now I sing like you

Cigarette and coffee to make me sick

Couple of families to make me think

Going to see my lawyer

Going to read my mail

Lost my voice in New York City

Guess you always knew


from the Nashville Notebooks of 1969:

I leave my silence to a co-operative of poets

who have already bruised their mouths against it.

I leave my homesick charm to the scavengers of

spare change who work the old artistic corners,

I leave the shadow of my manly groin to those who

write for pay.

I leave to several jealous men a second-rate legend

of my life.

To those few high school girls

who preferred my work to Dylan’s

I leave my stone ear

and my disposable Franciscan ambitions