
In Your Arms


“Unh... unez... pec-teh... con-see... ”

“Unexpected consequences.” Yuval corrected.

“Un-expec-ted con-se-cuen-ces... ” Amath repeated, musing over the letters in the book. He rubbed his eyes with a sigh. “Why do I have to learn to read this ridiculous language?”

“Because you need to be able to help me, and you need to be able to know your way around when you’re on your own as well.” Yuval recited, smirking a little. “Still so whiny for a warrior.”

Amath glared his way, then flipped the page of the book he was attempting to read, muttering under his breath. “Why can’t you use magic for this...?”

“Because,” Yuval said, having heard him, “There is no spell for this in particular. Tell me, how is he adapting?”

Glad for the break from the tedious book, Amath looked up and shrugged. He slammed the book shut with a gesture and tossed it on the nearest table.

“Alright, I suppose.” He stretched his arms up and out, gesture wide, and yawned. “He no longer wants to kill you.”

“Ah, improvement,” Yuval chuckled. “So I can visit the duke’s manor now?”

Amath shrugged again and stood. “He’s only threatening to rip out Vikar’s head one out of five times.”

“Good, good.”

“He’s mostly forgiven me, after I took him out into the forest to bring the last of your things, he seemed to have gotten a better understanding of why I had you summon him.”

Yuval nodded again. He reached out for his hands. “And how are you handling it?”

Amath held to those hands and let his wizard pull him closer. Yuval nuzzled to him, knowing well how distressing it’d been for him to find so many years had passed back in his world, when only one had passed here. That his war had been fought and over, and his clan had moved on. That his son had grown.

“I’m handling it.”

Yuval’s soft lips pressed to his, rewarding him with a smile when they pulled back. “Do you regret not going back?”

He shook his head, bringing Yuval’s arm around himself, letting go of the hands to wrap his own arms around Yuval’s form. “I am where I want to be.”

“And where is that?” Yuval teased between small kisses, kisses he eagerly answered with his own.

“Where I’m happiest. In your arms.”

~  ~
